Nov. 16th, 2009


IJ is love, people, IJ is love

So, i posted three cross-training posts this morning, and received the notif for one of them.

I had zero tag notifs this morning, but one tag (and possibly some I'm not aware of =/ )

In short, IJ is a whore, and I kind of want to kick him out of my bed. So to speak.

That being said, all the cross training my pups are part of is posted.

I would also like to take this moment to express that - if it is awake time for me and I haven't responded to your tag and it's been more than a couple of hours, please drop me an e-mail? It likely means IJ withheld the notif from me and I don't know it's there. I do go through and check the posts periodically, but that's slightly more time consuming at my desk at work since the blackberry's connection is kind of crappy there.

I also encourage you guys to check your posts too, to see if it's your turn and IJ never told you. This is seriously driving me bonkers and I hope they sort out whatever the issue is, soon.

Oct. 27th, 2009


Last one, I swear!

Well, for now, anyway.

This is Randolph Warrington, a Ravenclaw scout 7th year.

I am playing more new characters in this game ... ::is amused::

So right, he was born with animal magic though neither of his parents had it. Freaky fluke of nature. His first form is that of a bull mastiff (the sort that's in the Kingdom kennels) and he's working on a falcon form - so he's likely annoying anyone who practices falconry or has a falcon.

he likes to talk (or lecture) and he's easily distracted away from the topic at hand - something his debating friends like to take advantage of.