Nov. 17th, 2009


So I meant to do this the other day but I fail... I blame my allergies but Alex here with Minerva McGonagall. She's very much like her canon self but she's very much fascinated with weapons and how such small things can do so much damage to people. She's the Short Daggers Master at Hogwarts and cares for all students... though she does favour Gryffindor's more than the others.

Alex :)

Oct. 28th, 2009


Hi guys! I'm Alex, I'm 19 and live in Australia and I bring you one Druella Black (one of my all time fav characters :D) who is PB'd by the amazing Kathleen Turner :D

Anyway she's the same age as her husband (August 1929). She's very emotional and caring to her family and takes great pride in them. She is also a proud Pureblood and takes great care of her looks. She believes in Pureblood supremacy but detests violence so she isn't all that keen on Voldemort. She's a Meditative Magical person who specialised in Potions and Battle Field Magic.

You can catch me on AIM at moonsdreaming YIM at immortalaussie or email me at

I look forward to playing with you guys :)
