February 21st, 2010

[info]littlebirdtold in [info]bellumletale

Private to 1201

Mr. Holden,

I'd hate to be a bother, but I had heard of your reputation as a private detective. I must admit I am contacting you in regards of hoping you'd be willing to take on a case for me. I'm in need of help tracking down some missing persons.

Sylvia Collingwood

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Folded neatly and slipped under the door of 802 )

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


[After this]

[Ella doesn't say anything to Leah about Vaughn that night when she gets in. She tells her about the attack in the alley and about James, but she leaves out everything about talking to Daniel on the forums as well, though she would have liked to get someone's advice about the fact that he didn't reply to her final remark. Once Leah was in her room, Ella took her laptop and she sat on the floor against the only exit from the apartment; the fire escape wasn't accessible without moving the shelves under the living room windows. She was still fully dressed, in case she needed to make a run for it, and the cellphone beside her was set to dial 911 in one push.]

[Private to 1002]

Vaughn, how about you tell me who you have living in my apartment with me? I know she isn't you, just like I know who you are.

I'm not calling the cops, or telling Vlad or Rosalie, but I want you to tell me who she is. She seems sweet, and I don't want her getting dragged into all of this.

Then we can talk. You and I, yes? As sisters should.

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale


[After this.]

[Locked to everyone who knows about Daniel's little Vaughn problem in some detail. Boyd, Rosalie, Ella, Vlad, Rupert, hell, even Cole, Shane--maybe even WILL. He was frantic about posting it so if you character wants to be accidentally included, say so. Most people get the general idea from the anonymous post anyway. Vaughn, you are locked out. Tough.]

She's threatening the building I said this was a bad idea I said it wasn't going to help she's not LISTENING

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

[Locked to P3]

Vlad, you gotta tell Daniel's work friend you're sorry. He says her feelings are hurt cause you kept this whole sending Daniel away thing from her.

I promised him I'd tell you so, so consider yourself told.

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumletale

[locked to 905]

You have Daniel to thank for this

Why did you have to tell him your feelings were hurt

You will not last long in this building if you are this damned weak

I realize that by neglecting to inform you about Daniel's relocation, I did the exact opposite of what I told you I would attempt to do in the future, and in doing so hurt your feelings.

I apologize, but my intention was not to hurt you. Whether you agree with what was done or not, Daniel needs to be away from this building and somewhere that Vaughn cannot reach him. He will have more independence where he is now than he has had in a long time, and when Vaughn is taken care of, he can return a free man.