Nov. 8th, 2009


Ello ello again there Fortress fans!

I'm back to bring you someone I've wanted to play for a while, Peter Pettigrew! I figured now would be a good time to bring him in and finish off our set of Marauders. I think he's going to be as fun to interact with as much it will be to play him. I just put his application up on his profile page so if anyone has any ideas about backstory or whatever, let me know! Can't wait to get started, especially with a big Marauders thread!

In other news, I wanted to mention something that you may have heard/noticed already; I've dropped Gideon and Lucius. I just seemed to have lost the muse, more or less because I think I chose to play them for the wrong reasons, and that is never a way I like to go into a character. If anyone wishes to take them, just talk to our mods of awesome and let them know you're interested.

So anyway, LET'S GET GOING!

- Christopher