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Jul. 26th, 2016


ADDITIONAL MOD POST because I like spamming (actually it's because I am doing mod things for the first time in weeks SHUT UP)

Can you lovely humans take a look at the holds page and make sure I actually have everything on there correctly? I have been looking at it for so long I can't tell any more.

In addition, since we have lots of holds atm (WHICH IS FINE AND AT LEAST FIVE OF THEM ARE MINE) have a look and see if you still want the hold? Obvs if you do, there is no worries! Sometimes reviewing is helpful though.

In that vein, I am thinking of dropping my hold on Classical music, unless people really want that character in game? Of course someone else is also welcome to request me drop they hold so THEY can app the character!
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Anyway, that's enough about the wonders of bird ownership...

HI GUYS! We have a new player today, so be very welcoming when they introduce themselves! As if you are ever anything different! ;)

BUT the main reason for this post is that I want to put the gamewide, Blackout in NYC plot into effect on FRIDAY (which is Saturday here in NZ for my fellow Kiwi playas) It will happen around 2pm but people likely won't really start to notice until nighttimes unless they are running aircon or something.

If anyone wants to change the date to push it back OR forward because they have something major going on on Friday/Saturday, LET ME KNOW as his is totes flexible.

For the new people, this gamewide plot means that the electricity for the ENTIRE CITY of NYC will be out. For days. I am thinking 5 at the very least, but we can play when they get things up and running again by ear. We have a previous gamewide ghost plot that was supposed to be a few days but went for two weeks, so you know... ;)

Things will be pretty calm at first, but when it starts to look like the electricity isn't coming back any time soon, chaos will ensue. The city will assume it is some kind of terrorist plot and block off ALL traffic to and from NYC including cars/boats/planes (which couldn't fly anyway because of the lack of electricity for flight guidance). Most stores will be closed unless they decide to operate cash only, which will be rare, so supplies will run low. No heated water, no traffic lights, no air con, no television, no internet (people can still post to their IJs with cellphones, OBVS! but charging will be a problem) Rich people can have things like generators to run electricity and some people might still be able to cook if they have gas ovens, but mostly, our characters will be electricityless which, after living in a post-earthquake city like Christchurch, sucks fucking ass.

SO feel free to let your creativity soar here! Riots will probably start up in the streets. The normal chaos things like looting, etc will also be going on. This is being caused by demons and I cant actually think of how they will pull it off, but WHO CARES IT'S FICTION YAY.

Feel free to use this post to plan out any plot points or ask for threads based around this event! LOVE YOU BUNCHES! <3
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May. 21st, 2016



So you know how a while back I suggested we do another game-wide plot after giving the city a break from the ghosts? I think I might have an idea? But obviously tell me your thoughts here!

We have quite a lot of lesser demons eeking their way out of the brickwork (and I am about to bring in one soonish too I think) and Circe's comment about Lilith basically thumbing her nose at them gave me an idea. What if the lesser demons got together to basically fuck with NYC for a week or so?

My idea is that they basically find a way to cut the power. All power (except possibly solar which some of the richies might have?) to the city for about a week. It would mean MAJOR changes in everything. Hospitals would be on generators. Flights couldn't leave. Trains couldn't run. No internet (though I say we still allow phone posting to journals just because I would be sad not to have them? but what do you guys think?) no cooking, no lights after dark that aren't candles. You know. I reckon the police would set up a cordon around the city and ask people not to leave or enter without permission.

Chaos ensues. And the lesser demons are like "YOU CAN THANK US NOW, HELL KINGS AND QUEENS"

I am thinking later in June or early July for this, in order for people to get plots wrapped up, and new people to get their characters apped if they want to take part. Thoughts? Alternative ideas? HIT ME UP!
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Apr. 5th, 2016


HI, BABES! I advertised to like 6 different places, so hopefully we'll get some interest. Feel free to tell any friends who might want to join, AND it would be awesome if you wanted to pimp the game on Tumblr or any other social media. You can link to this comment: and use the picture or anything. Or you can use the following code for a place which allows HTML

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Apr. 3rd, 2016



1) Loved our ghost times! You guys are really amazing and I loved what people came up with. After a while of (relative) peace, we should do a game wide thing again. Feel free to pitch ideas in the comments! Maybe it can take place in June/July? If we have more than one idea, we could do a poll and vote!

2) To that end, how do people feel about advertising the game again? That way if we do bring in new people, they will be more established by the time we do a game-wide thing. Does anyone know of places to advertise? I have an advertisement mocked up so I can do it right away if people agree, and places are suggested.

