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Posts Tagged: 'harry+potter:+remus+j.+lupin'

Nov. 5th, 2019



So Bob and I encountered a lovely decapitated nap ruining creature in the lounge.

Think it has anything to do with our friend in the attic?

Highly recommend the couch if you’ve not tried it, freezing cold demon ghost creatures aside

Nov. 3rd, 2019



You know, the attic is actually pretty nice. VERY spacious. Were it not for the relatively advanced decomposition going on with my roommate, I might have just made the move.

Oct. 31st, 2019



room one, day four: mr and mrs lupin adopt rats.

WHO: Remus Lupin & Tonks
WHEN: Day 4
WHERE: Room 15
WHAT: You know, the usual, missing their newborn and trying to adopt vermin,
RATING: PG for cussing, probably.

it was when she started naming the rats )

Oct. 28th, 2019



Could someone find me a bit of sage, black pepper and salt from the kitchen -- and cayenne if you see it.

I also need a broom and some candles - any colour - and something silver.



I seem to be malfunctioning. Where am I?

Oct. 25th, 2019



I don’t know what I was expecting the afterlife to be like but it wasn’t this? It absolutely wasn’t this,