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Posts Tagged: 'hecate'

Sep. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

The fuck's with boys playing knowledgable in this fucking place? Grow some balls and get off the internet.

In Europe till the 25th.

Sep. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Girls, girls, girls...

I don't know about the rest of the male population, but I don't like it when you glob all that eyeliner on. I want to see your eyes, not a black hole. And don't try too hard. Because it looks like you're desperate. When you're in your early 20s, you don't need to be desperate.

I'm saying this, because my friend made me go out this Friday night to a club where we were meeting two girls. One of them had the caked on makeup, the 'I'm going to shove my boobs in your face' shirt, and was constantly hanging off my friend. The other? I didn't even know she had makeup on until I caught her in the right light, her clothes were simple yet sexy, and she held her own.

I've already called her back. Meanwhile, my friend hasn't even touched his phone.

Sep. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Filtered to Greek Underworld]
I remember who I am. Hecate. I don't even know if I am going about this the right way but hello.
[/end of Filter]

I purchased a dog today. His name is Atticus.

ooc: there was a minilog for hecate's remembering but my computer killed it

Sep. 4th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Hecate]

:) Scared?

Aug. 27th, 2012


[No Subject]

[filter: charon]
I am sorry for what I did to you. 

[filter: tezcatlipoca]
I think it's time I found somewhere else to stay.

I cannot decide which is worse, here or Rome, and I very much would like to go home.

Jun. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

I've come to the decision that I need to learn to defend myself. I do know how to shoot but if I was in trouble and there was no gun or someone to aide me, I would be in great danger. So, that goes on the ever growing list of things I wish to accomplish.

[Private to Charon]
I'm sorry.
You will be...
She's better for you

I think a change of occupation is in order. Here I am a young stranger. I don't blame pregnant women for having a hard time trusting me.

Jun. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Hecate]

How is the change suiting you? Do you miss what you left behind?

May. 24th, 2012




Not looking forward to fighting, but I guess it's what has to be done.

May. 19th, 2012




[Filter: Matilda]
Um, hi. I don't know you, but I know your brother here?. Can we talk?

[Filter: Charon]
Guess who my husband is.

May. 18th, 2012


[No Subject]

So, this is strange to say but Hello, I'm your sister. How are you? Are you alright? Do you need anything? I'm not sure how helpful I will be but I can try my best.

...Also, my name is Matilda.

May. 16th, 2012



tre ♛

I always have appreciated Roman clothing, even what little I'm wearing.

[No Subject]

I can't...I've never..I mean there was that one time but...

This is unexpected and bad. Very bad.

May. 5th, 2012


[No Subject]

It's okay. No really. I don't mind being exiled from my own dorm so my roommate can have sex with her creepy boyfriend. At least the library is quiet and I can work without being interrupted. Which means I should probably be working on this paper and not posting this. I don't even know why I am.

Anyway, Hello everyone. I'm Matilda.

Jan. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]


Jan. 10th, 2012



the fifth ♥

I like the weather in Glastheim. It's colder than Mictlan certainly, but I like it still. I enjoy burrowing into clothes

Jan. 9th, 2012




Humor me -- truth is truth, no matters whose lips it comes through. Is this not correct?


A riddle, for all the weary (read: bored out of their minds) travelers:

Born in white, live in green, die in red, bury in black.

Also, I wouldn't mind a few conundrums myself. Throw some my way, won't you?

[Filter: Baldr]

I'll be arriving in Glastheim soon. I hope I find you and your family well.

[Filter: Persephone]

I'm sorry to have left you in Mictlan, love. I'll bring something home for you.

Jan. 4th, 2012



One king dead. Another takes his place. Marriages and traveling galore.

Funny how nothing seems to change at all.

Jan. 2nd, 2012




I hear there's a tavern in Mictlan that got an extra shipment of ale from Camlann. Special brew, as a favour to me. It's going to be served tonight. Sweet-faced wenches are going to be pink-cheeked,smiling and ready to keep your tankards full.

And you know the finest voice in all of Zurvan's going to be here. But lay a wrong hand on her and I'll make you suffer like no one's ever known before.[gone]

Get your asses in my tavern.

[Filter: Family (siblings, ex-wife, etc)]

If I get drunk, please make sure I don't go to bed with someone I'll regret waking up next to. Please. You all love me, right?
