August 2010



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May. 26th, 2010


Okay this is the biggest load of bullshit ever. I'm fucking drowning in candles and beans. You all better be fucking suffering too.

May. 27th, 2010


Voice, from P3

[The sound of furious banging against a heavy surface, followed by a series of snarls and words spoken in Romanian before he switches to English]

Who dares attempt to imprison Count Dracula? I have been tolerant of your inferior species for far too long - these walls cannot hold me forever, and when I am free, whoever is responsible for this will beg for death when I find them.

[The heavy sound of footsteps as he begins to pace back and forth] All of you will rue the day you crossed me, and this building will be mine, for you are merely mortal and I am superior; I will rule this pitiful place and destroy all who stand in my way.

[A pause] Mina, where are you? I can sense you, but these infernal walls will not yield.

May. 26th, 2010


Voice from 906

No. No. No! I... why am I locked in here? I thought she was gone! I was free before to do as I wished and he took me away and...

Have I done something wrong to be trapped in here? To be locked up once again?

Please. Someone. Anyone. I cannot stay in here like this any longer!

[There's the sound of fabric shifting and slippered feet moving to the door, fists pounding on it again in desperation]


Voice, from 1204

I would like to speak with the person responsible for my incarceration.



Hey y'all my name is Summer Cassidy. I'm new here and I just moved into the building. I have to say, the people I've met here already are some of the nicest folks I've ever met. And I lived in Texas for some time so y'all know that I know all about southern hospitality. Room 309--come say hello and I'll whip us up a pot of coffee and dole out a piece of pecan pie.

May. 24th, 2010


Locked to 204

[posted early the morning after Riddle Night]

I'm so sorry for ever thinking you were exaggerating the craziness. Please respond, or call, or come over, anything... just let me know you're okay.

May. 16th, 2010


Hello, everyone! My name is Sherri Salvage, I moved in today. I saw a few people in the halls and the lobby, but I'm afraid I didn't take the time to stop and learn any names. It's been a long day and I'm about to hit the sack, but I thought I'd post a quick hello.

I'm Joss's older sister, I have a B.A. in English, and I'm about a semester away from having a master's in library science. I'll be looking around for a job that relates at least a little to that, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all soon!

May. 12th, 2010


Hello, Bellum!

I don't think I have posted public since I first arrived here! Anyway, I rarely have the opportunity to surf the internet where I travel, so I was doing that today, and I found this fun little questionnaire! I thought it would be fun to put it up! I look forward to reading all your answers!

Oh the wonders of the internet! )


public unless noted

[Locked to 102]
how r ur genes workin out 4 u?

i havnt been around much -had a trip last week- but i saw some things bout a neighborhood watch? some1 wana fill me in?



I know I mentioned this a while back and got one takers, but I'm still planning on going karting in the near future. I've already got one person on board, so if any of the rest of you want to unwind god we all need to unwind after that crazy shit the other week, you should come!

The place is only an hour and a half away, and you should bring crummy old clothes. Let me (Sasha) know if you're down. It'll be oodles of fun, kiddos.

May. 11th, 2010


My friend doesn't have herpes! Isn't that great news, ya'al? I was missin sleep, I was so concerned and all. I'm so celebratory about this here turn of events that I've gone and made a whole new batch of coffee-chocolate cookies. They're real good with a glass of milk. I've been munching on them all day, so I bet I'm gonna go up a jean size after this.

I'm not sure how to make friends other wa If anybody wants the recipe, you let me know, and I'll get it to you.

TO: 303

I promised you cookies, honey. I made you a special batch. Mind if I drop them off?

May. 6th, 2010


Locked to 1104 B

So pushing everything weird aside, lets focus on the day to day for a moment....Kiki moved out. And left me the dog and a note. Where do I get something called a "furminator" and what exactly is it?


Anyone need a lawyer or know someone who does? I'll even go against everything I stand for and go work for corporate America. I'm officially bored, and my only source of entertainment as of late has moved out and my last remaining roommate is a dog who just might start talking back to me if I don't find a J-O-B. Not to mention one day I will be broke, I can't live off of severance forever.

May. 5th, 2010


Keeping the building connected via intranet? Novel idea. Speaks to a kind of irony, doesn't it? In an age where people complain they never know their neighbors, we have to use computers to get to know people twenty feet away.

My name's Jonathan. I'm new around here, clearly. I run a business out of my home, but I promise the absolute worst of it will be that I get a higher number of visitors than most.

May. 2nd, 2010


From #204

so. okay.

i get that you all like this fairy-tale thing. cute, really. but don't you guys realize they aren't real? it's called fiction for a reason. when you go and put hallucinogens in the vents and bang up the building it's freaky. you've taken it too far.

go get some help. seriously. and why did no reason to question, it's not real or give a warning next time, when you decide to go on a a drugging phase. there isn't much of a crash after, but geeze. a girl deserves a warning?

my parents will take me away, if they catch wind of this. fucking morons, i'm an adult

Apr. 6th, 2010


Publicly posted on the building forum

We have decided that it would benefit all tenants to know the tales living under our roof. This list is being posted for the protection of all residents, and is meant to be informative for new tenants. Should you know the identity of someone not on the list, or without a unit listing, inform us here, and we shall rectify the matter.

Bellum Tales )

Apr. 5th, 2010


question for the masses: what would you pay for a nude?

yes i did go there

Apr. 4th, 2010


posted by 904

You're all goddamn barbarians. Congratulations! Is this how you all conduct yourselves? Well, well done, give yourselves a pat on the back if you can stretch your little keyboard mashing arms that far. Good lord. Do none of you have anything better to do than attempt to get women raped and try to find out who is having sex with whom? Is it for the entertainment value? I was under the impression that that was what soap operas were for. Well then, in that case, turn off the computer, send the kids to bed, and settle in with some bon bons and the lifetime channel. No one wants to deal with your bullshit, thanks.


Hey boys and girls! I'm new here, Sasha Ross-David. I'm thinking about throwing a party in a few days in my place. I've just gotta get it cleaned up, first. And finish this retarded deposition, seriously, who the hell does this shit?

Anything I should know about this place as I settle in?

Apr. 2nd, 2010



With the holiday season reaching its sugar-infested end, I figured it was high time I shared the fruits of my student loans with all of you in an attempt to spread good will and cheer throughout the building. It’s the time of year when people are just starting to realize that the world isn’t going to be cold and dead forever, that everything is coming back to life, that the insects are re-infesting the walls, and that mistakes made in winter are now coming to fruition. It’s also a time of deep spiritual thought, though that doesn’t usually last for more than a month or so, and people tend to be more worried than usual about the state of their selves after death. What follows is an extremely brief but nonetheless valuable history of a subject near and dear to all our hearts, that has influenced people over the ages, is a massive portion of our current culture, and is steeped in history.

I am, of course, talking about zombies. )

Mar. 31st, 2010


Public, with exceptions...

[Visible to everyone except R1, 701 and 601]

If a girl was looking for her Woodsman, where would she find him?

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