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Nov. 20th, 2009


Game Closing

Hey everyone. This is a note to let you guys know that unfortunately, due to stress and lack of time, we're going to be closing Fortress.

We really had fun playing with all of you and want to thank you for joining and playing. Good luck all!


Nov. 17th, 2009


So I meant to do this the other day but I fail... I blame my allergies but Alex here with Minerva McGonagall. She's very much like her canon self but she's very much fascinated with weapons and how such small things can do so much damage to people. She's the Short Daggers Master at Hogwarts and cares for all students... though she does favour Gryffindor's more than the others.

Alex :)

Nov. 16th, 2009


IJ is love, people, IJ is love

So, i posted three cross-training posts this morning, and received the notif for one of them.

I had zero tag notifs this morning, but one tag (and possibly some I'm not aware of =/ )

In short, IJ is a whore, and I kind of want to kick him out of my bed. So to speak.

That being said, all the cross training my pups are part of is posted.

I would also like to take this moment to express that - if it is awake time for me and I haven't responded to your tag and it's been more than a couple of hours, please drop me an e-mail? It likely means IJ withheld the notif from me and I don't know it's there. I do go through and check the posts periodically, but that's slightly more time consuming at my desk at work since the blackberry's connection is kind of crappy there.

I also encourage you guys to check your posts too, to see if it's your turn and IJ never told you. This is seriously driving me bonkers and I hope they sort out whatever the issue is, soon.


Just a semi-hiatus type note to everyone - I have an exam on Wednesday. It's in Ancient Greek. I am reasonably prepared but am likely to go into panic mode at a moment's notice. As a result I may be somewhat sporadic RP-wise for the next few days. Once my exam is over, I'll be fully back on deck. Thankfully. *headdesk*

Nov. 12th, 2009


See that icon? See it!? That's the face I'm making at myself and at life, haha.

Sorry I've been so sporadic lately... College applications have been eating my life, but I'm almost through! (WHY IS GETTING INTO COLLEGE THE HARDEST THING EVER?)

BUT! I'm posting to letcha know that I might be a little on-and-off for the next few days as I finish up. Not quite a hiatus, but... a slow-atus? Or something like that, haha!

Stay classy, Fortress!

- Yanni

Nov. 11th, 2009


I know I'm new and everything, but I have to take a quick hiatus. Sorry! It's that part of the semester, plus I have a text that's going to determine things about graduate school coming up this weekend. So I think the hiatus will be from now to about Wednesday. Just wanted to let the mods/people I'm threading with know...

Nov. 10th, 2009


Hi guys, I suppose this is a semi-hiatus notice. Not because I have anything coming up but because I'm so blah at the moment. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything at the moment and its seriously impacting on my RPing. I will reply to your posts but it might take awhile (a few days unfortuantely). If more goes by and I still haven't replied feel free to poke me on AIM (I can recieve offline messages/will be invisible) but you can also email me at It probably hasn't helped that the weather has gone from mild winter weather to boiling hot in like two days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough.


Nov. 8th, 2009


Ello ello again there Fortress fans!

I'm back to bring you someone I've wanted to play for a while, Peter Pettigrew! I figured now would be a good time to bring him in and finish off our set of Marauders. I think he's going to be as fun to interact with as much it will be to play him. I just put his application up on his profile page so if anyone has any ideas about backstory or whatever, let me know! Can't wait to get started, especially with a big Marauders thread!

In other news, I wanted to mention something that you may have heard/noticed already; I've dropped Gideon and Lucius. I just seemed to have lost the muse, more or less because I think I chose to play them for the wrong reasons, and that is never a way I like to go into a character. If anyone wishes to take them, just talk to our mods of awesome and let them know you're interested.

So anyway, LET'S GET GOING!

- Christopher



'kay, just wanted to give you guys a heads up that we've updated the overview page to clarify a few things; that can be found here:

For conveniences sake, this is what has been added. Hopefully this will help enlighten everyone. :)

Please note

Canon house stereotypes do not apply here. There were no character values set on each house. Students are not sorted into Gryffindor because they are brave, they are sorted there because they are good with weapons. Students are not sorted into Slytherin because they're cunning and ambitious, they're put there if they are patient and strong-minded.

Aptitude Test

Think 'career aptitude test'. The test is a combination written and physical exam that gauges the student's interests, physical prowess, and areas in which they excel.

