.oo1. pretendy funtiem game [ video/action ]
08 February 2011 at 12:42 am
[ text ]
eswdecfv gb gb gb gb gb gb gb gb gb

aaedrgsryj t ..........................



-=whoever is watching is met with a pair of gold eyes that seem to be roving independently from each other, the left one nearly rolls all the way up into his head=-


-=then they both snap to the front, focused at least for a moment on the device as he jabs randomly at the screen=-

It's on!

-=comes another voice and a second face presses up against the cheek of the first, identical save for his hair and makeup=-

This piece of shit better work! HEY!! You assholes listening!?

Yeah! You're in trouble now! Heehee!!

-=and it perfect unison=-


You better let us go now, heee!

Or this ain't gonna fucking end well!

[Action | Open]
08 February 2011 at 09:04 am
[Nakama's back in the memorial gardens, but this time she's not just admiring - she's got a shovel, a basket with various gardening implements, a small tree, and a heavy plaque to be placed below the tree once it's planted. Her expression is grim as she breaks the earth a few feet away from the gardens, digging in with her shovel and piling the dirt beisde the hole. It'll be tough work, but that just makes it all the more meaningful. Atoning for her sins shouldn't be an easy task.]
08 February 2011 at 10:49 am
Captain Hitsugaya of the 10th division reporting in. If you recognize my name then speak up.

I don't have a lot of time, so if someone could just tell me where Acumen keeps our belongings I'd appreciate that.

(ooc: Leaving this here before I go to my afternoon classes /o/)
08 February 2011 at 10:52 am
Alma Karma
[Alma feels like he's accomplished something. After a few several many couple failed attempts, the cabinet is finished and looks good as new! So the hinges are a little crooked and the door is just a teensy bit lopsided, but it opens and closes and doesn't squeak!

And it was fun. Putting the cabinet back together helped him focus and concentrate and not think about anything else. So he decides he'll be going out to look for other things to fix with a bag of tools and his handy-dandy notebook Fix-It-Yourself Manual under his arm.]

Putting things together is fun. Does anyone else like building things or fixing them? I think I want to try something new.

{OOC: You can find Alma all around, looking for broken things to fix.}
Location: Team Free Will's apartment / early morning
In which a key arrived (VIDEO/ACTION)
08 February 2011 at 10:59 am

...-Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, where are you guys!?

[You can hear a young man's voice yelling for four distinct names, judging from how he sounds, he is not yet aware of the device currently attached to him recording this.]

Guys? Guys!

[... the feed is also moving kinda wildly, which further reinforces that the person with the communicator is really not realizing its recording. After he realized the existence of the Communicator, the feed moves to show his curious face.]

...What's this?

[And the feed cuts off after a few moments of fumbling.]
In which Shinn kicks things (VIDEO)
08 February 2011 at 11:08 am
If this is a joke, its not really funny. People don't just kidnap someone on the middle of the night and dump them in a prison without going through any of the court procedure required!

[Yeah this guy is being pissed off here.]

Whatever, look, Acumen or whoever your name is, I'm going to find a way out of here, even if it costs me my life!

[Cue feed being cut, the young man seems clearly to angry that its broadcast over the public band rather than a private one.]
001: Video
08 February 2011 at 11:32 am
[having spent a few moments reading the brochure from her welcome basket, and figured out the device, Minako's cheery little face now appears on the video feed. If the viewer was observant, they would be able to notice how she looks somewhat fatigued. In the background, it's quite clear that she's outdoors, perhaps very close to a swimming pool or the beach - the artificial sky can be seen behind her, and there's the sound of flowing water in the background.]

Hello! I'm new here, and I've already read the brochure...

[her fatigue seems to get the better of her for a moment, as she shuts her eyes, her smile fading momentarily, before she reopens her eyes again, with her smile returning]

So, let me introduce myself! I'm Minako Arisato! [little wave here] Nice to meet you, Marina~!
08 February 2011 at 12:17 pm
[ Fumbling, only audio, then the camera clicks on to show pavement, until it's whipped around to show Teddie, looking confused. ]

Um... hello? What is this? Is this some kind of game? [ A thoughtful pause. ] I like games. But, isn't this taking it a little far? Plopping me in the middle of nowhere, and saying I'm in prison? [ He frowns, and mutters, ] And you even made up a bunch of 'crimes'. I'm sure I never did half of these things! I don't even know what - [ a pause, and he says it slowly and of course wrongly, ] vilgilgantism is!

[ Another pause, this time longer, and he sounds distressed, now, ] I can't have been taken away. Nana-chan… Nana-chan needs my support! So - so, if this is real... [ a humph, like a child would when they're disciplined. ] You gotta let me go!
Chord 005: [Video, Open!]
08 February 2011 at 12:39 pm
[The feed flickers on to reveal a face that might be familiar to some - Yui, that is - but she doesn't look the least bit pleased...

... and here comes an uncomfortable whine from her.]

Uuuuuuughhhh... Did someone turn on the air-conditioner?...

