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Posts Tagged: 'hemera'

Sep. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[ The world was spinning quickly around them. Hemera was living her first life as a human and, in the first years, you don’t notice but after a while, it became obvious. The world spun quickly when you were a human. The idea was becoming more and more obvious with her brother having a child, her other brother finding himself with another and her other other brother finally settling with someone.

It made her feel very very childish. And it wasn’t even because of her height or her looks – though that did help a lot. It was because she was still the college student, the one who still lived alone and who lacked something material to show she was doing something with her life. Sure, she was the youngest but still.

Hemera really missed Aether some days.]

Sep. 29th, 2012




[Filter: Family (myth & zurvan)]

I feel maybe it's time I mention something important in case I haven't. And I don't think I have. A child of mine from Zurvan came with me here. He remains mine and Ma'at's. So. I'm a father.

I don't think I need to say how incredibly new this is for me. Nephews and nieces are one thing. Knowing who and what I am makes this distracting. Not in a bad way, I think. Just distracting from the norm.

That's all.

[Filter: Charon]

I saw your post now. I had my hands full with Nikolaas and...well, yes.

You don't fuck it up by being someone other than yourself. Or so I've heard that's the best way to go. I don't know a thing about relationships other than what I've observed. And my marriage in Zurvan lasted because Ma'at's a patient woman.

Sep. 22nd, 2012



So looking into tattoos, if you think I'm heavily tatooed, you haven't seen shit, okay? I was fooling around in Google, and some people really go all out. I've never gotten color in any of mine, not because I lack the funds or whatever, but I don't know, black and white works for me.

Okay, maybe I also don't make enough but that's NOT THE POINT.

Sep. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

It's the time of the year when everything starts to die. Isn't it wonderful? Do you know what else is wonderful? Halloween. I've decided to dress up as Spock. Live long and prosper. Why? Because I can and haven't since I was 20. Besides, I think I need a change from gore.

... ... ... ...

I think I might be sick.

Quick! Someone take my temperature! Where's a doctor when you need one?!

N'kay. Enough of that. It's time to get serious. Friends, family, I'm ...wait for it... Phobetor. Or Edward. I've come out of the darkness to fill your world with light and laughter. Or was I supposed to say I've come in from the light to fill your world with darkness and screaming? Either way, you're welcome! :D

femten. ☽

[ filter; nyx babies + morpheus ]
I've been thinking... about proposing to Pasithea. I have my parents' rings... But should I wait until the baby is born...? Would it be too much stress for her?

Sep. 7th, 2012




Talk about desperate and needy. Today at work, it was like a gathering of who could have stood to have worshipped me harder. Or could have stood to have had more self-respect. No one's going to give you a role again if you start flirting with the married director. Especially not after I took a photo and plan on sending it to the wife, you ho. How dare you go for my part? As if you could pull off alluring without looking like so bargain bin. Well, trash is trash!

But during it all, there was this super adorable little girl who plays my little sister and she would clutch at my hand whenever we talked. And I just felt giddy that she was so fond of me. I may have put make-up on her.

And then, after work, my ex picked me up because I really needed a ride and I convinced him I deserved to be treated out after such an exhausting day. I'm so cute in pink, so course he agreed. But it didn't even get that far because my shoe's heel broke and I nearly fell. So I had to be taken home and had to settled for take-out in the end, boo. I'm still kind of hungry.

Oh. I guess you can call me Luna. ♥ I don't really want to out myself yet! Hello! Glad to meet you all!

Sep. 3rd, 2012


fjorten. ☽


[Being dead was... interesting. So interesting that Hypnos remembered nothing of it upon waking up in his father's apartment, the one he'd had yet to give up. He remembered the dying -- that was hard to forget -- but everything that came after was a haze. Nevertheless, he was here now. Dying and coming back to life was so unnatural when they lived as humans without the existence of Hades, and now...

Now he needed his family.

[ filter; family ]
Are you all at home?

[ filter; zurvan family ]
Ah. Sorry.

Aug. 22nd, 2012



I would say that his is weird, but unfortunately it's really not.

[filter: hemera]
You okay? Charon and I are married again, which is strangely normal. Let us know if you need anything.

