Mar. 16th, 2013


ugh this is a shitty post

Hey guys. I'm really, really sorry that it's come to this, but I've lost my inspiration for posting here, and though I do love my characters and the interactions they've had, it's hard to find the motivation to keep up. This is a painful decision, and I know I'm letting some people down with it, but I think it needs to be done so I'm not sitting on characters that can be played much better.

With that, I'm taking Adonis, Apate, Belladonna, Elaine, Enyo, Jas, Kindness, Manga, Morgause, Nanna, Neoptolemus, and Sophia. I've loved playing with you kids, and tyvm for all the fun plot we've done. Much love to everyone who remains, and perhaps I shall see you in another game. ♥♥


Feb. 21st, 2013


UGHHHH. Hey guys. This is a two part post-- first part is my apology for being so flighty, but if I'm going to be honest, my motivation kind of ran out the door. Being in more than one game usually means I let one fall by the wayside, and I never wanted that to happen. So hello, I'm sorry I said I was back, but this time I will make the effort!

On that note, though, I have to drop a couple, namely: K-Pop, Percival, Themis, and Fashion. I'm kind of ehhhnnn about Adonis and Nanna. My others will still be around though! And I have some seeeerious catching up to do, so if anyone has filtered to any of mine and I've missed it, I'M SO SORRY LDJHDLJD and I know I'm overdue for quite a bit with certain chars.

So like, HI AND STUFF.


Feb. 11th, 2013



So I hate making these because ugh I feel bad (this is a bad preface), but I really am sorry for going poof for a bit. School + sad + magazine work + costume making + new membership at gym meant less time, BUTTTTTTT I am here now and planning to do some tags in the morning, promise promise. I also have to make one or two drops I think, but no one who'll cause anyone to lose a lot of CR. My apologies to Ren and Chelsea, YOU WILL HAVE TAGS IN THE MORNING. .. OR BY LUNCH.



Jan. 29th, 2013


ho hey

HI KIDS. Dropping in to say hello, I live and I am here. I had a couple bad consecutive weeks which is why I'm only now catching up, so I apologize if I've missed anything aimed at my kids. So I'm here to say that a) I will be poking at apps this week, except Van Gogh's will be so extensive that I'll have to cry about it, and b) I know over the holidays/much of the month I've delayed some logs I'm in, so IF YOU WERE EVER IN A LOG WITH MY KIDLETS then your log is mentioned here, and they are marked accordingly.

If any of you would like to continue logs and such and forgive me for my fail, let me know! ♥ Additionally, if you'd like to start a log with me, comeeeee discuss.

p.s. I have not updated my CDJ with my new kids, but I play: Adonis, Apate, Belladonna, Elaine of Corbenic, Enyo, Fashion, Kindness, KPop, Manga, Morgause, Nanna, Neoptolemus, and Percival!


Jan. 16th, 2013


HI GUYS HI GUYS. I FINALLY HAVE MORTALS. And they are the following:

JASMINE MENDOZA: Born and raised in Montana, veeery new to living in NYC. Super good amiga to Briseis! Twenty-seven, moderately chatty, extremely restless, very good with hugs and lovings, working as a photographer atm. Lost her brother David (aka Briseis' David) a few years ago. Likes to frolick among nature and go hiking and enjoys hanging out with the boys. Has NO idea of immortals existing. Frands? ♥

SOPHIA KEMP; [info]honeycrisps: Little sister to Anna, Tessa, and Thomas, and auntie to Jameson. Twenty-one and a contemp. ballet dancer at Juilliard. Is probably the quietest of her siblings, is known to push herself too much when it comes to dancing, and can kiiind of be hard to get along with at first. But she means well! And she loves her family muchos.

Thangs?! I will roll over my other apps this week, promise, and I have late tags I'M SO SORRY that I will do once I'm home and finished the draft of this mag issue. ♥♥


Jan. 7th, 2013


come one, come all

Hello kittycats, I come with an offer. I am feeling sad that I'm not playing with more of you, and I feel kind of distant? But shit, I'm pretty new, so it is my fault, really. I have two offers now: basically, I'd like to try my hand at a mortal, or more than one mortal! All the mortals! I have a couple PBs on hold right now as I'm deciding who to use them for, but if anyone has a concept, I can def go for appropriate ones. Alternatively, if someone needs an immortal parent, I'm game.

And then my second offer is more like a request-- pretty much, I want to do more to keep me occupied during the new term. My kids are hereeee (and some need pictures). Then I also have a couple on hold (though not all of them have been approved for hold). But yes, things pls! /grabbyhands


Jan. 2nd, 2013


HI HELLO I AM BACK. And happy 2013!

