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Posts Tagged: 'agrat+bat+mahlat'

Oct. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

This is the first time that my husband has been of any use to me. I haven't had to deal with anyone bothering me about my lack of marriage. I still think he's going to end up having an accident...

[Filter: Private, Asmodeus and the wives can see]
In other news...what the fucking fuck is happening and why the fuck are these clothes so hideous and why am I being told to have dinner on the table at exactly 6pm and why isn't he dead yet? why is there nowhere to order the food from so I don't have to do anything? This is ridiculous.


Oct. 22nd, 2012



quindici ♛


[ Always in life had Naamah been elusive, someone who kept to herself and said nothing of her past or her thoughts. She was more adept at playing games than giving straight answers, more likely to tease and torture than deliver, but in these days, she wondered. Was there much of a point to hiding? It was almost cowardly, not unveiling herself, when she'd once been a queen of Hell.

Well, that could change.

[ filter; all judeo-christians ]
Feathered ones, Horsemen, denizens of Hell~ This is Naamah speaking.

[ filter; fellow wives ]
Testing, testing~

Oct. 2nd, 2012




Another episode of The Love Line aired on NYU radio, another round of angry messages in my radio station inbox. Can't say it phases me, I had a feeling last nights topic would annoy some people. Apparently, college students feel strongly about what constitutes cheating in a relationship, and feel my definition was a little on the harsh side. I'm very unforgiving on that subject, I won't deny that.

Now, have an Akiva Love Approved PSA:

Dear people -- Saying things like "Swag", or any variant thereof, does not make you sound cool, it just makes you sound like an immature asshole even if you're saying it ironically. Seriously, think before you speak, or risk sounding like a moron.

[ filter; family (aphrodite, ares, eros, aeneas, and seraphina) ]

As you're all my family in one way or another, I wanted to inform you that I'm gay, just in case you hadn't figured it out yet. I've always felt it's best to be honest about this, considering. If this is a problem for anyone, just let me know and I won't bother you any further. All I ask is that you respect me and my life choices and I'll do the same for you.

Sep. 18th, 2012



tredici ♛

[ filter; demons ]

Sep. 13th, 2012




I love getting into debates with idiots, it's by far one of my favorite things about the whole college experience. This one was rather epic too, if I do say so myself. It started out being about how women claim they want nice guys but go for douchewaffles, then morphed into a discussion about homophobia (I hate the word homophobia; you're not scared, you're just an asshole who can't accept things that make you uncomfortable), gay rights and peoples' perceptions of gay marriage (this letter/op-ed piece should be required reading for everyone), and ended with me explaining to a dipshit classmate that calling me a 'fruit' isn't as insulting as he thinks it is because everyone loves fruit.

Thankfully, I was able to keep things classy, though I think my poor opponent had no idea what he was up against. He seemed to assume I would fall apart over his repeated insults, when the opposite happened. Victory is sweet.

Sep. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]

[It was getting increasingly more difficult to stay happy as a housewife when one was not happy as a housewife. Agrat felt herself falling into a mood which only soured when her husband came home. The conversation the followed didn't help any more. She'd left the house after a shouting match, making sure to throw the dinner she'd been making in the trashcan. That would teach him. Stupid husband. Even if she probably had overreacted, she didn't care. If anyone would be making apologies, it would be him, not her.]

Is there a husband donation clinic? I have one I'd like to donate. No. Really. Someone else can have him. I'd give him up for Lent, but then I'd have to want him in the first place. sdkjfalnsdjkasdnds I wish you could donate humans to good will or something.

[Filter: Asmodeus]
I may be insane for writing this, but are you here? You might know me as "mother"...I suppose.

Also, is it just me or am I surrounded by a lot of Greeks?

Sep. 4th, 2012




Overheard in my Psychology of Social Behavior class: If I had a penis I’d name it The Plot and every time I got a boner I’d turn to the person closest to me and just whisper the plot thickens. I laughed at that far too hard for anyone to consider me mature.

What is it about being in college that brings out the morons of the population? You'd think, being a graduate student at an institution of higher learning would cut down on the rampant idiocy one normally faces, but no, you'd be wrong. At least there's some attractive people in my classes, since there's nothing I like more than hot people with easily solved personal problems.

Hrm, I should probably introduce myself. Akiva Love, graduate student at NYU, studying Psychology. You might know me from the wildly successful radio show 'The Love Line', and those of you who know my sister Seraphina can rest assured that I'm just as adorable and amazing as she claims.

Sep. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

My my. Isn't this the curious place. I wonder if my husband would- No, it doesn't matter.

Hello darlings~ How is everyone? Who is everyone? My name is Seraphina. Come talk to me~

Feb. 1st, 2012




Ladies of Mictlan. No. Ladies of the world.

What is your ideal man? Not what you have and don't give me names but, in words, paint me a picture. Dark-haired, fair-haired - red-haired (the gingers, oh the gingers!) - well-tanned, scruffy, clean-shaven? Light-eyed, dark-eyed, tall, average height, slender, muscular, sensitive, arrogant, as stubborn as a mule, blah blah blah. Fill it in yourselves, lovelies. Could you be swayed to consider another type? Are you very firm on what you want?

Don't start with the questions, just give me answers. Just my ex-wife will be allowed to question me. In private. While straddling my knee. And only then may she question me.


Jan. 29th, 2012




Talk of children, family, questions of a philosophical bent, and traveling seem to dominate these pages, and I can't help but wonder if perhaps I'm missing out on anything by not choosing to participate in these discussions. It seems I've kept to myself for far too long, which is something I simply must change.

I've already seen quite a few fascinating people around, now it's all a matter of making an effort, I suppose.

(ooc; now in the right comm, giving proof as to why updating after 3am is a bad idea)

Jan. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

I want to travel. Where is appealing at this time of year?

[filter; sisters]

What news of the boy king? Is he coming to claim our Polyxena? Shall we welcome him into our fold?

Jan. 11th, 2012




How lucky are we to have such an interesting system of communication! I admit, I've found myself fascinated by nearly everything people have written, but perhaps I'm just easily amused.

There are worse things in life~

Dec. 30th, 2011


[No Subject]


[filter; angrboda]

I expect your immediate departure for Svarga, my Queen.

[filter; heimdall]

Commiserations, of course. Do you wish the wedding to be postponed? Answer carefully-

[filter; public]

There are times when ruling is like moving the bag of grain, the fox and the chicken. Something will get eaten.

[filter; agrat bat mahlat]

I am summoning my wife to court. It makes me yearn for you to warm my bed tonight. She has cold toes.

Dec. 23rd, 2011




It's been so long since I've felt like dancing that having the urge to do so now makes me incredibly happy.

Dec. 18th, 2011


☣ one

Emilia, I'm coming to you for Christmas. Y/Y? I'm bringing Gregory and Reza, whether they like it or not. I can't cook so I'm bringing alcohol.

On that note, what do all the little Blackwells want in their stockings? I know what I want~

My Christmas will go a little like this:
ONE. Midnight Mass
TWO. Home to investigate whether Gregory has been naughty or nice
TWO. Morning Mass
THREE. Emilia's for food
FOUR. Evensong
FIVE. And hopefully by then someone will have acquired the Doctor Who Christmas Special for me.

Eeeevey: ONE, TWO, FOUR?
Agrat, my own: New Year's Eve. I'm booking you for shenanigans of the highest order.