Nov. 7th, 2009


Appologies to all about my lack of posting this past week. With Halloween (among other things) last weekend, it didn't leave much time for me to post along with the fact that I'm not a big poster during the week to begin with because of classes. I'm definitely hoping to make it up this weekend, however, and try get posting on/perhaps closing some of the threads that I have with some of you. And thankfully, the problem of classes won't be an excuse too much longer.

Again, I'm absolutely sorry and I'll get posting straight away!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)

Oct. 28th, 2009


Hello again Fortress fans!

I'm back as the one and only Lucius Malfoy. I'll be posting his application on his profile in a second. He hasn't changed much, only in history to fit the game, but at least if I screw him up it'll be ok because we're in AU. This is my first time playing him so I just hope I don't screw him up. Anyway, if you have any questions, you know where to get me!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)