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Posts Tagged: 'final+fantasy:+prompto+argentum'

Oct. 31st, 2019



gladiolus amiticia & prompto argentum
WHEN: day 4, morning
WHERE: the conservatory
WHAT: exploring
WARNINGS: will updated if needed
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Right, so we can officially add talking plant to the list of fucking bat shit crazy things in this house. I'd suggest avoiding the conservatory if you can since it's looking to eat and I somehow imagine it won't be picky on what it eats, including us - or at the very least watch yourself if you head in.

ETA: Ivy will take any rats that are still posing a problem if you want to leave them with her.

Oct. 30th, 2019



Which one of you jerks took all the food?

Oct. 29th, 2019



I'm really overdressed, feeding crumbs to rats. I mean, I guess I could have woken up and done something weirder than what I'm doing right now but, yeah.