[She rolls around on the bed a little]

Why do I feel so... seasick?

[She just stays there for a while, quiet, before she whines again]

... is it because I'm underwater?

But that has never happened before...

[Then, complete silence. It feels as if she's fallen asleep, then --]

... Ughhh.

(ooc: and so she returns! She's had quite a bit canon update - a whole season, mind - and is now experiencing the side effects of this~~ Feel free to poke her - especially if anyone already knows her prior to this!)
[Action/Open -- Voice/Private | Shelter Kitchens | Late Morning]
08 February 2011 at 12:50 pm
Sasha (Athena)
[Action | Shelter Kitchen | Open]

[Sasha sat quietly in the kitchen, nursing a bowlful of hot mint tea, cupping her hands over the rim and letting the vapors rise to her eyes, hoping to ease the flashes and throbbing she felt in her head.

As to why it suddenly felt warmer whereas it was snowy cold the night before, she cannot say. As to why she had suddenly found her room void of any of the items she had brought in, she doesn't want to think about at the moment. She was intent on reining the stray thoughts in, such as that she will flinch at any noise, or anyone who might happen to pass by...]


[Voice | Private]

[At the back of her mind, she knew there were newcomers and would like to wish them welcome, but the nagging throb in her head made it difficult to focus. After some tasteless but calming sips of hot tea, she gathered enough presence of mind to place a private call to the last person she had spoken to. Perhaps he can help --]


Sam? Are you there?

(( OOC: Action's open, but Sasha cannot guarantee threads of epic ^^;; So if you need a quick and easy thread, tag away! ))
[Video-Audio / Open | some room in the Shelter... | Morning]
08 February 2011 at 03:34 pm
Ken Hidaka
[It took some time before this side of the video feed offered a clear connection. If not then anyone looking would've only seen random flickering and "hello?", "... is this thing working?" until the face of a young man came into view.]

... Whoa. This is amazing! Haha~ I know someone who'd be all over this thing if he can get his hands on it! And won't you look at this? A ball and chain! Now that's prison-like!

[No sarcasm there! Tap-tapping on the communicator.]

Hi, I'm Ken! I'm ah... new here! Thank you for the welcome basket! And --

[The sound of incoming robots are heard, and he looks at them.]

Oh hey! Hi there uh, you part of the entertainment-- OW! That HURTS DAMN IT!

[Sort of. Dodging. The taser. Or trying to in his restrained state, until he raises his hands in surrender.]

Alright, alright! I'll go with you already, jeez!

[And cue awkward looking at the video channel after his flaily outburst, face red. He waves a little~]

Aha. Sorry 'bout that guys, ah... do any of you have an idea where these robots are taking me?
[Action | Open]
08 February 2011 at 04:54 pm
[Typical. Of all the possible places she could have arrived in this unusual underwater prison, Sloth would have to wake up at the graveyard. Well, at least it happens to be quiet and undisturbed, for now.

The welcome basket and leaflet may have explained the situation to a satisfactory level for the time being, however it does nothing to reduce the irritation that is currently flashing through the Homunculus's eyes. Even if the idea of replacing one Capital Vice with another that "will not commit any further crimes" is slightly amusing. After all she is a one of the Seven Deadly Sins personified, yet becoming one had hardly been her idea]

[Sighing, Sloth rises from her position on the ground, making a quick observation of the city before turning her gaze back to the inconvenient ball and chain which is currently rolling around uselessly at her feet]

...At least this should only last a few days.
Mood: annoyed
08 February 2011 at 05:35 pm
hum bug
Hmmmmmmmm~? What is this, a joke? [A sharp and high pitched laugh.] And here I was thinking small- but really this is all so much bigger!

A biiiiiiiig joke.

[Something hits the wall with a ‘thud’ in the background.]

Do you honestly~ think this will stop me? What a laugh! You can’t hold down Vriska fucking Serket down for long, no way! [A snide ‘hmpf’, a sneer evident in her tone.]

But… I’ll humor you for now. Why not make this enjoyable, yessssssss~? Where would the fun be if I didn’t make you regret ever thinking you could change me?

[Another ‘thud’ against the wall.]

So let’s get this started. Who else has the misfortune of being stuck here with me?
08 February 2011 at 05:48 pm
[The viewscreen is eclipsed by a giant, amber orb of some kind, with a perfectly round black dot in the center. It is perfectly still, and there is a light gleam across its polished surface.

It might almost seem like a glitch, in fact. A rogue transmission, or a video function triggered accidentally. And you might almost close out of the video, except-- after a handful of seconds, it jerks and shifts minutely, and the black dot expands and contracts, and settles again.

And then you realize you are staring and being stared at by a large yellow eye.

After a second, a sliver of grey flesh appears in the viewscreen, and creeps up underneath the yellow eyeball, sliding over the bottom half of it. It will take you a second to realize that this is in fact the result of Gamzee Makara's very large grin that you cannot see, making his eyes squinch up.

He very well may have activated the video function by accident. But as it stands, he is still eyeball-to-screen with his new gadget, and probably freaking out all recipients of his unwitting message.

