Nov. 16th, 2009


Just a semi-hiatus type note to everyone - I have an exam on Wednesday. It's in Ancient Greek. I am reasonably prepared but am likely to go into panic mode at a moment's notice. As a result I may be somewhat sporadic RP-wise for the next few days. Once my exam is over, I'll be fully back on deck. Thankfully. *headdesk*

Nov. 4th, 2009


Hey all! I'm sorry I've been ridiculously absent this weekend. Apparently combining a four day weekend, exam revision, start of NaNo, NaNo write-ins, NaNo write-ins that go ridiculously late and result in me not getting home until after midnight and doing a ridiculous amount of cooking is not conducive for doing much other than going "Uhhhhhhhhhhh" a lot with a blank expression on my face.

On the other hand, I have 11,000 words in Nano already. Yay me?

Anyway... I'm going to bed early tonight and hopefully will wake up tomorrow rested and ready to go and will do that tagging thing. (Also hopefully there won't be any more silly firefighters giving me work to do that has an 'uh, can you get this done by tomorrow' deadline to it.)

If it gets to the end of tomorrow and I haven't tagged a thread, let me know. It's fallen through a hole in my sieve-like mind and I need to stuff it back in.

Also if you want one (or more) of my characters for something, let me know as well.

[Some of you may be seeing this twice because I lack the ability to type this out twice so copy/paste it is.]

Oct. 26th, 2009


G'day all... me again! :D What a surprise.

Anyway, I bring you Aberforth Dumbledore, younger brother to Albus, older brother to Ariana, Gryffindor, goat-fancier and all round grumpy old man. He is the Broadsword Master and he also attempts to pound teaches battle tactics and strategy - not overall battle and war strategy, moving markers around on a map type strategy but actual 'I'm neck-deep in a fight and/or I'm leading a squad, what the hell do I do now?' tactics and strategy.

You can find his info in his journal and there will be icons as soon as possible.