November 8th, 2009

[info]fortress_mods in [info]fortress_ooc

Post Titles

There're a couple of posts missing titles - if you guys could fix that, we'd appreciate it. Also, please remember to put your tags up when you join a post.

Mary's title

Narcissa's title

Druella's title

Narcissa's title

[info]fortress_mods in [info]fortress_ooc


'kay, just wanted to give you guys a heads up that we've updated the overview page to clarify a few things; that can be found here:

For conveniences sake, this is what has been added. Hopefully this will help enlighten everyone. :)

Please note

Canon house stereotypes do not apply here. There were no character values set on each house. Students are not sorted into Gryffindor because they are brave, they are sorted there because they are good with weapons. Students are not sorted into Slytherin because they're cunning and ambitious, they're put there if they are patient and strong-minded.

Aptitude Test

Think 'career aptitude test'. The test is a combination written and physical exam that gauges the student's interests, physical prowess, and areas in which they excel.

They are asked to answer several questions in regard to their personality, their goals, desires, and aspirations. It is not an 'intelligence' test in any base sense. They aren't working figures or writing essays. They're telling the instructors, through the questions, what they want to do with the rest of their career at school.

While a student's personality is taken into account, it is not a determining factor in house placement. If they are good with weapons and want to fight, they're Gryffindors. If they're patient and strong-minded, or training to use elemental magic in combat, they're Slytherins. If they're bright and have a knack for academics or a mind for strategy, or are training in animal magic, they're Ravenclaws. If they're more hands-on in a general sense, or lack a desire to be front-lines combat, they will be a Hufflepuff. Bravery, cunning, determination, and wit, have nothing to do with what house they land in.

[info]man_andmouse in [info]fortress_ooc

Ello ello again there Fortress fans!

I'm back to bring you someone I've wanted to play for a while, Peter Pettigrew! I figured now would be a good time to bring him in and finish off our set of Marauders. I think he's going to be as fun to interact with as much it will be to play him. I just put his application up on his profile page so if anyone has any ideas about backstory or whatever, let me know! Can't wait to get started, especially with a big Marauders thread!

In other news, I wanted to mention something that you may have heard/noticed already; I've dropped Gideon and Lucius. I just seemed to have lost the muse, more or less because I think I chose to play them for the wrong reasons, and that is never a way I like to go into a character. If anyone wishes to take them, just talk to our mods of awesome and let them know you're interested.

So anyway, LET'S GET GOING!

- Christopher