Nov. 16th, 2009


IJ is love, people, IJ is love

So, i posted three cross-training posts this morning, and received the notif for one of them.

I had zero tag notifs this morning, but one tag (and possibly some I'm not aware of =/ )

In short, IJ is a whore, and I kind of want to kick him out of my bed. So to speak.

That being said, all the cross training my pups are part of is posted.

I would also like to take this moment to express that - if it is awake time for me and I haven't responded to your tag and it's been more than a couple of hours, please drop me an e-mail? It likely means IJ withheld the notif from me and I don't know it's there. I do go through and check the posts periodically, but that's slightly more time consuming at my desk at work since the blackberry's connection is kind of crappy there.

I also encourage you guys to check your posts too, to see if it's your turn and IJ never told you. This is seriously driving me bonkers and I hope they sort out whatever the issue is, soon.

Oct. 26th, 2009


4/5 ...

We have an Avery!

Yes, his bio's a little on the skimpy side, but ... the basics are there. He's essentially a Crabbe or Goyle to Evan Rosier. XD Kind of brainless but good at following orders.

I have no idea why Avery is ... one of my consistent muses. He just crept in one day and ... yeah.

So, right, I'm off to bed to read and I'll get on my last pup's bio tomorrow. ::sniffle:: Then we have to see if we want to up the character limit yet or give it a month XD

So right, I'm down with chatting relations with anyone who knows/might have known him. I imagine Snape hangs out with him, at least occasionally since they're from that group (and man, do I ever want a Mulciber now ... ), and he's pretty much Evan's lapdog when he's not being absorbed by his potion experiments.

Right, he blows things up a lot? Usually deliberately but occasionally accidentally. So he's often sooty. (amusing side note: my other Avery is [info]blows_things_up. Omg, is a trend. XD XD )

Yes. Clearly I am too out of things to be awake, so to bed I go.