August 2010



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May. 28th, 2010


Public from 703

[Posted about 2 hours before sunrise.]

[There's a bit of silence before her voice begins. It's clearly tired, though she tries to hide her exhaustion with a wry tone.]

To all the people who are still awake - there's probably like two of you - let's play a game.

[She takes a long pause, trying to collect her thoughts.]

Let's hear what tonight has taught us all. If you learned anything, put it here. [She laughs, the sound tapering out into a whisper.] Make it good.

May. 27th, 2010


Posted by 1202B

[Impatient huff.]

Wendy Darling is not speaking to me. So I need a new mother cause Wendy is a stubborn girl.

Is anybody REALLY good at stories? Like SUPER GOOD. With ADVENTURES!



[ Loud, serious. ]



Voice post

[Quite strained]

It isn't that I like being locked inside my own apartment, but my dog keeps trying to bite me and I'm certain it isn't paranoia. There isn't a chance someone is outside is there?


Public from 703

[Some rustling is heard, a bit of harried scratching in the background. There's a bit of uneven breathing, and finally a female voice.] Hello? Is this on? Shit, I don't even know if I have a microphone. [The sound falls out for a moment before coming back, unsteady.] Okay. Okay, I think I found something that looks like a microphone. I think.

Whatever. Look, am I the only one that is suddenly trapped? I can't open my door or window, and I'm not sure if this is just some prank my friend is pulling or- [A loud pounding is heard in the background, followed by the sound of a chair being pushed back.] Just a sec, some asshole's making noise. [The female voice gets a bit softer, suggesting that the woman has moved away from the microphone.] What the fuck is going on in there? Luther?


[there is more banging, a mutter which can't quite be made out]

Wherein guns are shot and people yell. )

May. 26th, 2010


Group Lock

[ Group lock to 1203A, 1204, 1104A, 802, 706, 401, 605, R1, 202 ]

Okay, so the "first floor panic room" idea is a go. Luther and I will be starting set-up really soon so we can get this ready for the moon.

Now in the interest of "Going Green," I am giving you all the opportunity to help the environment at the same time as we keep the crazies in Bellum from eating each other. I need materials, and I can use pretty much anything. Cardboard boxes, old papers, newspaper, bottles, cans, whatever. Packing peanuts work. Basically anything that isn't rancid or decomposing.

If you have some junk you want to get rid of, bring it down to 109 on the first floor. I'll be there in about an hour and will probably be there the entire time between then and the full moon. Bring a can of coke with every donation and I might love you a little bit.


And if anybody asks what you're doing, please say you're just taking out the trash.


- Your Friendly Supplier

May. 25th, 2010


Group, 802, 706

Group lock to 706, 1203A, 1204, 1104A, 802, 703, 706, 401, 605, R1
A few additions to this list from the last time, based on recent group happenings, but the moon is getting close. I don't think we're going to have time for a full-blown building protection plan at this point. Are we comfortable with something quicker? Can we get any way to restrain the doors of existing units for everyone?

Private to 802
Tomorrow good to assemble the skel Aaron?

Private to 706
We need to talk. Man-to-man.

May. 24th, 2010


Threads Locked Individually

{ Posted early afternoon Wednesday, the day after Riddle Night }

[ Locked to 207 ]

You sure weren't kidding when you said something weird would be happening soon. I spent two hours in a mannequin sandwich, and that wasn't even the strangest part. Though from what I'm hearing, my room wasn't even that bad. I guess I should be happy I didn't have to walk a tightrope.

Anyway, I'm sorry for not stopping by the shop after the last time we forum chatted. I'll have to do that eventually. But for now, I just thought I'd drop you a line and see how you're doing. You make it through the Night of Insanity in one piece, witchy sister?

[ Locked to 401 ]

{ This is added after the conversation with Katya dwindles to a close }

You still have fingernails?


[posted Sunday the twenty-third; locked to P1, 1206, 1203, 1202, 1002, 1004, 1007, 906, 701, 703, 501, 206]
I am I hope I have used the old fable post, here, to be finding you. I am sorry hope I am not intruding, but I find myself to be needing advice from other women.