NYC was amazing, only it was windy as shit and we didn't get close enough to the ball in Times Square to see it drop. Or to see PSY perform, fml. But we were there! It was cold (but not as cold as Ottawa, and omg no snow)! My mother almost fainted! And all the rest of the days were excellent too, and I saw PHANTOM FLJHFLFJHFL. My biggest achievement was buying white Converse for $30. Also omg guys, the Disney store in Times Square is MADE OF MAGIC. The nostalgia hit me in the face like a brick. Oh, and I found a Tim Hortons. It charges twice as much as it does in Canada, gj NYC. Also, I was squeezed awkwardly between Cookie Monster, who tickled my stomach thinking it'd make me laugh (it did not), and Elmo. And I was hustled by three rappers, one of whom called me A-Sexy and gave me Honey Boo Boo glasses and an autographed CD (on which he spelled my actual name wrong) that I threw away at the hotel. I also tried fine American cuisine (Dunkin Donuts-- but no, srs, breakfast menu is really good).

But yes, hello, I HAVE LOTS OF CATCH UP TO DO. And I will probably get to tags tomorrow while I do this catch up. And... things. I missed my computer (and you all) very muchly.



Dec. 29th, 2012


Kittycats, I'm running away to New York until the 2nd, but I will be back! I'm here for the rest of the day, though-- my flight's at like 7 in the morning tomorrow (sob). Just so you gals I'm in logs with know where I am and why I'm being so slow, because I'm 99% sure there's no comp for me to use at the hotel. But I shall be back the afternoon of the 2nd!

Happy New Year in advance, kisses and hugs all around, and I hope you all have a good celebration to end 2012, be it quiet or lively. I'll see you next year. ♥


Dec. 25th, 2012



Hey kiddos! First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS. ♥ I hope your holidays have been splendid thus far. So I've been crying blood trying to figure out presents from my chars, and I figured rather than all of us doing individual posts or putting them in our journals, we could post them here? So if your char got others presents, feel free to leave a comment here with what was given. ♥♥ And also feel free to plot when/where these presents will be given to them.

Also as a sidenote: I'm going away from the 30th - 2nd out of the country and without internet access, so if anyone would like a log, poke!


Dec. 21st, 2012


gala plotty post~

Babies! I said this would go up yesterday, but fffff. So Fashion's gala thing is happening on Christmas day, though I'm putting up the log on the 24th because I have to be out of the country on the 30th and ljshls I want to write all the things. So! If your char saw this, they are free to come.

The main colors will be silver and white, there will be a looovely big Christmas tree, MISTLETOE HAHAHA (especially in the corridor to the washroom, yep), musics, free things, lots of finger foods, FREE DRANKS. Just don't get too wasted or Dom will toss you out. The dress code is fancy, but they're not expecting like, designer clothing okay.

If your lady/gent is coming, feel free to discuss threads and stuff here! Or list what they're wearing, because you can be I picked out clothes for Fashion huhuhu. But yes, things, go. ♥


Dec. 20th, 2012


all the ladies in the house

HELLO GOOD PEOPLE. Guess what? If you guessed "Angie has more characters", that's a bingo. This time, I have three ladies. The testosterone comes later. Say hello to:

ELAINE OF CORBENIC ([info]desesperee): Grail maiden, mother of Sir Galahad, once lover of Lancelot who totally got tossed aside in the end for Guinevere. Going by Leila Fisher, she's actually been in the city for a couple years and just hasn't said anything. She's currently a nanny for twin toddlers who are super duper cute because she has a guilt complex over not raising Galahad herself. As in her app, lover and not a fighter. Kind, thoughtful, strong at heart. Would love love friends, and not just of the Arthurians.

ENYO ([info]bloodthirsts): is fucking bananas. Greek goddess of war, counterpart of Ares, daughter of Zeus and Hera. Has MANY MANY SIBLINGS, HI GUYS. She doesn't like going by an alias, but when she has to, she's Sloane Kennedy. Because she's got a serious problem with bloodlust, she's been in the loony bin a couple times, and is actually coming out of one (it was out in NY state somewhere) now. Inconsiderate, selfish, needs her mouth washed out with soap, lovessss fighting. There's a bit of backstory from the prev. Enyo in which she kidnapped Hebe, so HEY HEY LOOK HERE IF YOU WERE PART OF THAT PLOT. Technically is returning to NYC after about missing for a year. Does not think she needs friends, but fighting buddies with whom she can wreck shit with are awesomeeee. AND I TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION: she is a hitwoman for hire, but uses the alias Set instead! Because no one can know she's a woman or they'll be like "ewwww hitwoman :(".

