Oct. 28th, 2009


Modly Stuff

More Voldemort

Have a cut )


Have another )

Oct. 25th, 2009


We are open! / Brief admin info

We reached our ten character stipulation which means we are open! Feel free to start posting, replying, anything else. We're still waiting until Nov. 1st to do the Harvest Ball, but your characters would know about it, can plan for it, etc.

So this will be a generally fluffy week as we find our footing and settle in.

As to the very brief admin stuff we just wanted to point out that since the journals are not interactive, there's no need to friend everyone. You guys are welcome to if you want, but we won't be having a friending button or anything like that.

We also won't be having a contact information page since everyone has a way to contact them listed somewhere in their journal/profile.

We should have a weather post for the week up shortly annnd I think that's it.

Welcome aboard guys!

Oct. 24th, 2009


State of the Game

Hey folks! This is Nate and we've been updating stuff. Some stuff is still in the process of being updated (or coming soon), but I very optimistically have plans of finishing it this weekend so I'll include it here. Then after that I'll just give a quick run down of where we stand as far as opening goes and what we can expect at the start of the game.


Offensive Battle Magic: Halo already covered this, so there, but if you missed it, you can read more about it in here.

Legends: This is by no means a complete list. Most of the ones currently listed will be plot related in some way in the future. If you have a neat idea for a Legend or know of one that you think would fit well in the game, let us know!

Entertainment: This is also in progress, but it doesn't need to be all that detailed really. Hogwarts tournament schedules and a bit more information about the tournaments in general will be fleshed out in a day or two.

Hogwarts Grounds: This is coming tomorrow, but it will basically cover the town within the Fortress and the areas immediately surrounding it.

Lord Voldemort: This is also coming tomorrow. Just a write up about what's been going on, what your characters would know about him, stuff like that.

When do we open?

We'll let you know? ::grin:: We are currently at eight characters, so probably sooner than November 1st. We'll pop up an announcement when we get there.

Either way, on November 1st we're going to kick things off with a Harvest Ball at Hogwarts. Everyone is welcome so we figure it's an easy way to start off interactions and for us all to jump right in.

Aside from that, on Sundays we'll be doing weekly updates with Weather information and what houses have what chores that week.

The end

Halo and I are really good at understanding each other, so sometimes what seems clear to us, really makes no sense ::grin:: so really, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks guys!