Nov. 16th, 2009


Just a semi-hiatus type note to everyone - I have an exam on Wednesday. It's in Ancient Greek. I am reasonably prepared but am likely to go into panic mode at a moment's notice. As a result I may be somewhat sporadic RP-wise for the next few days. Once my exam is over, I'll be fully back on deck. Thankfully. *headdesk*

Nov. 4th, 2009


Hey all! I'm sorry I've been ridiculously absent this weekend. Apparently combining a four day weekend, exam revision, start of NaNo, NaNo write-ins, NaNo write-ins that go ridiculously late and result in me not getting home until after midnight and doing a ridiculous amount of cooking is not conducive for doing much other than going "Uhhhhhhhhhhh" a lot with a blank expression on my face.

On the other hand, I have 11,000 words in Nano already. Yay me?

Anyway... I'm going to bed early tonight and hopefully will wake up tomorrow rested and ready to go and will do that tagging thing. (Also hopefully there won't be any more silly firefighters giving me work to do that has an 'uh, can you get this done by tomorrow' deadline to it.)

If it gets to the end of tomorrow and I haven't tagged a thread, let me know. It's fallen through a hole in my sieve-like mind and I need to stuff it back in.

Also if you want one (or more) of my characters for something, let me know as well.

[Some of you may be seeing this twice because I lack the ability to type this out twice so copy/paste it is.]

Oct. 22nd, 2009


G'day all! I'm Kat and I will be bringing you two of my favourite boys - Severus Snape and Rabastan Lestrange.

Severus is slightly different in this game in that he hasn't yet realised that Lily Evans is the love of his life. They lived too far apart before they got to Hogwarts to ever meet and she's just this annoying Gryffindor in his eyes (who he's noticed is really very pretty... except that he totally hasn't because he's way too interested in brewing potions and poisons to notice very pretty red-haired, green-eyed Gryffindors... uhuh, yes, he is) now that they are at school. Though... who knows what will happen in the future.

Rabastan is the Master Assassin at the school. He is really very good at what he does though his public reputation is that of a dissolute and debauched younger son. Lots of stories of drunken debauchery involving women and *gasp* men floating around about him. Some of them might even be true. He also has a sekrit role at the school as a spy and recruiter for Voldemort.

I'm always up for plot and the best way to reach me is via email, which you'll find in the character info post or in the profile of my character journals. I am often around on IM at fenrirthekat but I can't always talk there because I'm often at work. It's kind of for emergencies or quick queries only.