Oct. 20th, 2009


Hello everyone! My name is Laurel, but you can call me Spoon! I bring Narcissa Malfoy to the table, a beautiful, cold girl. ^_^ Her information can be found HERE.

I saw we have a Severus Snape. In my app, I had put that Snape was a good friend of Narcissa's (at least within her social circle) and was hoping that would be okay with you? And I saw we have a Rab and I put that she adores the Lestrange brothers. (Plus Adrien Brody is just sexy!)

Anyone else, I'm completely up for plot if we can figure something out! I look forward to this game! I'm on AIM all the time, so you can reach me at raven haired cho! (Or leave a message here, whatever floats your boat!)