[filter: charon]
I think I've said this before, but repeating is okay: this changes nothing for me. Meet you in the park later?

Aug. 20th, 2012




[He'd been married. With daughters. It was the oddest of feelings but that's what had happened. Last time he recalled a sister but this time someone took things further. But there had been no mention of Khaos at all. Maybe he'd have to ask--

Oh. Oh wait.

[Filter: Hypnos]

...I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold you as you went.

[Filter: Pasithea]

Where are you?

[Filter: Zurvan Family]

I need to leave for a while. Do...whatever you need to.

Jul. 3rd, 2012




Sometimes I dream of retirement. But that's a dream that will never come until I'm dead.

[Filter: Family (in-laws included)]

There's a raccoon dog somewhere in the inn. The cook was sure she saw it stealing vegetables. I thought you should all know.

No, we many not keep it if found. In case that might be a question.

Jun. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hemera had never had the habit of being a chatterbox until she started working actively in the inn. And even after that small number of years, the girl had never managed to learn of her personal issues which – in her own mind - were hardly enough to worry over. She could tell them to Ma’at, she supposed. The older woman was the only mother she remembered and she acted accordingly. But she seemed so busy at times – like her father was – it really was bothersome to tell her the little things of her life.

Still, she wondered. Mnemosyne had already left the house, Hel would soon follow; only her and Lethe would remain behind. And her sister was older, more developed; she’d leave and only Hemera would live with her parents. A little part of her was jealous of that. She didn’t begrudge her sisters’ happiness. She just wished it for herself too and, sometimes – particularly when some of the inn’s most regulars would pat her head as if she was a child, commenting about how she was always the same, immutable, short, pint-sized – she wasn’t sure it’d happen.

Was she happy? Lethe had asked her that. Yes, Hemera supposed she was. A nice life, protective parents, caring sisters; it was a lucky path she was in. Good things would come when they came. She just had to be patient.

Patience sucked big time though.

Jun. 28th, 2012



the seventh ☣


Once upon a time, there was a man who had a farm. He had many animals, but he mostly had sheep. He sold the sheep's fleece for money to keep his farm and his family going. He had two sons. Both of them loved the lambs, and played with them during the day. His wife didn't go out very much. She was very ill.

cut for the rest of the story, but be assured, she wrote it all )

Jun. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Does anyone know any good bedtime stories??

[Filter: Hades]
You must be busy.

Jun. 19th, 2012




[Filter: Ares]

What time are you home these days? Don't answer this with a question. I'll tell you AFTER you tell me what I want to hear from you.

[Filter: Public]

Fuck, why did I just spill the salt? As if I need more bad luck. I should probably look for work again soon. One not involving bosses who are incapable of doing what should be their own work.

...and one of my kids just licked a frozen pipe. What the I'll get back to this later. Mothering time.

Jun. 11th, 2012




Alive and well enough, but I hate moving and I hate this cast. How can anyone keep something this irritating on for six weeks? If it gets any more inconvenient I'm sawing it off. I was told they wanted me to stay out on leave for awhile longer at work, too. I guess that's just more time to unpack boxes.

Also more time to find the remote. Which is still missing. Why.

At least Delilah seems happy.

[Filter: Nephthys]
No really. I will saw this off. What do I do if it itches?

[Filter: Tez]
Thank you for the help. Pizza some time this week?

Jun. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

Nyx laid in her hospital bed and staring at the ceiling. The beep of machinery kept her company. She reached over lazily and picked up a candy bar one of her family had brought her. She loved visits from family - they made the day so much more enjoyable. However most slept at night and now she lay awake, alone. She heaved a heavy sigh and looked sideways at the monitors. She was feeling better - the stitches looked like hell still, and she looked half dead, she swore she lost weight! - but she was feeling better. Even if she couldn't walk down the hall without falling against a wall for support.

Dark eyes focused on a spot on the wall as she tried to regroup. This invalid thing was for the birds. She pressed her finger down over the spot in her arm where the IV was and undid all the tape and wrappings, before taking the IV out. She grumbled and winced as it stung, before she hung it up on the IV pole. A deep breath later she was pulling the little electrode off her chest and letting it dangle loose. She was tired of this already. She got as far as pulling herself up and sliding out of bed before a nurse came rushing in and yelling at her for removing her IV and monitors. The nurse called for assistance and Nyx found herself threatened with straps to hold her in place. She meekly complied quietly, seething as they reinserted the IV in a new spot and hooked her back up.

