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Posts Tagged: '%21the+compound:+1:+day+1'

Jan. 31st, 2020



WHO: Allison & Klaus
WHAT: Kicking off sobriety
WHEN: Compound, Day 1
WHERE: Klaus's room
WARNINGS: Mentions of drug and alcohol use and addiction
STATUS: Complete

Yeah, dad didn't exactly equip us with coping skills. )

Jan. 29th, 2020



Survivor bingo Day 1

Butterfly garden )

Jan. 22nd, 2020



[Ritchie Tozier, Connor, Luther Hargreeves, Blue Sargent & Tony Stark]

Hey Folks,

I know we've all got our own social circles we've developed in this place, and more recently our attention has been pulled in a few directions, but I've noticed that you - and a few others - seem either invested in really figuring out what's brought us here, or otherwise trying to find the line between pushing back, and not making waves to keep everyone safe.

I'd like some input from a few of you, of course, but I was thinking of putting together a group that really focuses on trying to sort out what's behind everything that's happening here - I don't want the group to get too large or unwieldy, but if you think of a few people who ought to be involved, you can invite them in.

Figuring out what's coming, I think, also means maybe sometimes pushing back against what seemed to be expected of us. I'm not thinking like the Soviet-Christmas Tree-Takeover kind of pushback, but things a little more calculated and a lot more subtle.

What's everyone thinking?



"So, I see this new place is color coded. Should I be worried about anything particular that comes up?

[Filtered to John Connor]

"What's your opinion on the stark green?"



Who: Clarke Griffin & Laura Wilson
What: A First Meeting
When: Day One
Where: Art Studio, Block Four
Rating: TBD, likely low
Status: In Progress

It definitely felt too good to be true but Clarke wasn't about to look this particular gift horse in the mouth. )

Jan. 21st, 2020



WHO: Connor and Lee Sizemore
WHAT: A confrontation
WHEN: Day 1, Afternoon
WHERE: The Compound - Block Two
WARNINGS: Violence and swearing
STATUS: Complete

I could have killed you but I'm not a weapon anymore. I choose not to be. )



Anyone else feel like this is some kind of colorful prison?

It's almost like they're mocking your name at this point sticking you in the red room. Glad to see a friendly face though.



Ok. So that was one mysterious door, and I definitely just walked through it. Where am I exactly? And what are the chances of one of these fancy rugs being a flying carpet?



Blue is a nice color. There's a room with lots of tools and tables. It's pretty bitchin.

[ Steve ]
You're not in blue. Hopper and I are there. Are you okay?

[ Peter ]
I'm the blue block, just like you.



Posh setup. I'd be a bit impressed if we weren't all penned up in separate cages.


Heard about your near miss with the drowning, mate. Wanted to apologise for it, I should've kept a better look out. You all right now?

I'm in this same block of rooms, you need anything. Just give a shout, yeah?



So I got my stuff back and being able to look through my phone and stuff makes me realise just how much I miss home and the people I know.

Might have been easier to not get it back.

Anyways I'm in a really red block, anybody else?



Okay so I know better than to trust something that looks too good to be true.

What's the catch?

What do you make of this place?



Good to know that ghoul of an interior decorator my grandfather once hired kept getting work after we let him go. Color-blocking was a mistake in the seventies and it hasn't improved with age.

Shitty design choices aside, what the fuck?



I know this place looks nice and all but don't forget to look out for a volcano.

[ 100 kru and friends ]

Where is everybody at? Murphy and I are in Block 1. There's one bed left in our room if you want it.

Jan. 20th, 2020



I'm not sure what sort of statement all of this wretched yellow is meant to make.



As far as places to end up after yet another mystery door, this doesn't seem so bad. It's certainly nice to have my things.

I guess we didn't all choose the same answers? Everyone still around?

I am considering sobriety. Which is going to be difficult given that every single thing I had stashed seems to have shown up here. But also, I have Dave's dog tags now. I've missed them more than I can say.

There are art supplies here.



This is one hell of a concussion.

When did I get the concussion?



Anybody wants or needs me I'm basically gonna be living in the gym for the foreseeable future.

Got some shit to work out of my system.

Luke, what block did you end up in?



Has anyone else been given items from back home?


It seems like most of us are in rooms colored yellow and red. I'm in block 4, which is purple.



Okay. Sure. This might as well happen.

We all make it through?