Oct. 24th, 2009


Oooh, a Change

We're reworking the structure of magic (shocker, right?) so those who apped in as magical characters and would like to shift their character slightly will be able to do so, once the magic stuff is written up. Basically, we're adding in a branch of elemental magic, which cannot be learned but is, like animal magic, an inherited/birth trait. Like Muggleborns in canon, there will occasionally be an elemental child born of non-elemental parents. While normally a child will have ability to master one element, occasionally there will be some who can work multiple elements but will not be able to master them.

... Bella is adamant she can work fire magic. M'tired of arguing with her. ::cough::

So right. I'm sure this isn't the last change, either, but we'll keep you posted. ;)