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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+comics:+harley+quinn'

Dec. 2nd, 2019



None'a you were near outraged enough by my abduction and potential murder. Y'all are a bunch of terrible good guys.

Nov. 28th, 2019



I think someone might have misplaced their collage in the motel lobby.

I hope someone misplaced their collage in the motel lobby.

Rose Family + Motel Staff
I don't mean to pass any judgments on this hypothetical young woman based solely on her name, but I notice that the motel is unusually full. Did anyone happen to rent out some of these rooms by the hour again? It's an honest mistake that's happened to the best of us.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Say, so I've been tryna learn some more about Canada since we're here, an I stumbled across this one book. Now it's considered like, "the most controversial novel ever written in Canada" and it even won The Governor General's Literary Award. (The things you learn on Wikipedia!!)

So I read it and it's super good and really compelling. A really empowering, 1970s look at being a lonely librarian in an Ontario time, just like this one!

I was thinking of maybe starting a book club? Maybe getting a bunch of people interested in a real Canadian cultural experience involved? We could all read it together so I can share it with you 😘😘

Nov. 18th, 2019



OKAY. Now who replaced all of my toilet paper with duct tape?

Nov. 8th, 2019



… my pillow hissed at me and now I'm just kind of holding it with one hand because I don't know what's in here but I don't want to let it out.

Uh. Suggestions?

Nov. 6th, 2019



The plants in the Conservatory are fucking plastic. I don't know what to do with that information so there you go.

Also this is gonna sound dumb as shit and I'm 100% reading into that stupid movie too much, but has anyone seen any noteworthy triangles?

When we get home, we should go on a real date. No death or dismemberment allowed.

Nov. 5th, 2019



Give me back. My phone. Now.

[OOC: posted from Ivy's phone so messages will appear under her name :)]

Nov. 3rd, 2019



Say, has anyone seen Ava anywheres?

Oct. 23rd, 2019



Since just asking seems to be the thing to do for those of us who weren't fast enough. Does anyone know of another free bed or sleeping space somewhere?

Oct. 22nd, 2019



You know, now that I think of it, living above a morgue would be a really nice gig. Downstairs neighbours are real quiet, and if they ain't it'll scare you to death so it won't be a you problem for very long.




WHO Harls, Ava & Ivy /WHAT A Discovery / WHERE Room 12 / WHEN Day One

Oct. 20th, 2019



Hello? Is this thing on? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they've been dropped into the middle of a horror movie? Just me? Okay. Also, has anyone noticed that the windows don't open? I wasn't thinking about climbing out of one... And! Do we really have to wear these old clothes?



Normally I'd be relieved that I can't see the dead, but in a place like this? I'm thinking it's not such a good thing.



Oh my God, This looks SO FUN.