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Posts Tagged: 'eros'

Oct. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

So my bro Ra and I came up with an amazing plan. And gave our fairies booze. It is awesome, they're all sorts of funny flying now.

Sep. 24th, 2012



s e v e n

[ Marriage. It had been on Aphrodite's mind since they had returned from Zurvan. Which by itself was odd, in reference to Ares, as she had always been content with the title of consort. So long as Ares was hers; she was happy. But to be married finally seemed like such an enthralling path to embark on with him -- even if it only counted as mortals. They were pretty much at that point, unofficially. And she loved his human daughter, Alice. In a lot of ways the young girl reminded Aphrodite of their own daughter, Harmonia.

Heck part of her was just curious to see how he'd react to the subject of marriage. They were long past hiding their relationship, obviously, and neither had significant-mortal-others to answer to. Except for her estranged husband but he was a loser and a half who had crawled into some hole somewhere. So, rationally, Ares really didn't have any reason to avoid the subject or get annoyed. Which naturally led her to decide to make a game out of it. Game meaning she'd ask him a question or two and if he answered wrong he'd sleep on the couch for a month. ]

[ filter; ares ]
How much do you love me?

[ filter; children ]
Lovelies, I say we go buy your father a new wardrobe because while we were stuck in that alternate universe Zurvan he looked damn good in uniform and he needs more suits. Aeneas you don't have to go if you don't want, I imagine shopping isn't at the top of your favorites list. But we do need to spend more time together, Sweetie ♥

Also, what do you all think about planning a trip to Hawaii for Christmas??

[ filter; public ]
It's October next week, there's no avoiding it and it's never too early -- what is everyone thinking about for Halloween costumes?

Last year I went as a stewardess because I was in love with Pan Am, but I hate repeats. If I can't decide I could always be lazy and just throw a top and shorts on and carry my board around to be a surfer, but then I have to lug that around a party.

Sep. 22nd, 2012




[ filter; greeks ]
I neglected to mention it earlier, but it appears the firm I work with is now called Iriy & Gates. I don't think it's coincidence.

Sep. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Everyone but Menelaus]

I love the beach~ ♥ First time in Hawaii but hopefully not the last. There is nothing better than family time, I mean real family. Which reminds me...

Thor. Oh brrrrrrrooooooother. ♥

Sep. 19th, 2012




Anyone want to take a wild guess as to who scored some primo tickets to the Patrick Wolf show at Joe's Pub on Friday night, complete with backstage passes?

That's right, this chick here did. All I had to do was show off my insanely awesome dancing skills by doing a little shimmying to one of my favorite PWolf songs, but once they saw me in action the tickets were mine. And yes, Liam, I kept my pants on the entire time. I make no such guarantees for during the concert though, in fact I might just wear a miniskirt so I can stay true to being la musa de la sin pantalones.

Oh, that reminds me, I've got an extra ticket, does anyone want to come with me to the concert? I'd rather not go alone. And would anyone like to babysit my adorable little brother for me? Thalia, if you do it you can invite that angelic friend of yours, I don't mind...

Sep. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]


You kids need anything, you let me know.


God, it feels good to be back at work properly.  I think my daughter has a bit of a crush on Euterpe's brother though. She's constantly talking about him.  Euterpe, please talk to him and explain she's a bit of a troublemaker.

Sep. 13th, 2012




I love getting into debates with idiots, it's by far one of my favorite things about the whole college experience. This one was rather epic too, if I do say so myself. It started out being about how women claim they want nice guys but go for douchewaffles, then morphed into a discussion about homophobia (I hate the word homophobia; you're not scared, you're just an asshole who can't accept things that make you uncomfortable), gay rights and peoples' perceptions of gay marriage (this letter/op-ed piece should be required reading for everyone), and ended with me explaining to a dipshit classmate that calling me a 'fruit' isn't as insulting as he thinks it is because everyone loves fruit.

Thankfully, I was able to keep things classy, though I think my poor opponent had no idea what he was up against. He seemed to assume I would fall apart over his repeated insults, when the opposite happened. Victory is sweet.

Sep. 12th, 2012


.o n e. ➵

[ He's all smiles when the feed turns on, and maybe a little too hopeful for his own good. ]

When did school get so goddamn boring? I've never been in a place with so many people eager to learn. Take me back to high school please. Or better yet, why don't all of you fine people give me the dirt on this place?

