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Oct. 30th, 2009


G'day all! Kat here bringing you Fenrir Greyback, werewolf and axeman.

First of all, this is a very different Fenrir Greyback so I strongly recommend that you read his information here rather than assuming that he's similar to canon Fenrir. (Not that he won't end up like canon Fenrir but if so, it'll happen because of events in the game. He doesn't start out there.)

Basically, he was in Gryffindor and trained with axes. He went into the army and when he was twenty five he was bitten by a werewolf. He managed to kill that werewolf but the damage was done. He came back to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts but Dumbledore was absent (for plotty reasons no doubt!!) and corrupt people basically dismissed him from the army because they didn't want a werewolf in there. (Those damn snotty nobles.)

When Dumbledore returned, he tried to rectify the mistake but Fenrir refused to listen... because he was young, proud, an idiot Gryffindor and had a massive chip on his shoulder. So he didn't listen and left and wandered, picking up seasonal work when and where he could.

He's recently returned to Hogsmeade on the death of his parents and will quite likely find out that he's been a overly proud, stupid idiot fairly soon. :D Oh, and anyone who's been living in Hogwarts or Hogsmeade would likely know his father - his name was Hrafn Sigurdsson and he was a skald (which is an Icelandic bard - ostensibly they died out centuries ago but I think given the AU nature of this game we can say they persisted) - so they'd likely have heard him in the tavern or the inn, singing or telling grand epic poems and tales of war and warriors and gods and myths and so on and so forth.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Go and read his info and he's always available for plotty type stuff. (He'll also have more icons when I get home and can bulk upload them.)

Oct. 29th, 2009


Hello everyone! It is Spoon! and this time, I bring Molly Weasley to the mix! You can find her information HERE. She is out of Hogwarts and already has three children, but she would love to have some friends to visit her! Ping me if you're interested (raven haired cho) or leave a comment here

Oct. 28th, 2009


Modly Stuff

More Voldemort

Have a cut )


Have another )


Hello again Fortress fans!

I'm back as the one and only Lucius Malfoy. I'll be posting his application on his profile in a second. He hasn't changed much, only in history to fit the game, but at least if I screw him up it'll be ok because we're in AU. This is my first time playing him so I just hope I don't screw him up. Anyway, if you have any questions, you know where to get me!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)


Hi guys! I'm Alex, I'm 19 and live in Australia and I bring you one Druella Black (one of my all time fav characters :D) who is PB'd by the amazing Kathleen Turner :D

Anyway she's the same age as her husband (August 1929). She's very emotional and caring to her family and takes great pride in them. She is also a proud Pureblood and takes great care of her looks. She believes in Pureblood supremacy but detests violence so she isn't all that keen on Voldemort. She's a Meditative Magical person who specialised in Potions and Battle Field Magic.

You can catch me on AIM at moonsdreaming YIM at immortalaussie or email me at

I look forward to playing with you guys :)


Oct. 27th, 2009


Last one, I swear!

Well, for now, anyway.

This is Randolph Warrington, a Ravenclaw scout 7th year.

I am playing more new characters in this game ... ::is amused::

So right, he was born with animal magic though neither of his parents had it. Freaky fluke of nature. His first form is that of a bull mastiff (the sort that's in the Kingdom kennels) and he's working on a falcon form - so he's likely annoying anyone who practices falconry or has a falcon.

he likes to talk (or lecture) and he's easily distracted away from the topic at hand - something his debating friends like to take advantage of.

Oct. 26th, 2009


4/5 ...

We have an Avery!

Yes, his bio's a little on the skimpy side, but ... the basics are there. He's essentially a Crabbe or Goyle to Evan Rosier. XD Kind of brainless but good at following orders.

I have no idea why Avery is ... one of my consistent muses. He just crept in one day and ... yeah.

So, right, I'm off to bed to read and I'll get on my last pup's bio tomorrow. ::sniffle:: Then we have to see if we want to up the character limit yet or give it a month XD

So right, I'm down with chatting relations with anyone who knows/might have known him. I imagine Snape hangs out with him, at least occasionally since they're from that group (and man, do I ever want a Mulciber now ... ), and he's pretty much Evan's lapdog when he's not being absorbed by his potion experiments.

Right, he blows things up a lot? Usually deliberately but occasionally accidentally. So he's often sooty. (amusing side note: my other Avery is [info]blows_things_up. Omg, is a trend. XD XD )

Yes. Clearly I am too out of things to be awake, so to bed I go.

Oct. 25th, 2009



So, one more thing before we get started. yay oversight.

For tags in the IC posts, all we're going to want is:

the date (format is year double-digit month, so: 1976 10, 1976 11, 1977 01, etc)
the character name (lily evans, severus snape, sirius black, etc)

since everything is (likely for now) within hogwarts/hogsmeade, we're not concerned with location tags at this point. If there is something happening not within the walls, we'll discuss tags at that point.

