Nov. 7th, 2009


Appologies to all about my lack of posting this past week. With Halloween (among other things) last weekend, it didn't leave much time for me to post along with the fact that I'm not a big poster during the week to begin with because of classes. I'm definitely hoping to make it up this weekend, however, and try get posting on/perhaps closing some of the threads that I have with some of you. And thankfully, the problem of classes won't be an excuse too much longer.

Again, I'm absolutely sorry and I'll get posting straight away!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)

Oct. 21st, 2009


Well hello there fellow Fortress members!

I'm Christopher and I give you our version of Gideon Prewett as a 6th year Gryffindor. He's a child of nobles, and the middle brother of Molly Prewett (Weasley) and Fabian Prewett; if anyone wants to play Fabian, let me know because I have some ideas. He's the chivalrous type, you know. He's for freedom, beauty, truth, love, justice and all that jazz. He has no problem helping others when they are in need. He really doesn't like bullies but if they can prove themselves to him, to be better, then he can be pretty forgiving.

Most of the time he can seem pretty focused on school, but that's because he's kind of shy and doesn't like to talk about himself. He does like to have fun though so if anyone is up for being his friend? He's very loyal too, and sometimes gets protective.

Hope he sounds good, and I can't wait to start playing with y'all! If you want to get a hold of me, I'm on AIM at crazycaliboy286 and @hotmail with the same screenname.

- Christopher