Who loves who, who doesn't love who. Affairs, orgies, virgins, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Just please don't tell me about your vacation homes or pets, unless it has to do with sex. Pretty sure if the latter comes out of anyone I'm going to have to single you out as Zeus. And what haven't we been through together?

I'm itching to get some sparks flying already, so if it makes you feel more comfortable reply anonymously or send me a private message. You can definitely trust me with your secrets, and know, that I know what I'm talking about. [ Yeah right. ]

I think there will be a fair few of you convinced you need my help when you figure out who I am. You can call me Reese, or Eros, if you insist. Hell I'll take Cupid, even if the name brings to mind images of fat kids flying butt naked with wings obviously not designed to support that kind of body weight.

Apr. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

I am thinking of changing my cellphone number. Perhaps it would be best for all to call me either at home or at the office?

Apr. 20th, 2012


one love, one life

It's Friday. In and of itself that is a blessing. My paycheck has been deposited into my account and while I do not need that to go shopping with, it's the idea of the thing that makes shopping today so much better. I feel the need for new shoes for tonight. I think that would be best.

Nightshade will have it's usual Friday Night specials this week, two for ones and so forth. We have a new techno DJ to break in, loves, so do try to come by and give him a warm welcome. I dare say he best live up to his potential

I feel the need to wander tonight, too. The spring that is upon the cusp makes for a rather lovely evening, don't you think?

Apr. 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

Where is my favourite auntie? I want to go out and party like it's Nineteen Ninety-Nine. I want to go out and party like it's the twenty-first century and it's New fucking York and there are no mazes and no outdoors.

Actually, I think everyone should come party like it's 1999. Let's get to know each other over Long Island Iced Teas.

Mar. 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

Okay, so there's this thing I've not mentioned so much before, but I'm Eros. It's pretty awesome being me.

Also. Rosana. If that is your real name. I think you're still a homewrecker but you're a good mom. Don't tell my mom I said that because she'd get pissy.

Are we done here? I think we're done.

Mar. 4th, 2012




Donovan, we're not drinking on your birthday anymore. I feel like I've forgotten everything from the past week. Actually, longer than a week. I don't even remember getting the sheet music we practiced on friday. All I know is that the bell player seems more terrified of me than usual.

I also got a text message from a Todd. Who the hell is Todd? Is anyone out there a Todd?

Feb. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

Where are my bb Greeks? Come to me now. Or I'll come to you. I'm just that accommodating.

Jan. 24th, 2012



. 02 .

Shipments are ready to leave, everyone's paid, all clients accounted for and nothing to do. I think I should begin marking these days in the calendar. Days in which everything truly goes fine, perfectly as expected. Ordered. How rare are these? And I must be getting old if this makes me happy and exhausted at the same time.

Also, snuggle my boy. Yesterday, I asked if he wanted to take flowers to his little girlfriend?

He said 'why? She's not dead yet.'

I claim half of him wasn't made by me.

Jan. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]

Don't get me wrong. Weddings are great. They're lovely. I'm a romantic at heart, honestly, but... what else is happening in the world?

I feel like now would be a great time to share our tales of human endurance any maybe brave pets who pull their owners from flaming carriage wreckages and all of that. Something to remind us of the simple things in life.

So come on, folks. What has your dog done today?

(I don't have a dog, by the way. Had a parrot once. Little bastard bit me.)

Jan. 12th, 2012



. 01 .

[ a long long list of ingredients features here, amounts and scribbled notes on how to prepare several mixtures. While most are impossible to read due to a chicken scrawl any modern doctor would be proud of, some ingredients can be discerned. Feel free to guess what they are.

But spiders, venoms and long forgotten plants do feature. And things with more teeth than it should be healthy. Enjoy. ]

This is not my notebook.

Jan. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

Dear diary,

I'm being shipped off to marry some douchecanoe person in a place with crappy weather and-

Oh bollocks. I spilled my ink again.

Can I go home now? I miss my bed, good food and not having to keep losing my pens. WHERE ARE ALL MY PENS.

Dec. 28th, 2011


[No Subject]

FYI I'm too young and too pretty to die.