For now, we're letting you create & add your own tags, and if you have trouble keeping track of posts, you are welcome to use a tag for yourself to mark all your active threads with (this should be in the format of "!yourname" or some variant thereof).

We do have a header format, though we're not going to be adamant you stick to ours exactly, just as long as all the relevant information is in the header.

As always, if you have questions, hit us up. :)


Weather Post

Weather )

I've always wanted to do weather posts in a game. I'm kind of excited. XD

Also, we were going to do a chore list, but when I realized that was 49 things for me to think up (7 current students by 7 days a week) I decided there was absolutely no way I was doing that every week. So, the chore list is here; please assume that your character is doing something specific to their house from this list at least 5 days a week. It is also a useful prompt when you're stuck on what to do for posts.


We are open! / Brief admin info

We reached our ten character stipulation which means we are open! Feel free to start posting, replying, anything else. We're still waiting until Nov. 1st to do the Harvest Ball, but your characters would know about it, can plan for it, etc.

So this will be a generally fluffy week as we find our footing and settle in.

As to the very brief admin stuff we just wanted to point out that since the journals are not interactive, there's no need to friend everyone. You guys are welcome to if you want, but we won't be having a friending button or anything like that.

We also won't be having a contact information page since everyone has a way to contact them listed somewhere in their journal/profile.

We should have a weather post for the week up shortly annnd I think that's it.

Welcome aboard guys!


I solemnly swear...

Hey-lo there, Fortress!

I'm Yanni, and I've brought the infamous Sirius Black to the game! He's a bit of a rebel, this one, as we all know! He's ready to throw some parties and start up some havoc... all within reason, of course! He specializes in lances (he LOVES to joust) and he's gotten pretty good at it; good enough to start challenging blokes to competitions this way and that. You'll have to excuse him, he's the teensiest bit smug when it comes to that kind of thing.

His three best friends remain James, Remus, and Peter... And he doesn't have the slightest fondness for Snivell--I mean... Severus. He doesn't mean to be a bully, but he doesn't exactly like Slytherins, either. He's got some animal magic up his sleeve, turning into a dog and whatnot. He's got that on the down low, though, and he's only told his closest friends about it. He figures that it's the kind of thing that should be kept a secret.

Waugh, sorry to ramble! Anyways, here be Sirius! I'm still posting things like my bio and contact page and stuff, but you can contact me on AIM at MadamSherwood. My email is the same screen name, but with an added to it! I'll also leave a contact post on Sirius' page, with a link to my personal journal. ^___^

Glad to be here!
- Yanni


Map of the Grounds

V. Large Image behind cut )

Okay. Halo got artistic. Don't laugh at it; it will feel sad.

First thing to note, it is not to scale. This is just to give everyone a rough idea of where everything is in regard to the grounds. The top of the map where the road is is the "upper class" section, with the "lower class" being closer to the castle, on the middle of the map.

Nate may or may not be writing a text-version of the grounds and specific uses of areas, what sort of shops there are, etc, but I don't honestly know. I'm supposed to be working on my bios 'cause I need to get my kids in. But I had inspiration, so now you have a sketch.

and if it won't all show up, the direct link is here:

ETA It should be noted the entire village/castle area is surrounded by a large stone wall with intermittent gates, though the wall is spotty through the forest areas (for plot reasons. You know. So people can sneak in and junk. XD )

Oct. 26th, 2009


G'day all... me again! :D What a surprise.

Anyway, I bring you Aberforth Dumbledore, younger brother to Albus, older brother to Ariana, Gryffindor, goat-fancier and all round grumpy old man. He is the Broadsword Master and he also attempts to pound teaches battle tactics and strategy - not overall battle and war strategy, moving markers around on a map type strategy but actual 'I'm neck-deep in a fight and/or I'm leading a squad, what the hell do I do now?' tactics and strategy.

You can find his info in his journal and there will be icons as soon as possible.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Tom Riddle / Lord Voldemort

Okay, here we go. I'll be writing up a character sheet for him which will be more detailed, but this is just to get us off the ground.

Tom Riddle finished training at Hogwarts in 1945. He was a brilliant earth elemental offensive warlock and a skilled swordsman. He served as a soldier for ten years and then retired. Due to his outstanding service, he was awarded some land, named a noble, and has lived quietly ever since. It's not unusual to see him out and about in Hogwarts' town, and he's generally thought well of and liked by most folks.

What most people don't know is around 1950, in select circles, Tom began calling himself Lord Voldemort. He used his charm and his power to convince people to follow him. Once he had a small base of follows, he began to further shape the Lord Voldemort persona, being careful to keep his face masked or hooded when interacting with those who couldn't yet be trusted with his true identity.

So at this point, only characters like the Lestrange brothers, Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, some Rosiers (but Evan doesn't know yet) and Walden Macnair know that Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort. Everyone else just knows there's this powerful warlock named Lord Voldemort who has been causing trouble and gaining power and should be stopped.