3) That said, if we DO bring new people in, since we are a very established group, then I think extra efforts need to be made to include them. This means replying on their journal entries, even if your characters don't know theirs, replying to open posts, offering plots, etc. I know we have had people who had joined and then left because they made posts and tried to join in and they were relatively ignored. Obviously, we're busy people so no worries there, but if you are replying to the f-list and there's a new person on it, maybe reach out to them? I know from experience it's no fun joining a game when on one includes you!

4) On a personal note, I want to bring in Zelus. Any PB ideas? And I am still searching for someone to play George Boleyn with me, for some bro/sis shenanigans!
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Mar. 29th, 2016



I have updated the cast page (finally shhhh) all except for The Fates and Sci-fi/Fantasy as Circe is currently making manip images for me for them.

SO can you please check out all the mod pages and see if there are any mistakes? Then comment and let me know. I am not perfect and I fuck up all the time ;)


Mar. 12th, 2016



Apologies, life got really real there for a bit. I had to finish a research project and then I had to recover from the research project. SO. I will do mod things and THEN I will do something with Melinoe tomorrow. So technically the ghosts are still around, but they will start fading and then be totally gone by tomorrow! You can still backdate stuff from the ghost week and a bit (I will be for Victor and Wrath) or whatever!



Feb. 29th, 2016


Ignore that I am doing this from this journal, it's just because I'm about to post from him ;)

OKAY SO TOMORROW IS GHOST DAY! I need Circe to be around to do the kidnapping thing, BUT she is busy as fucking shit tomorrow, so I will be putting up a placeholder for Melinoe and Ate. As soon as that goes up, you guys are free to do whatever in the hell you would like to do with the ghosts! No need to wait for anything else, just throw whatever you want up and your characters can comment on it in journals as well.

Feel free to do more planning on this post too, should you so choose! I am going to link the past post here in a moment just to remind you of the guidelines I put forth, but honestly do whatever you want to do, that's what NM is about.


PSSSST Link is here
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Feb. 9th, 2016



About to do mod things (I have characters to add!) but I thought I would throw this out there first. I would really like to do a game-wide plot though it is strictly opt-in as NO ONE is required to take part if they don't want to! Liz and I discussed it, and I have mentioned it to Ren and Circe as well.

On the 29th of February (YAY LEAP YEAR) Melinoe is going to be kidnapped. Details haven't been worked out yet, but essentially she's going to be made to bring back ghosts and NYC is going to be literally flooded with them. The ghosts will be around for about three days, and then Melione will be rescued and the ghosts will disappear.

The ghosts can be a loved OR a hated one of any of you characters. For example, for Patrick I plan to bring back his former master from Ireland who kept him as a slave AND his dead friend Neil who was killed by Lucifer. For Victor Brannigan, his dead wife Sarah will make an appearance. Possibly his parents too. Friends, family,'s open season for ghosts. Additionally, they DO NOT have to hang around your characters for the full three days if you want it to be just a one off thing. Go wild with it. Get creative.

That said, I want to put a few guidelines in place. It's up to you whether your ghost can touch the living character or not, but if a ghost fully manifests to, say, get jiggy with their living partner (GHOST SEXXXXX) then they will appear a bit translucent for a while afterwards. Like it drains their power to be that solid for that long? Ghosts can also be unable to touch the living person at all; same with the environment. If you want your ghost to only be able to like...write words in the shower fog on the mirror, but not be able to touch your character, that's totally okay. The ghosts can ALSO be completely unaware the living person is there. They can be invisible (more like poltergeist activity) and just throw shit around. They can just be the dark shape in the corner, like the proverbial Dark Figure in ghostlore. Not everyone's ghost visitations have to be the same, but it just shouldn't be like having your cousins come visit or something.

FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS IN COMMENTS. Throw around plotlines if you want, suggest ideas for ghosts. Offer someone to kidnap Melinone (though I can do that myself if need be, no worries). Let's have an awesome time!

I will, of course, put a reminder up a few days before the event! :D
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Jan. 14th, 2016


Updated everything but the cast list! I am baking so I don't have time to look for photos right now, so I will do it tomorrow. Let me know if I got everything right, AND if you want to choose a photo for your character, feel free to link me one in the comments! No black and white though!

On that note, if I ever choose a photo you don't like for the cast page, you are ALWAYS welcome to link me a different one and I will switch it out, no worries! I usually just go with whatever's biggest and not black and white, so if you don't feel it represents your bb, or you just like another one more, let me know. You don't even need a reason beyond, "I like it" :D

I am interviewing for a job next week, which will be ten hours a week in office. Also next week I start my afterhours phone job permanently which means I get paid to be at home and in front of a computer doing whatever I want as long as I take calls when they come in. So. Being around will be helli-easy as long as I don't somehow pinch a nerve in my ass again or whatever in the hell I did these past two weeks. You should have seen me try to walk.

ANYWAY, mod out!