In the locked rooms we were all having, I was required to have married Inspecto Luther a certain man. This man, I am liking him already, but this, it was very overwhelming. You do not think this marriage, it is for real, da? And if I may have possibly was running away, is there good way to be apologizing?

[locked to 706, 202]
If I am running from man who kissed me, is there good way to be saying the apologies?


May. 23rd, 2010


Locked Individually

{ Posted maybe 10 minutes after Joanie's group leaves their room }

[ Locked to 401 ]

Weird shit happened like Katya said.

You alright?

[ Locked to 705 ]

Did decking out your ship help you at all, Captain?

[ Locked to 307 ]

I just spent nearly 2 hours watching Dracula sniff blood.

Please tell me your night has been better.

[ Locked to 202 ]

How has the king been on this strange night?

[ Locked to 201 ]

Did you Are you What hap Is
Fuck it.

[ nothing sent ]

May. 17th, 2010


Delivery for 202

There are two shoe boxes left outside the door to 202. Both are held closed by duct tape.

Inside the top box are 230 medical pins without hinges. Inside the bottom box are 80 medical pins with hinges. Taped to the inside of the top box's lid is the following note:

Llama King -
If these are for an elaborate party decoration, I will beat you blind, deaf, and dumb.
- Supplier

May. 16th, 2010


Hello, everyone! My name is Sherri Salvage, I moved in today. I saw a few people in the halls and the lobby, but I'm afraid I didn't take the time to stop and learn any names. It's been a long day and I'm about to hit the sack, but I thought I'd post a quick hello.

I'm Joss's older sister, I have a B.A. in English, and I'm about a semester away from having a master's in library science. I'll be looking around for a job that relates at least a little to that, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all soon!

May. 15th, 2010


Locked to 705

Heads up, Captain.

I think something's gonna be happening soon. Something like the full moon, only not, only maybe it is. I don't know. But it involves small groups or something.

Stay safe. Take care of yourself.



Hello, neighbors. I'm Serena St. James and I've just moved in. I've met some of you in passing, but thought a more thorough introduction would not go amiss. I'm a dancer and stage actress by profession, and am currently performing as a chorus member in the new musical The Bacchae. It's off-broadway for the moment, but I promise you that it's still great. If you're at all a theater fan, let me know and I'll hook you up with discount tickets.

Other things to know about me: I'm a night owl, and my door is always open. The latter is literally true at the moment, since I'm painting up a storm in here (sorry about the fumes, guys!) Do stop by and say hello if you can.


Locked to 703

[Directly after this]

I survived.

May. 14th, 2010


703, R1, 705

Locked to 703

Your goat farmer has never behaved questionably with any farm aminals. Permissions to date him is granted.

P.S. How are my pins coming?

Locked to R1

You're an idiot, and I'm getting security installed in that Shop of Imminent Death you apparently now own.

Locked to 705
[After convo with Joanie]

Yo, goat herder.

May. 13th, 2010


can't hurt Upon doing a little reading on the boards, I've found consistently that the tenants here seem to have had little to no luck with the police. It wasn't my intention to advertise within the building, but under those circumstances, I see no reason not to.

I do private detective work. If anyone has the sort of problem they would generally go to the police for, feel free to stop by my office ([address]). You can always try me at my apartment, as well, though I'd prefer to know in advance if you plan on stopping in.

I specialize in homicide and missing persons, and I do not do divorce work.

I also won't spy on your spouse for you.

That caveat aside, I'll take on almost any kind of case. And, in case you were wondering, my fee for tenants in the building is nothing. I'd rather see some facsimile of harmony maintained than take your money.


Locked to 705

{ Posted in the afternoon after this nonsense }

Hey. I'm sorry that I'm a bitch Micah's a bitch everybody is bitchy I freaked weirded you out the other day.

Thanks for being awesome.


Locked to 202

{ Posted the morning after these shenanigans }

God is punishing me because of you. I hate you so much. Ffffuuuuuck

I got his name.

May. 12th, 2010


Hello, Bellum!

I don't think I have posted public since I first arrived here! Anyway, I rarely have the opportunity to surf the internet where I travel, so I was doing that today, and I found this fun little questionnaire! I thought it would be fun to put it up! I look forward to reading all your answers!

Oh the wonders of the internet! )

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