Meet Macnair!

Info is in the profile.

yay, a bio done before bedtime. :;is awesome::

So technically is this 10, I think? Nate should be popping up the start notice soon.



Yes, thank you.

The app I had longest to write apparently was the one I churned out first. Sigh. With any luck, I should have my boys in tomorrow, but ... we'll see. I was v. easily distractible all day today, so ... yeah.

Anyway, here be Bella. Her info's in her profile, definitely willing to flex for the other Black players if something needs shifting. I did try to follow 'cissa's and the pending Druella's during creation.

And since lulz o'clock has descended into typo o'clock, I'm going to see about the bed-thing.

Oct. 24th, 2009


State of the Game

Hey folks! This is Nate and we've been updating stuff. Some stuff is still in the process of being updated (or coming soon), but I very optimistically have plans of finishing it this weekend so I'll include it here. Then after that I'll just give a quick run down of where we stand as far as opening goes and what we can expect at the start of the game.


Offensive Battle Magic: Halo already covered this, so there, but if you missed it, you can read more about it in here.

Legends: This is by no means a complete list. Most of the ones currently listed will be plot related in some way in the future. If you have a neat idea for a Legend or know of one that you think would fit well in the game, let us know!

Entertainment: This is also in progress, but it doesn't need to be all that detailed really. Hogwarts tournament schedules and a bit more information about the tournaments in general will be fleshed out in a day or two.

Hogwarts Grounds: This is coming tomorrow, but it will basically cover the town within the Fortress and the areas immediately surrounding it.

Lord Voldemort: This is also coming tomorrow. Just a write up about what's been going on, what your characters would know about him, stuff like that.

When do we open?

We'll let you know? ::grin:: We are currently at eight characters, so probably sooner than November 1st. We'll pop up an announcement when we get there.

Either way, on November 1st we're going to kick things off with a Harvest Ball at Hogwarts. Everyone is welcome so we figure it's an easy way to start off interactions and for us all to jump right in.

Aside from that, on Sundays we'll be doing weekly updates with Weather information and what houses have what chores that week.

The end

Halo and I are really good at understanding each other, so sometimes what seems clear to us, really makes no sense ::grin:: so really, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks guys!


Oooh, a Change

We're reworking the structure of magic (shocker, right?) so those who apped in as magical characters and would like to shift their character slightly will be able to do so, once the magic stuff is written up. Basically, we're adding in a branch of elemental magic, which cannot be learned but is, like animal magic, an inherited/birth trait. Like Muggleborns in canon, there will occasionally be an elemental child born of non-elemental parents. While normally a child will have ability to master one element, occasionally there will be some who can work multiple elements but will not be able to master them.

... Bella is adamant she can work fire magic. M'tired of arguing with her. ::cough::

So right. I'm sure this isn't the last change, either, but we'll keep you posted. ;)

Oct. 21st, 2009


Well hello there fellow Fortress members!

I'm Christopher and I give you our version of Gideon Prewett as a 6th year Gryffindor. He's a child of nobles, and the middle brother of Molly Prewett (Weasley) and Fabian Prewett; if anyone wants to play Fabian, let me know because I have some ideas. He's the chivalrous type, you know. He's for freedom, beauty, truth, love, justice and all that jazz. He has no problem helping others when they are in need. He really doesn't like bullies but if they can prove themselves to him, to be better, then he can be pretty forgiving.

Most of the time he can seem pretty focused on school, but that's because he's kind of shy and doesn't like to talk about himself. He does like to have fun though so if anyone is up for being his friend? He's very loyal too, and sometimes gets protective.

Hope he sounds good, and I can't wait to start playing with y'all! If you want to get a hold of me, I'm on AIM at crazycaliboy286 and @hotmail with the same screenname.

- Christopher

Oct. 22nd, 2009


G'day all! I'm Kat and I will be bringing you two of my favourite boys - Severus Snape and Rabastan Lestrange.

Severus is slightly different in this game in that he hasn't yet realised that Lily Evans is the love of his life. They lived too far apart before they got to Hogwarts to ever meet and she's just this annoying Gryffindor in his eyes (who he's noticed is really very pretty... except that he totally hasn't because he's way too interested in brewing potions and poisons to notice very pretty red-haired, green-eyed Gryffindors... uhuh, yes, he is) now that they are at school. Though... who knows what will happen in the future.

Rabastan is the Master Assassin at the school. He is really very good at what he does though his public reputation is that of a dissolute and debauched younger son. Lots of stories of drunken debauchery involving women and *gasp* men floating around about him. Some of them might even be true. He also has a sekrit role at the school as a spy and recruiter for Voldemort.

I'm always up for plot and the best way to reach me is via email, which you'll find in the character info post or in the profile of my character journals. I am often around on IM at fenrirthekat but I can't always talk there because I'm often at work. It's kind of for emergencies or quick queries only.

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