Nov. 1st, 2009


Hello! I am Sami, and I am bringing in Mary Macdonald. Mary is seventeen years old and in Hufflepuff, but she crosstrains with Ravenclaw. Her information is in her journal, but I'll give you the short of it here.

Mary's family is one that supports Voldemort. Mary personally does not, but she realizes the precariousness of her situation. She is reluctant to openly oppose her family for two reasons. One, doing so means she can no longer know what her family is up to and thus help what she sees as the 'right' side. Two, Mary still loves her family at the end of the day. She was sort of neglected as a child, passed over in favor of her brother, and thus Mary has a need to be noticed. She tries very hard at what she does, and she is often seeking quiet approval or even acknowledgment. She's quite a brilliant girl - all that determination to impress her parents as a child has finally paid off. You might think that means she should have been placed in Ravenclaw. Indeed, her mind would say as much, but her nature is one much more sorted for Hufflepuff. She is a warm and gentle girl, and she will bend over backwards to help you.

I am excited to play here and with each of you!