November 7th, 2009

[info]themastermalfoy in [info]fortress_ooc

Appologies to all about my lack of posting this past week. With Halloween (among other things) last weekend, it didn't leave much time for me to post along with the fact that I'm not a big poster during the week to begin with because of classes. I'm definitely hoping to make it up this weekend, however, and try get posting on/perhaps closing some of the threads that I have with some of you. And thankfully, the problem of classes won't be an excuse too much longer.

Again, I'm absolutely sorry and I'll get posting straight away!

- Christopher (Gideon and Lucius)

[info]fortress_mods in [info]fortress_ooc


Meant to do this last night. Clearly did not.

So, Cross-training was meant to be assigned in January. However, I fail at um ... sticking to my guns when I can't remember the logic behind certain aspects of things? And I was dually enabled last night? So we'll be handing out cross-training assignments ... well, Nate said middle of this month but ... we'll see if we can wait the week. ;)

The assignments we have so far:

Lily will be cross-training with Severus for poisons and battle potions. There will be lulz.

Remus will be cross-training with Randy for scouting. We may possibly be pitching Emme into this as well if we decide it's likely for a student to have two apprentices. I think we got distracted from that discussion. Something shiny might've rolled by or I might've tangented. I'm bad for that.

Gideon will be cross-training with Mary in light cavalry/archery.

Amos is training Mary in Scouting.

On the apps, there were a few that were borderline but none that specifically stated if they were cross-training, so if your pup was borderline and wants to cross-train, comment here and we'll work something out. It might end up being with an NPC and something you just reference if we don't have anyone cast who can fill the bill. Or if any non-student sorts who trained want to take on an apprentice (if there was a fire elemental, Bella could train them, that sort of thing), comment here and let us know you're available.

Also, we do have a tiny plot bit coming up as soon as Nate finishes that post. It'll be something that might encourage one of the Slytherin instructors to encourage his students to brew lots and lots of fire potions. I'm just sayin'. We also have plans to have a winter carnival visiting Hogwarts, to bring news of the Outside World. OoooOOOoooooOOOoooh. But that's still being worked about. Because it was one of my random ideas.

Okay. That's it for right now 'cause I have a plot-post to write for [info]full_circle ::lure, lure:: (Hey. Fair is fair. I pimped this game over there. XD )

[info]throw_me_a_bone in [info]fortress_ooc

Sirius is rolling his eyes at me...

Gaaah! I'm so sorry that I have been so off and on lately! Midterms for me was pretty hectic, but school has lightened up, thankfully! I'll be back in full swing by this upcoming week!

I know I've still got Lily and Abe to tag to in those backlogged threads (I'M SO SORRY!), and I'll definitely get on that!

Stay awesome, Fortress! ^__^

- Yanni-kins