Dec. 18th, 2015


Hi my people,

been busy as hell these past few days so I haven't gotten to the mod stuff y'all are sending me, but know IT GIVES ME GREAT JOY OKAY :D:D:D I love seeing holds and apps :D SO I will get to it tonight, unless I get called out, but starting from next week I have a job which requires me to both be at home, and on a computer. So you know. Less being called away, Hey hey!

SO. If there's any mod stuff you need me to do, IE change photos on the cast page, update shixz, etc, you can comment here and I will get to it. Obvs I will already be attending to the stuff on the holds page and adding the awesome Medusa (PLOTS WITH PERSEUS PLS K THX) but if there's stuff in addition to this, let me know!



Aug. 28th, 2015



Guys, Ren posted a post here

Can you please weigh in on it? I don't want to approve this unless everyone in game is okay with it so I would really appreciate your input here.

Mod Out ;) (I should have used the mod journal but eh)

May. 11th, 2015



Finally getting mod stuff done. I still haven't updated the cast list, but I can do it after my lecture this afternoon! Everything else should be done though, so have a look at the PB and player pages etc and let me know if I missed anything. My mind is just a LITTLE BIT on my assignment due next week ;)


Jan. 29th, 2015



I finally got fed up with comments collapsing so I searched for a thread unfolder and found this tutorial.

It's got scripts for Chrome and Firefox. I only installed the FF one so if you have questions about it, let me know and I can help! It worked and I love being able to unfold comments instead of always clicking to a new page omg.



OKAY! I have mocked up an ad, but I want your feedback before I post it anywhere. SO. Let me know if this works for you guys and if I should add/subtract/change anything.

Or you know, if I fucked up spelling, HTML etc.

Ad )

Jan. 27th, 2015




I have updated the Wanted Page so feel free to check it out and add things, tell me to delete things, etc!

Now I just have to finish up and advertise!

Love you alllll!

Jan. 25th, 2015




I believe I have cleared out most inactive players and emailed a few others to see if they are sticking around or if they want to drop.

What I need need NEED you guys to do is to check the Cast List. If I have left ANYONE off/on, or if I have any details wrong PLEASE comment here and I will fix it ASAP. In addition, it would really help me out if you could check over the Holds Page to see if you need to keep/drop your holds (please leave a new comment to let me know so I can delete old ones?), theTaken PB page and the Friend Code as well, to let me know if there are any mistakes on it.

My next step, beyond checking in with the other players and mocking up ads, is to re-vamp the Wanted Characters list. I though I would make a little list of characters which have been dropped that have backstory in game. For example, if I were to drop Hermes (WHICH I WILL NOT) he has significant backstory with the Lowsleys, Roxanna and Julia. So I would put a little * there, and let players know that character is wanted, but backstory needs to be discussed.

SO. Feel free to go to that page with ANY characters you want that have been dropped, and then maybe put a note to contact you so you can explain backstory! I am also going to be adding mortal siblings which have been dropped, like Lena's sister and the Kemp sisters. So let me know if there are people you want on there at all!


Jan. 24th, 2015


Hey, guys! Mod here.

I'm going to advertise in a few days to see if we can get some new blood up in here. What THAT means is that in the next few days I am going to be clearing out inactive players and holds which haven't been apped.

What I am asking you guys to do, is have a hard look at your lists and let me know if there are any characters you want to drop. Let me know here or on the drop page (please give me the journal names and PBs otherwise I have to look that shit up and that's annoying) and I can get things all cleared out before I advertise. Also check your holds and make sure you still want them!

That's all! Let me know if you have comments or questions! And don't feel pressured to drop, obvs, I just mean if you want to get rid of characters you have been meaning to drop, now would be a great time!


Oct. 2nd, 2014


We had some drops which mean some characters are open/some PBs are available!

Constanze Mozart
Emma Franklin
Helen of Troy
Robin Hood
Video Games

Allison Mack
Barbara Palavin
Blake Lively
Emily Vancamp
Emmy Rossum
Isabelle Fuhrman
Jaimie Alexander
Jena Malone
Liv Tyler
Lyndsey Fonseca
Michelle Trachtenberg
Sarah Bolger
Sophia Myles
Vanessa Hudgens

Ben Barnes
Gabriel Macht
Jensen Ackles
Jonathan Bennett
Luke Evans
Lauri Ylonen
Steve Forrest

May. 1st, 2014


HELLO BBS! The following characters/PBs are available to be used/held:

King Arthur
Ching Shih

Eva Green
Blake Lively
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Kristen Schaal
Olivia Wilde
Nora Tschirner
Neve Campbell
Lady Morgana
Jamie Van Dyke
Cristina Scabbia
Jessica Lucas
Viggo Mortensen
Maggie Q
Anthony Head
Nina Dobrev
Holland Roden
Tricia Helfer
Kellan Lutz

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