They are asked to answer several questions in regard to their personality, their goals, desires, and aspirations. It is not an 'intelligence' test in any base sense. They aren't working figures or writing essays. They're telling the instructors, through the questions, what they want to do with the rest of their career at school.

While a student's personality is taken into account, it is not a determining factor in house placement. If they are good with weapons and want to fight, they're Gryffindors. If they're patient and strong-minded, or training to use elemental magic in combat, they're Slytherins. If they're bright and have a knack for academics or a mind for strategy, or are training in animal magic, they're Ravenclaws. If they're more hands-on in a general sense, or lack a desire to be front-lines combat, they will be a Hufflepuff. Bravery, cunning, determination, and wit, have nothing to do with what house they land in.


Post Titles

There're a couple of posts missing titles - if you guys could fix that, we'd appreciate it. Also, please remember to put your tags up when you join a post.

Mary's title

Narcissa's title

Druella's title

Narcissa's title

Nov. 7th, 2009


Sirius is rolling his eyes at me...

Gaaah! I'm so sorry that I have been so off and on lately! Midterms for me was pretty hectic, but school has lightened up, thankfully! I'll be back in full swing by this upcoming week!

I know I've still got Lily and Abe to tag to in those backlogged threads (I'M SO SORRY!), and I'll definitely get on that!

Stay awesome, Fortress! ^__^

- Yanni-kins



Meant to do this last night. Clearly did not.

So, Cross-training was meant to be assigned in January. However, I fail at um ... sticking to my guns when I can't remember the logic behind certain aspects of things? And I was dually enabled last night? So we'll be handing out cross-training assignments ... well, Nate said middle of this month but ... we'll see if we can wait the week. ;)

The assignments we have so far:

Lily will be cross-training with Severus for poisons and battle potions. There will be lulz.

Remus will be cross-training with Randy for scouting. We may possibly be pitching Emme into this as well if we decide it's likely for a student to have two apprentices. I think we got distracted from that discussion. Something shiny might've rolled by or I might've tangented. I'm bad for that.

Gideon will be cross-training with Mary in light cavalry/archery.

Amos is training Mary in Scouting.

On the apps, there were a few that were borderline but none that specifically stated if they were cross-training, so if your pup was borderline and wants to cross-train, comment here and we'll work something out. It might end up being with an NPC and something you just reference if we don't have anyone cast who can fill the bill. Or if any non-student sorts who trained want to take on an apprentice (if there was a fire elemental, Bella could train them, that sort of thing), comment here and let us know you're available.

Also, we do have a tiny plot bit coming up as soon as Nate finishes that post. It'll be something that might encourage one of the Slytherin instructors to encourage his students to brew lots and lots of fire potions. I'm just sayin'. We also have plans to have a winter carnival visiting Hogwarts, to bring news of the Outside World. OoooOOOoooooOOOoooh. But that's still being worked about. Because it was one of my random ideas.

Okay. That's it for right now 'cause I have a plot-post to write for [info]full_circle ::lure, lure:: (Hey. Fair is fair. I pimped this game over there. XD )


Appologies to all about my lack of posting this past week. With Halloween (among other things) last weekend, it didn't leave much time for me to post along with the fact that I'm not a big poster during the week to begin with because of classes. I'm definitely hoping to make it up this weekend, however, and try get posting on/perhaps closing some of the threads that I have with some of you. And thankfully, the problem of classes won't be an excuse too much longer.

Again, I'm absolutely sorry and I'll get posting straight away!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)

Nov. 5th, 2009


A new char.

Hi guys,

This is Dee again. The one that plays Emmeline. Hi. Anyway I saw that James Potter was wanted and who can possibly say no to such an enticing character? I signed up to play him. James is of course a Gryffindor, he hates Slytherins (especially Snape ;) ), and he'll totally school everyone in sword fighting. Just sayin'. Anyway look forward to playing him with everyone!

Oh yeah and as usual my IM is WaftingCurtains if you have any questions about him and stuff like that.


Nov. 4th, 2009


Hey all! I'm sorry I've been ridiculously absent this weekend. Apparently combining a four day weekend, exam revision, start of NaNo, NaNo write-ins, NaNo write-ins that go ridiculously late and result in me not getting home until after midnight and doing a ridiculous amount of cooking is not conducive for doing much other than going "Uhhhhhhhhhhh" a lot with a blank expression on my face.

