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Posts Tagged: '%21rooms:+3:+day+7'

Dec. 28th, 2019



We managed to gain control over the prison...somewhat. I realize most of you are probably busy fighting against whatever those things are, but if you were worried about those of us in the Yulelag, we appear to be safe here for now. We're just trapped.

I won't speak for everyone here, but I know that I'm frustrated at being kept away from the present fight myself.



apt building's on fire

anybody still in needs to get out



oh, fantastic. they've pissed off krampus.



Don't panic, but we're under attack by some kind of horned goat-like creatures. There are tools that can be used as weapons stockpiled in the abandoned rail yard, assuming Zemo's arrest didn't change that. If you are unable to defend yourself, injured, or you are simply alone, please try to leave a message here with your location so someone can come to your aid.

These creatures look like they originate from the Krampus myths. If you are underage, you might especially be targeted. I don't know much about what can destroy Krampus in the lore, only that he could sometimes be bribed with schnapps. Take that as you will.

[OOC note: Tools available as far as I can tell: 10 spades, 10 hoes, 6 hand trowels, some gasoline.]




Helmut Zemo have been arrested and will be detained.

Dec. 27th, 2019



[Filtered: Nadia]

OK. I want in. Whatever they have planned. Can't do shit just drawing it, right? When those two get arrested, again, something is up.




Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Peter Parker & Connor have been arrested and will be detained.



[Bucky Barnes]
How weird would you feel about turning me in to the Soviets?

Dec. 26th, 2019



[Filtered Against Soviets]
So no one has arrested me yet.

Are we going through with this plan? Did someone come up with an alternative?

Dec. 24th, 2019



This freezing rain is almost worse than the snow. I hope everyone is able to remain dry.

I appreciate the battery you've shared with me. I know my poor standing here is my own doing, and I'm sorry you have to keep sacrificing for my mistakes.



connor + dolores

WHAT Androids gonna android
WHEN Day 7
WHERE their room
Read more... )



filtered away from soviets & irma & known informants

okay so piggybacking off tony's idea, maybe those of us who aren't in the prison should make explosives from the alcohol that people still have with them. it can be for a good distraction, too.


what are you planning on doing?



So I saw a notice about somebody called Lucas King being arrested and detained, don’t suppose anybody would know if he just so happens to be deaf and wears hearing aids?



Filtered Away from Soviets/Irma/Known Informants

I realize that some of you may not be interested in supporting a rebellion for a variety of reasons, be it the potential cost to you personally, the fear of retaliation, or the fact that you rolled on a bunch of us and you don't want us all to find out. And ind i'm not here to convince you. Your decisions are your own.

But for those of you who aren't interested in slowly starving to death in a Soviet Christmas Prison, I have a plan.

I think we've all noticed by now that most of the weapons we've been able to gather have been glorified gardening supplies. But those of us who've been to the yulelag all know that the prison has a pretty massive cache of axes and sharpeners. I think the move here is for as many of us as possible to go where the weapons are, and fight our way out.




Quentin Coldwater, Billy Kaplan, Lucas King, Hazel Levesque, Kyoko Sakura have been arrested and will be detained for the next 24 hours.



Day 7

DAY SEVEN (День пятеро)
DAY SEVEN will run from DECEMBER 24th until SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29st

ROOM FOUR begins when a post like this goes up