There is one sound, though. It is muffled because of the proximity of his face to his screen.]

08 February 2011 at 06:00 pm
[A young and drawn face flickers onto the view screen. He looks haggard and moderately sick, accentuated by the ashen gray of his skin, and there is a steady tic under his left eye.

When he speaks, it is with a pronounced lisp, and all of his sibilants come out as soft "thh".]

Yes. Yes. Exactly fucking this, because when I said, "We have to get out here," I of fucking course meant to an interdimensional fucking prison.


[Two thin hands come up, and he buries his face in them and gives a watery little moan.]

If I. Didn't feel like ralphing over my new fucking fashion accessory.

[A pause as he straightens and deals a "savage" battery of kicks to what can be assumed to be the iron ball, as you can hear it roll ponderously offscreen.]

I would look every one of you ridiculous fuckpod slurpers up and flood your brain with malware, because I know one of you nookfucks did us in with this.

[He levels an skinny, accusatory finger at the screen, and then pauses, finger curling back in as he considers something. His eyes go distant as he thinks.]

I don't think this is part of the game... I'm pretty positive I didn't program any kind of prison level.

And I'm positive this place isn't fucking Alternia.

[He snorts, and his lips quirk derisively.]

I would have been dead by now, otherwise.
[voice] [locked from Subaru Sumeragi]
08 February 2011 at 06:27 pm
Kamui Shirou ✡ 神威 司狼
I'd like to talk to someone who's been here for a while.

I have a question about the replacements that are supposed to be acting in our stead back home.
08 February 2011 at 07:22 pm
Aeristal tel Gavon [OC]
A prison in another realm? With strange machines that let you speak through magic windows? [There’s a note of annoyance and disbelief in the voice, his tone not amused.] Surely, you can come up with something more convincing than that. Next, someone will be insisting to me that I’ve entered the water realm and this is the fabled Aquasis Colony.

[A small sigh, flippant, and another minute later--the video clicks on. There's a pale-skinned, dark-haired young man looking into the screen curiously.] Ah...and I believe we have it.

[Suddenly, the tone has changed to one more inquisitive and light.] Very well, then would one mind clearing up a few details for me? Just a few things to help me familiarize myself. The brochure was a nice touch, but conversing with someone directly is just as helpful, I think. [As if he intends to stay long enough to get used to this strange place.]

Oh, and if you’ve seen a young man running around with knatted blond hair and a dumbfounded look upon his face, please do direct me towards him. He tends to get lost when left on his own.
Location: Shelter / Late Morning
[Video/Action] Never a quiet moment....
08 February 2011 at 08:58 pm
[Haibara is sitting on the edge of the koi pond with a cup of coffee - typical disposable-type cup.]

[She is distinctly unamused, and the camera is carefully angled to be shoulders-up; she's not feeling like advertising the stupid ball and chain.]

There's a friend of mine - I don't know if he's here, but if he is, I need to find him... he's a little boy my age with black hair and large glasses... He asks too many questions and he's in trouble a lot -

[abruptly there's a second voice, deeper and older as a young man with tea-colored hair comes into the video frame.] --Are you looking for someone, miss?

[She looks up, has a processing pause, and a blink of recognition-] Yes - aren't you ... Hakuba-san? The detective that chases Kid? [Well, this should make things easier, she's heard about him.] I'm looking for Conan-kun....

[Saguru responds with an affirmative nod] I am. I just arrived here, as well--

[And just as abruptly as Hakuba's entrance into the video there's another interruption, this time in the form of a white blur falling into the video from above (and coincidentally right on top of the poor detective who was speaking). He lands off screen, but after a few seconds of silence a third voice can be heard mumbling very irately, 'Well, that didn't work...' A second after he finishes speaking, the feed finally clicks off.]

[ooc: everyone who voice/video tags gets three-teamed with responses! Enjoy.]
08 February 2011 at 10:28 pm
Well. [ the strains of a voice which is evidently more high-pitched than it usually would be, between each word the hints of a controlled and well-thought out panic ] Er, yes. Well! Acumen.

[ A deep breath and suddenly: a million words, though slow and practiced ]

Whilst I can’t totally contradict the crimes you have charged me, I can point out a number of flaws in your "argument", mostly regarding your definition of "known criminal".

Furthermore, rather, [ gaining confidence, and with it, gaining speed ] the argument here is that I am not under your jurisdiction and, thus, not someone you are allowed to imprison, nor do you have the right to confiscate my belongings- and when [ peppered with anger ] has it ever been morally just to kidnap and imprison someone without a fair trial during a ministry-implemented exam period!

This is a complete breach of rights and as an [ almost-silent snort ] authority figure, I would have thought your priorities would be  imprisoning real criminals- of which there are a fair few skulking about, I'm sure you know - and not just people who- who, who had to- who were morally obliged to smuggle a stupid-. Well.

At any rate, [ through thin lips, and finally her steam begins to escape her ] I look forward to proving my innocence officially.