Oct. 29th, 2009


Hello everyone! It is Spoon! and this time, I bring Molly Weasley to the mix! You can find her information HERE. She is out of Hogwarts and already has three children, but she would love to have some friends to visit her! Ping me if you're interested (raven haired cho) or leave a comment here

Oct. 20th, 2009


Hello everyone! My name is Laurel, but you can call me Spoon! I bring Narcissa Malfoy to the table, a beautiful, cold girl. ^_^ Her information can be found HERE.

I saw we have a Severus Snape. In my app, I had put that Snape was a good friend of Narcissa's (at least within her social circle) and was hoping that would be okay with you? And I saw we have a Rab and I put that she adores the Lestrange brothers. (Plus Adrien Brody is just sexy!)

Anyone else, I'm completely up for plot if we can figure something out! I look forward to this game! I'm on AIM all the time, so you can reach me at raven haired cho! (Or leave a message here, whatever floats your boat!)