On the other hand, I have 11,000 words in Nano already. Yay me?

Anyway... I'm going to bed early tonight and hopefully will wake up tomorrow rested and ready to go and will do that tagging thing. (Also hopefully there won't be any more silly firefighters giving me work to do that has an 'uh, can you get this done by tomorrow' deadline to it.)

If it gets to the end of tomorrow and I haven't tagged a thread, let me know. It's fallen through a hole in my sieve-like mind and I need to stuff it back in.

Also if you want one (or more) of my characters for something, let me know as well.

[Some of you may be seeing this twice because I lack the ability to type this out twice so copy/paste it is.]

Nov. 3rd, 2009



Because we were clever and thought of it today ...

we now have a wanted list

If you want any characters - canon or OC - to fill a line, post a comment there and we'll add it to our requests when we make them in request comms.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Hi guys! I"m sorry for being MIA (despite being on the net- I've been studying!) I had a massive exam on Monday and have been spending a lot of time studying and putting off tags so they got back tracked... and not checking friends lists BUT I'm back now and looking to plot with anyone who wants me. So anyone want Druella?

Alex :)

Nov. 1st, 2009


Hello! I am Sami, and I am bringing in Mary Macdonald. Mary is seventeen years old and in Hufflepuff, but she crosstrains with Ravenclaw. Her information is in her journal, but I'll give you the short of it here.

Mary's family is one that supports Voldemort. Mary personally does not, but she realizes the precariousness of her situation. She is reluctant to openly oppose her family for two reasons. One, doing so means she can no longer know what her family is up to and thus help what she sees as the 'right' side. Two, Mary still loves her family at the end of the day. She was sort of neglected as a child, passed over in favor of her brother, and thus Mary has a need to be noticed. She tries very hard at what she does, and she is often seeking quiet approval or even acknowledgment. She's quite a brilliant girl - all that determination to impress her parents as a child has finally paid off. You might think that means she should have been placed in Ravenclaw. Indeed, her mind would say as much, but her nature is one much more sorted for Hufflepuff. She is a warm and gentle girl, and she will bend over backwards to help you.

I am excited to play here and with each of you!



Hi everyone,

My name is Dee, I just joined the group. I'm a very old friend of Halo's from AOL Rping days, and this is my first time in a journal group. So you have to bear with me here as I get used to the style, and I've also never used these journals so ... I might be a little stupid at first. I promise I get smarter as you get to know me, and/or you come to accept my ditzy behavior as time goes on. I really like Harry Potter, but I'm afraid I am not as hardcore a fan as probably all of you are, so again I might have a slight learning curve.

I joined with Emmeline Vance. I remembered her from the books when she got killed and the Order was upset, so I thought it sounded interesting to go back into the before story. Emme is a Hufflepuff, very bright spirited and friendly, and in cavalry training.

If you want to get in touch with me my AIM is WaftingCurtains. I will be putting this on my profile too so you will know how to say hi, but by all means give me a poke and say hi. I totally bite and you'll like it. Wow that sounded a lot worse than I meant it to be in my head.

I'm excited to get started!


Oct. 30th, 2009


Quicky Reminder

Good Morning!

Except for the part where it isn't because it's morning.

That said, just wanted to remind you guys of a couple things:

1) RP posts need titles; the preferred format is "RP: Title Goes Here" There are three that need to be fixed, so if you two could do that, we'd appreciate it.

2) Posts need tags. This includes the OOC posts. We're big on tags.

And since I think it didn't make it past verbal discussion ... ::pause:: No, it totally didn't, because it started with "are you awake?" last night. AND I ALMOST WASN'T.


Anyway, the Harvest Festival thread will go up on November 1st, and there will be two parts to it. The first part will be the first couple of peaceful hours of the festival, and the second post will be the one that goes up after the thing happens. That's going to be a TOTAL SURPRISE so we're not telling you. BUT THE GRYFFS PROBABLY SHOULDN'T DITCH EARLY. ::eyes Lily::

As always, suggestions and questions and other things are welcome, 'cause we like to hear what you have to say so we can adjust our funky AU world to fit everyone.

Okay. it's almost time for me to go to work ::sulks::

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