May 7th, 2010

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumletale

Locked to #101

I'm sorry it took me so long How am I supposed to tell you Aaron came back as a zombie? Actually, maybe I shouldn't say that Oh god how am I

Hi, Madison... it's Cole Mr. Evans. Which you obviously know Goddamnit I can't do this

There's something I need to [...] talk to you about. I think it would be easier better to say in person, but if you're [...] unavailable I guess I could just tell you on this thing.

It's about Aaron. Oh god what if you've already heard? Have you already heard?

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale

Delivered to 703

[Left in a refrigerator box at the door of 703]
  • A hi-resolution image of a medical skeleton.
  • One, medical grade, surgical steel straight pin.
  • One, medical grade, ball-and-socket pin.
  • Enough empty aluminum cans to fill the entire box from bottom to top.
  • Note: Supplier, Enough cans? - Buyer

[info]nightmrholmes in [info]bellumletale

[Posted late afternoon. Typically Iris is out from 6 AM to 12 AM, (something the Watch may note at your discretion) but today she didn't get a second shift.]


Now there's a light out in the second floor hallway.

Though I think the bulb just went out, rather than someone shooting it out with a bullet. Though that's just a guess.

[706] How'd the date go? [/706]

[905] How are you holding up doing? [/905]


How did

What should I do with the photo

[Not sent.]


[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


[After this]

Locked to 601

My sister says she does not have the money, but Daniel seems to feel she does. I asked her to return it if she had it in her possession.

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale

Under the door of 206

[Slipped under Iris' door, the morning after this. The photograph still smells like processing chemicals and the paper is still soft and malleable.]

Sunrise )

[info]unrequitedcharm in [info]bellumletale

I know that everyone seems to have a lot on their plates right now I don't think I'm the only one who woke up weirdly on the full moon, and I really hate to be a bother, but I always say that when things get strange it's best to just act normally so please excuse me if I seem insensitive because it isn't the case at all, I'm just processing.

I need a bit of help on a mundane task. I feel utterly ridiculous, but does anyone know how to read these silly instructions on IKEA furniture? The Swedes do great things with meatballs and chocolate, but their instruction manuals leave a little to be desired.

Thanks, and again, sorry for...I'm not really sure, it just seems appropriate.

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale

Group to 605, 706, R1, 802, 703, 401

All posts not individually locked within visible to 605, 706, R1, 802, 703 and 401

I think we've all realized at this point that we're working outside the bounds of normal law within the building. Luther and I are trying to come up with a plan to handle issues that might pop up within the building, and we wanted input from this group.

Considerations are things like building repairs, preparing for the full moon, handling things that happen outside after the moon, medical care and law enforcement within the building.

Anything posted here remains in confidence. If there's anyone you feel should be included, please come forward with that information. Luther and/or I will respond to anything here, but we want this to be an open forum for discussion.

What do you think should be done?

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


Locked to 1002

Shane is going to hurt someone if he doesn't get the money back in 24 hours, Sissy. If you have it, please give it back. If you need money, I can help you.

[info]longcon in [info]bellumletale


Slipped in the mailboxes of everyone living on the roof, penthouse and deluxe floors )

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumletale

Locked To 705

Arrrr, Captain! I have a question for ye!