Jan. 12th, 2013


Hello lovelies!~

So I had an idea. We have a list of taken pb's and chars but there is really no list on taken occupations.

There are so many things to do in this world but for example if there is already a mystery novelist in game, instead of creating another one (despite there being more than one mystery novelist in the world) maybe I can give them another occupation but some chars are dormant muses so I don't see them around as much and have no idea what they do (so I dunno if there is a mystery novelist in game already and I'm not saying I want to make one I'm just giving an example). And there's like a million chars soooo it'd be a bit daunting to look up each char's occupation separately.

Also it might benefit in the future to look at a list and be like "Oh so and so works at a coffee shop, that is awesome, maybe my char can work there and they can be friends!" type deal.

So the idea is to reply to this with those nifty cast lists you guys have so neatly organized and just add a dash (or really just do it however and if you want) and what their occupation is. If there are details (Works at a particular restaurant/office/firm/etc.) then feel free to include it!

Dec. 6th, 2012


Hiiii guys~

Just a quick note to say I have had to change my email address for reasons of suckage. So you lovely people can find me at neverluckymore@gmail.com now.

Circebuns, do I have to leave a note in some special area for you to use modly magic and change my email contact on the player contact page?

Sep. 18th, 2012


Hello sweet baboos. This is my demon baby the Marquis Andras!

He doesn't consider himself a demon per say, he's more into the area of wish fulfillment or problem solving. In very horrible twisted ways. He loves the concept of free will and how to use that to get what he wants out of people. He's fascinated by choices and that's how most of his deals work. He's a demon of his word, you will always get what you want just maybe not quite in the way you imagined. It's one of those you want money and then your parents die and you get an inheritance.

He tries to avoid Satan as much as he can so he doesn't get stuck with some bullshit grunt work to do but does the bare minimum required so he doesn't raise any brows. He has no qualms about working with any pantheon, why limit what he can get?

Have a problem? Call the local Chinese restaurant around the corner, the one with the D health rating. Order the "Inferno Special". He'll find you.

Then again he's looking for something these days, he might just find you on his own.

Aug. 31st, 2012


Hey guys!

This is my mortal, Zoe. She has no idea about immortals running around all over the place but loves mythology and history. She's starting work as a TA for Clio at Columbia University so if you have chars that teach or go to school there, she is ready for interaction!

Zoey as a kid used to have Gods/legends as imaginary friends and she has three that are super special to her. I didn't pick them yet XD so if you want to be one of them then let me know. I thought it'd be interesting for her to interact with an immortal that meant a lot to her without even knowing (at first anyway) who they are and it'd be a fun opportunity for the immortal too I'm sure to either be flattered or mess with her or not give a shit so she can be crushed later. But of course, open to plots with anyone.

She is not ready to learn about the other world yet. I'd like to destroy her slowly. =D

Aug. 25th, 2012


What? Another one, Lucky?

Yes, but this is the LAST one for now I swear!

Meet the sin of Lust. She's always lookin' to mess up your shit and will be working as the prized jewel in a new immortal peoples bordello (once it's all official).

ALSO, because I am a dumbass, I mixed up the entry on Anteros so an announcement on him:

He is the erote of requited love and the avenger of unrequited love (crazy Greeks..) so a minor adjustment will be made that Anteros will only love you if he can feel love in you. But in a way this makes sense as to why he has a penchant for taken ladies (I have 15 on my list and growing @_@) and preggo ladies.

Still plenty to go around~ Husbands/boyfriends be gentle okay, he bruises like a peach.

Aug. 20th, 2012


Hey guys!

Damnit, I'm already picking up more chars. Y'all warned me I would and I didn't believe you and said I wouldn't and yet here I am..

This is Anteros! Semitwin of Eros, he is unrequited love and just a big ball of puppies. He is brand new to the modern world so will be like WHOA about most things but is just full of love to give.

Fair warning, he doesn't like wearing clothes and doesn't understand the concept of deception so have fun. =D

Hit me up if you want to play with him, he would love to be in everybody's business~

Aug. 16th, 2012


Hi guys!

My name is Lucky. I will be playing Big Nose Kate, Doc Holliday's old flame from the Wild West.

A head's up, I've never had an IJ or an LJ before so I have no idea what I'm doing, if I mess up that's my excuse~

I have no idea what else to say XD except a big thank you to Circe (for telling me about Nevermore and inviting me to join), Lara (for putting up with all my questions, I had a lot y'all), and Ren (for also putting up with even more questions and helping me with the char)

Can't wait to meet the rest of you =D