I. Really. Am. Sick. Of. THIS.

May. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

It's starting to stink around here the longer we stay here.

I haven't heard bad word, not that I would go looking for it.

May. 24th, 2012



[Filter: Charon]
I'm going to try to come see you tonight, if that's okay?

[Filter: Hemera]
My husband has some sort of private box thing, which is where I'll be watching from. If you want, you're welcome to join me. Strength in numbers, right?

[Filter: Hermes]
If I want to see one of the gladiators, what do I have to do?

((OOC: Dated afternoon of May 24 but posted now because time zones.))

May. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]


May. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Up to tell me where you are and if you're okay? I mean, Nyx people? Hi? I'm regressing.

I'm also getting married.

Can we see how much I don't want that?

[ filter; horus ]

I'm marking this as another dot in the oddness of my life but. One more to the family?

ti. ☽

[filter; true family]
I'm married to a woman named Kallista. But if she's here, she may be someone. I wonder who...

How are you all?

May. 17th, 2012



Interested parties:

Big shock - I'm the messenger!

If there is a need to communicate with or deliver things to and from the gladiators, requests shall be entertained herein.

May. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]

Well isn't this awkward. MOTHER WHAT THE HELL?! Why am I stuck in what appears to be some sort of training hall? Not that I don't mind cunning devious trickery that comes with fighting, I love it, but um, what am I wearing, this just will not do. When in Rome, I suppose?

May. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

One cannot be a mother without children, and I am blessed with many wonderful children. Thank you for all that you do, my darlings. Life wouldn't be the same without you all. I am truly lucky. Today has been lovely so far, and it's utterly gorgeous out. I hope tonight is clear and dark and as lovely as the day is.

[Filter: Her Children\Nieces\Nephews\Grandchildren]
I do hope everyone is well - besides those whom I've recently spoken with - tell your mother how things are going?

May. 3rd, 2012



the first ☣

Hello. My name is I'm I need

What's this place?



[No Subject]

Thank you, God in Heaven. Or Gods. Those who are left, anyway. Those underground too, I'm thinking they'll likely to be bit more sensible than the ones up.

Never thought being ignored by those four would be so nice. Though everyone else could have stayed. That, I wouldn't mind so much.

And back to my normal, little less crowded life.

Apr. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

[ it wasn't like she was complaining or anything. It was just. Fine, so maybe she was. But her father - the man who had pretty much ignored her all her life - was acting like she was suddenly her favorite child. And dear gods in the sky, if that wasn't freaking her out, then her siblings (mortal, mortal because her immortal were so much better) certainly did the trick.

Excuse her as she played pretend and avoided these.

The door to her room was closed and locked, keeping those illusions well away from her. But the part of her which was still Hemera, still day and ageless, hadn't been able to ignore the immortal part of her family. Lyssa sat by a corner, the Moirai to themselves as ever, Moros, Nemesis, it was a wonder how so many fit. Right behind her rested Aether, an arm carefully enfolding her shoulders as he spoke of whatever he had seen during the day.

It was also an illusion; all of them were. She soaked up every detail and word anyway ]

Apr. 26th, 2012


[No Subject]

[After waking up to find Erebos in her bed, and her house filled with the clatter of dishes, children and general family merriment, Nyx finds herself wondering what the hell is going on. She's even more confused as Erebos just dotes on her and helps out and makes her life easy.]

Well. This is awkward.

[Filtered: All myHer Children]
Well darlings, I seem to have you all in my house again.
I'm not sure what's going on. MOTHER SERIOUSLY? IS THIS YOUR DOING?!
In fact, Erebos is here too. Is anything going on with any of you?

[Filtered: Public]

My house is crowded. And there's so much noise.

Apr. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello. Bonjour. I believe I am "new" here. Outside of here, I am less of that but that is not important.

It will be a pleasure to meet whoever is here? Whomever? I do not always recall these things. It is a bit...uh...difficult, you might say, to know which words are correct sometimes.