THEMIS ([info]themistes): Greek Titaness of divine law and order, one of the original 12 Titans, once wife and counselor of Zeus. Is the mother of the Horai (of which we have one, I think). Was laaater credited as mommy of the Fates, but generally leaves them to Nyx. She goes by Ella Defranco now, works as a counselor for ~troubled students~ at NYU, but has only been in the city for a short time. Themis is lovely and gentle and likes when people do good things. Would love to see her family. ;;;; And could use friiiends. ALSO HUFF HUFF, FINALLY USING MY FAVORITE ACTRESS AS A PB.

Have at. ♥


Dec. 19th, 2012



So I tend to do this at every game I'm in, and I'm quite sure some of you who were in FG years ago have seen me post this then but I now have it up in my CDJ (add me if you'd like!) for all to see. I figure a lot of people have trouble coming up with PBs for their kids, so I did this up years ago--

Angie's Handy PB Guide!

What I tend to do when looking for certain PBs who may not have as many icons in the Wikicon database, is search through Google, becaauuuse there are people who RL!RP actors/models/etc, or who use the PBs across Scribbld and IJ, SO~ I def recommend the last couple paragraphs under the find_icons link. It's super helpful. And if you don't want to do it yourself, I am here to ninja my way through all the sites to find you icons. ♥

ALTERNATIVELY if your PB is not heavily iconned, please let me know and I'll happily icon you some stuff! I'm over at [info]octonaut. I'm in the process of a zillion icon sets at once (and not all of them are requests-- I should clean up that list, oops), but if you'd like an icon set for the holidays, lemme know. ♥

p.s. If you have an icon comm/journal and would like me to feature it, drop me a note! Or if a journal is down and I haven't removed it, because I periodically go through them, but not all of them.



Dec. 16th, 2012


ummm i have no excuse

"Why can't you stop bringing in characters, Angie" you may ask yourself. The answer is I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP OKAY. So hello! Have some more kids!

ADONIS ([info]kallos): The original pretty boy, lover of Aphrodite. Goes by Noah Pryce, has only just arrived in NYC. Jobless! Kind of vain and egotistical, loves compliments, likes all of the pretty ladies. He's been around the US for some time if someone would like to offer up their lady for a past fling with him? Also! I left it unclear as to whether Ares, Apollo, or Artemis took his life. WHO WANTS DIBS? Would love friends.

BELLADONNA ([info]deadshade): New God of Belladonna, or deadly nightshade. Goes by Raven Wood, has been in NYC for about a month or two, but has been around the other States. Quiet, somewhat reserved, but loving if she cares enough about you. LOVES HER FAMILY. COME HERE, FAMILY. Works as a pharmacist at a drugstore (lbr, it's probably Walgreens). Needs friends and a roommate, if anyone is willing!

NANNA ([info]lambslaughter): Wife of Baldr, died of grief when that ASSHOLE LOKI HAD HIM KILLED. Goes by Amy Morrison, has been in NYC for about 6ish years. Owns a cute little cupcake bakery in Chelsea that has awesome cupcakes in a rainbow of colors and designs. THEY ARE COOL CUPCAKES, COME VISIT. Loving, faithful, devoted, kind. Living with Baldr rn. Could use friends. ;___; And family-in-law?

Additionally, if anyone wants stuff with other chars, I have finally updated my list here! I just need to add in my new kids' pictures but lsjhsljs

This has been an Angie post.


Dec. 14th, 2012



OHAI. This is just a drive-by apology for being spotty lately due to finals, but as of a couple hours ago I finished my last one, so I am free for a short while. Does anyone want plotssss? I currently have Apate, Fashion Industry, Kindness, KPop, Manga, Morgause, Neoptolemus, and Percival! But on hold I have Adonis, Belladonna and Nanna (who I will finish this weekend), and should they be approved: Berith, Elaine of Corbenic, and Enyo.

Things?! I have delicious candy to bribe you with.

Also, I'll be putting up a plot post on the 20th for Fashion's gala, and will put up the actual log on the 23rd (it takes place on Xmas day). Now it is time to die from these nail polish fumes.


Dec. 3rd, 2012


here comes the bride

Okay, after these three, Belladonna, and Adonis (once I finish those apps), I am doneeee for a while so I can focus on my finals. But I have three to introduce now, starting with:

APATE ([info]fourbe): Greek spirit/daimona of deceit, guile, lies, etc. Is a conwoman now and doesn't remember what her alias is because she uses SO MANY. She has a problem with being truthful and trustworthy. Has been in NYC for the last forty years. Would love to already know her siblings, because lbr, she'd never stay quiet.

