Jun. 17th, 2016


Spamming the f-list, AW YEAHHHH!


Post your character list. People will reply by picking one of your characters and one of their characters and you will tell them - no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, make up an non-canon child.)

A. Circumstances of Conception
B. Name
C. Three Random Facts

I tend to sort of sum up the life of the spawn as an answer for C, but that is personal preference and you CAN, in fact, just do three random facts instead of writing a drabble ;) Don't feel pressured to do more just because I can't help myself!

We did this once before, and the results are BRILLIANT and also here

Jun. 7th, 2016


HI my loves. I am still feeling super shitty, so I thought I would do something to kickstart my brains.


I love the Texts from Last Night Meme and we have done it previously here (those still make me lol so hard)

Instructions: Give me one of your characters and one of mine, and I will give you their top Texts From Last Night!

I was thinking we each make a comment with our characters (or a link to them) and people can comment to our lists with character suggestions. And of course the site to get the Texts from is http://textsfromlastnight.com/ :D

And I think if you want to know someone's texts from last night but you don't have characters who interact with them, just name the character and the player can choose who the texts are for! (<----Quite important for new players with only one character who want to do lots!)
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May. 3rd, 2016


First Kiss Meme

My attempt to write my bio for Goth has turned into an academic essay instead so I'm taking a break from it. Let's do memes instead! (Cause we haven't had enough right?)

- Post a list of your characters
- Someone will reply with a random character of theirs and one of yours
- Write a short drabble thing about how their first kiss would go

(obviously this isn't gonna be canon mostly, but I remember it being lots of fun and LEADING to some canon last time it happened!)

Apr. 28th, 2016


MEME TIME! Based on a scene from Parks and Rec, you post your character list (or a link to list) and people reply with specific characters they are curious about!

The name of the character is Eagle One! And then you give you their:

Been There Done That:
Currently Doing That:
It Happened in A Dream Once:
If I had to pick a (Dude/Chick/Generally-Not-Preference):
Eagle Two:

& Bonus - I'd Be Lying if I Said I Hadn't Thought About It:

FOR EXAMPLE If Patroclus was Eagle One his list would be:

Been There Done That: Helen
Currently Doing That: Roxanna
It Happened in A Dream Once: Thetis
If I had to pick a (Dude/Chick/Generally-Not-Preference): Achilles (I mean obvs)
Eagle Two: Nicholas Rowland
I'd Be Lying if I Said I Hadn't Thought About It: Briseis
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Nov. 15th, 2013



Post your character list. People will reply by picking one of your characters and one of their characters and you will tell them - no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, make up an uncanon child.)

A. Circumstances of Conception
B. Name
C. Three Random Facts

Jul. 16th, 2013


Hey guys you know what we haven't had in a while?

A Meme :D

So if people want to join in, that'd be neat :D

Rules are simple:

Give me (in this case meaning all players) one of your characters and one of mine. I will write a love note from mine to yours.

 photo tumblr_lzlxin1hnp1qieqzo.gif

Apr. 29th, 2013


You like memes? I like memes! Let's have a food meme!

Comment with one of my characters and I will answer the following questions:
1. What is their favorite food?
2. What is their favorite fast food restaurant?
3. Can they cook? How well?
4. What is their favorite kind of food to cook? (Desserts, a certain ethnicity, etc.)
5. What is the one thing that's likely to be in their fridge at all times?

All my kids are here, minus Jesse, which is this one.

And post yours so people can ask you, too!

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Mar. 22nd, 2013


Liz and I were talking (well mostly she was) about little quirks characters have that we know in head canon but aren't necessarily something we write about often. I went trolling for memes because it seemed like an awesome thing to have people talk about. I found a couple and amalgamated them.

I thought, since sometimes when memes are going around and the character you get asked about isn't necessarily the one you want to talk about, we could just comment to this, filling out whichever questions we wanted to answer with whatever characters from that character's journal. That way you can talk about whatever ones you want without waiting for someone to ask.

The questions. Answer any/all of them )
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Feb. 8th, 2013


Tumblr Pics

1. Find a MEME that suits the character (yours or others)
2. Because we all need a laugh!
3. Spam Ahoy!
That took way too damn long on my phone...

I'll let Will take a running start )

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Nov. 12th, 2012


WE GOT NEW BLOOD, Y'ALL! I think this calls for a meme. And I'm bored. Humor me. XD

So here goes: Give me one (or more) of my characters, and I'll give you some songs that are found on their music players OR books that are found on their shelves OR movies that are found in their DVD players.

Have at it! Post your lists and have others ask you, too! (Unlike last time, where I almost made it the Liz Meme Time XD). You can find my list here.
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Oct. 2nd, 2012


I'm doing a meme because my head is unstuffy at the moment and I am taking a break from being a lazy ass. I've done this before but it is always one hell of a ride when I post. It also breaks into some fresh ideas a lot of times for logs. And I get to insert funny Mozart gif because it makes the world go round.

1. Go to youtube.com
2. Type in your character's name
3. Post links to any weird, interesting, sweet
and kick-ass vids/songs you find that pop up!

AND...sit down! I ain't done yet...XD

4. Link to song(s) that remind you of certain characters/give the how and why!
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Sep. 1st, 2012



I slept all day (damn you, Chronic Fatigue!) so it is 6 am and I am still up. And alone. And slightly batty.

SO. MEME! Yeaaahhhh.

Give me one of your characters and one of mine, and I will give you their top Texts From Last Night!

I was thinking we each make a comment with our characters (or a link to them) and people can comment to our lists with character suggestions. And of course the site to get the Texts from is http://textsfromlastnight.com/ :D

And I think if you want to know someone's texts from last night but you don't have characters who interact with them, just name the character and the player can choose who the texts are for!
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Aug. 30th, 2012


As all of you know, I can have the attention span of a gnat some days. But today is not that day. XD And I thought, what with the influx of new characters, we could have a meme! (That's allowed, right? If not, tell me and I'll take this down.)

But, here goes:

Comment with 1-5 questions on the following subjects:
• To my characters [I will respond ICly as that character]
• About my characters [I will respond OOC]
• Generic RP/writing questions

([info]rpmemes is an awesome place, yo. XD)

{Told y'all I'd be very 'entertain meeeeee' this week. LOL.}

And my characters are here, minus Terpsichore, because I still need to add her. And you guys can post yours for others to ask about, too! (Sorry if that wasn't really clear, I am not so bored that I'll demand the attention of everyone, LOL.)
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Aug. 16th, 2012


Forced Honesty Meme

We need a meme....because well....WE NEED A MEME. I may or may not have stole this from previous games
~This one looked fun and always generated a lot of interaction!~


♥* Post as your character and confess their deepest darkest secrets!*
♥* Comment to other people's comments and tell their characters your characters' deepest darkest
 secret thoughts pertaining to them! You can also go anon if you like!*
*Go wild!*
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