As I was saying, hello. If I know anyone here, it is good to know you. If I do not, then please come to talk to me. I would like to know all of you lovely cherubs.

Apr. 20th, 2012




[It had been a couple of days since he had met Hermes. The pigeon comment shouldn't have weighed on his mind but it did. He was reminded of the little bastard that had come into his home, shat all over the place and then had escaped through the most clever of ways. It would have been more impressive if Thanatos had not wanted to murder the damn bird. It had been someone, he knew that much.

Most recently, his favourite nephew brought up Hermes. The thief, the swift messenger of the gods. Silver-tongued and manipulative. Why if he didn't know any better...

And then it all finally sank in.

Hermes, you motherfucking, cocksucking whoreson.

Mar. 2nd, 2012



. 04 .

Well. I have my computer back and that's a good thing. I also have dad calling, which I don't need. And I got an internship out of the blue? I don't know what my pod-self did but might have been good were professional prospects are concerned.

Ah. Hm.

It'd be nice to keep touch with people from Zurvan. Just saying.

Feb. 28th, 2012



[Filter: Hemera]

Are you all right?

[Filter: Charon]

This We should

This doesn't change anything for me, but I guess we should talk about things?


Aaand here we go again. Anyone have any good theories?

Feb. 27th, 2012


fem. ☽


[His father was Zeus. Zeus, the only man who could terrify him. The man who had broken into his apartment, touched him, threatened him. And now he was dying. How could he feel for a man who terrified him, but who had also been his father for twenty-five years?]

Pasithea? Thanatos?

Feb. 26th, 2012



princess and the pea ♀

[Filter: Elaine]
Elaine? I thought you were getting married.

I've made something for Baldric.

[Filter: Public]
I heard some ladies talking. What happened in Ilium?

Feb. 20th, 2012




a warning to the people, the good and the evil: this is war~ )

Feb. 19th, 2012




[filter; private]
Something is not right.

[filter; ilium nobles & queen helen]
There is a general unrest in the town. What is the meaning of it?

Feb. 18th, 2012



. 03 .


Was that blood?

Some days, I get why brother's overprotective.

Ilium's too quiet. I guess since everywhere has been getting all the parties, I wouldn't mind seeing something nice around here. Change of pace and everything.

Feb. 9th, 2012




[Sometimes she wishes she had the tolerance to go travel across the regions and see Baldr, Nanna and little Killian. Though Mictlan was a lovely place, she was the worst among her family when it came to having seen the world. But she dreaded the cold, even feared it. Simply to think about it soured her mood. But if not Glastheim, then Svarga! Or Ilium. Even nearby Camlann.

Yet no opportunities came. No chances, no way for her to do it on her own. Never would she pester Hermes or Baldr about this. It wasn't easy to go up to either and announce she felt very sheltered and unworldly. What could they do aside from offer to take her somewhere or send her off with someone? She didn't want to be that sibling. That
sister. The one who had to rely on them for everything. It was called pride.

But her curiosity burned and perhaps if someone could paint a picture for her with words, maybe that would be enough.

How unlikely.

[Filter: All EXCEPT family (in-laws included)]

How many of you have never left your region?

I'm just curious.

Feb. 3rd, 2012


c u a t r o

Hello Ilium! Ilians, what do you loove about your region? Tell me!

My Luca is pawing at the
mommy said

Feb. 2nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Saw some red-footed falcons today.  They usually stop by Ilium during the spring, when they journey north.

Guess it's coming early this year.  Time to change the crops. Anyone like lettuce?

[Filter: Dad]

Fucked of me to filter to you now that you're gone, I know.  But I'm doing my damnedest by you.  You weren't the king of Glastheim or some shit like that, but you were are my father.

Hope the spring's coming there, too.  Wherever you are.

Jan. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

I believe that if we all embraced our histories we would come to realize that all of us are, in fact, criminals. There is a large history of crime through mass executions, power changes and genocides that can't be denied. And yet it's odd that when one claims one's identity it is never in an open acknowledgement of such historical events.

So what then does it mean to be Ilian, Svargan or Mitclain? What does anyone really take on when they lay claim to those titles? Do you deny your historical connections? At what cost?