KPOP ([info]jeil): Goddess of Korean Pop. She goes by Yoona Song, has only really been in America since the 2000s, and she's a professional dancer. Sweet, dedicated, hard-working, competitive, damn good at dancing. Proooobably knows JPop. Needs frands. ;;

MORGAUSE ([info]inflagrante): Sister of Morgan le Fay, half-sister to Arthur. Now she goes by Moira Gant. Presently she's the CEO of a biiig pharmaceutical company in Manhattan that I have not named, so she's a busy bee, but hardly too busy for her family. Not quite good, not quite evil. Proud, ambitious, and sexy has good counsel.

OKAY THAT'S IT, GOING TO SCHOOL NOW BYE, GIVE ME THINGS? ♥♥ Also if anything would like anything with Belladonna, let me know that as wellll.


Nov. 26th, 2012


dress me, i'm your mannequin

Well, look who it is. This is part one of my mass intros, part two coming in the next few days! I will make this as short and sweet as possible so as to not EAT UP THE PAGE. In alphabetical order:

FASHION (this one)-- New God of, well, fashion. Dual god, who goes by Betsey Johnson and Dom Cavalli. Has been around A LONGASS TIME, but only in America in the last 100 years. Betsey is loud, talkative, judgemental; Dom is calm, business-oriented, suave. Owns the Prada store in SoHo, has a blog called What Not To Wear (written primarily by Betsey), and together they own a small tailoring business outside of their store. Would adore friends, clients, the like. ♥

MANGA ([info]asensation) -- New God of Japanese manga! Sister god to Anime, goes by June Kishimoto. Spent a little time in Japan before appearing in America in the 70s. She's a mangaka (manga artist, under her real name Junko), whose work I'll totally have to make up later. She also translates manga scanlations from Japanese to English online. She is hard-working, cheerful, kind of crazy excitable. Psycho, if you push her, in the way that any fan might be about the things they love. NEEDS AMIGOS/GAS.

NEOPTOLEMUS ([info]phonomania) -- teenaged son of Achilles. Goes by Kain Vogel, hasn't been around that long. He is a HUGE bag of dicks. HUGE. Cruel and merciless but miraculously capable of loving people (sup Andromache). Probably won't have friends except for those he knew during the Trojan War, but he's game for people he's had past altercations with.



Nov. 24th, 2012


meow mix meow mix

Originally I was going to save this intro for when I had more chars to intro at once, butttt you will just have to live with a few more mass intros from me laters. SO HELLO, this is Angie with a second: the Virtue Kindness! She's been around in NYC since 1980, but has been around the States for the last 40 or so-ish years. Her name as of being in NYC has been Grace White, and over the last 10 years, she's been writing and illustrating children's books with ~magical and wise messages~ under the pen name Norma Jarrett. Anddd she volunteers at a whole array of shelters, churches, soup kitchens, you name it.

Personality-wise, she's lovely and you know, kind. Very selfless, very thoughtful, generous, magnanimous, all those nice words. She came into being like. Hundreds of years ago. A LONG TIME AGO, basically, so she's been around for a while.

If anyone would like to be friends with her or be her roomie, lemme know. ♥ COME HERE, SINS AND VIRTUES.


Nov. 20th, 2012



HI FRIENDS. I be an Angie (technically an Angela but I never go by that unless you are my friend Ryan or my dentist), and I believe I know quiteee a few of you from FG back in the day. I played this guy then, and am bringing him here, so say hello to ~PERCIVAL~. Knights of the Round represent. Right now he's going by Oliver Perez, and has only been in the States for the last like, 30ish years, having been mostly in Wales and England for the rest of the time. He's studying/training to be a police officer at CUNY because saving people and putting bad guys away is totally cool. tl;dr from his app: he's naive, kind of slow, totally loyal, very protective, and he's a Galahad fanboy. KNIGHTS, COME TO HIM. (You, too, Galahad. I SEE YOU, JILL.)

Quickly about me: I'm 22, studying in college, I live in an igloo, and I am shamefully addicted to Coke. Most days I'm in school, but I'm usually home around 6pm EST. I can be found on aim at PINUP SAINT but if you want to reach me while I'm schoolin', rockinghorsefly[at]gmail[dot]com is the way to go. I'm also over at [info]andraste if you want to friend meee.

I have a couple others on hold, if anyone wants to discuss the potential of lines-- Neoptolemus, Kindness, Renpet, and Adonis. COME TO ME. ♥