Such events are not privileged narratives, but rather a fundamental truth to the human and Divine nature. And yet it speaks most heavily of nationalism. And what is nationalism but an excuse for prejudice and genocide.

"You aren't one of us."

What a series of awful words. Doesn't it just ring in your ears? Give you a chill. Especially if it were coming from the mouth of a bigot.. of a racist. Imagine, for a moment, if such men and women waged a war of supremacy. Chaos reigns supreme.

Jan. 25th, 2012




[That morning, Thanatos had been unable to find a cloak. He very much liked this cloak to the point of being obsessed with wearing it on certain types of days. He really couldn't (or wouldn't) explain why but those who knew him knew he did what he wanted in a most stubborn fashion. It wasn't the type of thing one would find in Svarga and it had been one of the few things he had bought while coming from there.

But instead of finding it, he found a box of his ex's things. Not just ideas of apparel or items she herself had made or bought but a few were things he had gifted her with. Then there were notes. Those he quickly destroyed with his own hands and then set them on fire. The rest he couldn't decide what to do with. Until he remembered the journals.

Fucking Hate every goddamn Die in a I need to get rid of a few things once owned by a woman. A couple of scarves, dresses. Pair of good boots. Handmade pouches for coin or something. A couple of books on healing and herbs, novice stuff. Some cooking books, more complex stuff, I guess. All that's free, I don't care. But I'll be selling a ruby ring and pair of earrings. May as well get some money back for those. If something appeals or you're curious, see me tomorrow morning. Name's Thanatos and I'm a blacksmith. Shouldn't be all that hard to find me if you've any sense.

But tonight, I will be in the nearest fucking tavern.


I swear, if someone tramples through my garden one more time...

Well, I haven't come up with a suitable punishment yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something. It's not like I keep the garden for fun, you know.

Jan. 23rd, 2012



. 02 .

Dear lungs,

I am extremely pleased with the work you have performed since my birth, truly. But lately I've been denoting the propensity for you to attempt to leave my chest via coughing and I'm really not happy about it. Kindly understand your job is for life.



Being sick? Never gets old.

Jan. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]

Don't get me wrong. Weddings are great. They're lovely. I'm a romantic at heart, honestly, but... what else is happening in the world?

I feel like now would be a great time to share our tales of human endurance any maybe brave pets who pull their owners from flaming carriage wreckages and all of that. Something to remind us of the simple things in life.

So come on, folks. What has your dog done today?

(I don't have a dog, by the way. Had a parrot once. Little bastard bit me.)

Jan. 11th, 2012




You people are all pretty boring and whiny.

Jan. 10th, 2012



. 01 .

I am incredibly happy I'm a regular Joe from a small family.

Better her than me.

And you're totally going to hell, Hemera, lady.

Boys set their homework on fire somehow and my table's pretty smudged. I don't know if I should shout or be amazed they managed in the first place with two pencils.

Bright boys. Bright little boys.




how intrestin, this book here. were like monkees on display

[filter: mictlan faction] [writing is slow and careful, with pauses for referencing a dictionary or thesaurus.]

Glastheim loses a wise king and gains a foreign idiot. I do not know if I should laugh or cry.

Anyway, I will endear myself into the queenling's good graces. For your information, should the need arise.

Jan. 3rd, 2012




To all of those who are concerned: do not think that I cannot see you. That is all.

Jan. 1st, 2012



On behalf of my brother and my people, I would like to thank everyone for their continued kindness and support in these troubled times. I hope all of us can look to the new year for new beginnings.

[Filter: Helen]

You have always been dear to me. I hope I can rely on our friendship in times to come.

... It is worth noting that I have a stash of very rich and expensive chocolate. ♥

[Filter: Death and War]

My sisters in arms and in kingdom, the time for mourning will soon be up. While I have always been one for mercy, I know the value of justice.

Thus, my father's death cannot go unpunished. The murderer will pay, and all will be reminded that Glastheim cannot be crossed.

I have not forgotten that another of our sisters, Angrboda, is Queen of Svarga. No doubt her kingly husband has already summoned her back to his realm. You know that, above all, Glastheim prizes loyalty. Tell me, do you think we can rely on her loyalty in routing out our cunning suspect? It is a proposition I would like to bring to our King, but only if you consider it a wise course of action.