February 18th, 2010

[info]mostloyallover in [info]bellumletale

from #504 to #1206

Hey, Lotte! So I think it's about that time when the weird forum thing happens? Would you still be interested in helping with a potluck? I have the afternoon free if you want to get together; I'm already designing an invitation to send to everyone!! Do you know where we can have it? Should we take over the lobby or something?


[info]littlebirdtold in [info]bellumletale

Posted from #201

Well, I was told it was best to put a notice up here. I do apologize, I'm not very computer adept.

My name is Sylvia Collingwood. I am moving in to apartment #201. There isn't much else to add, except I am a singer and do like to practice at home. If I become too loud, please just let me know. I try to keep a controlled volume so I don't disturb anyone.

Is it true there's a detective here? It's very nice to meet everyone.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

anonymous feedback post

Welcome to the Bellum Letale anonymous feedback post. Please feel free to post with any questions or comments you have in relation to your experiences as a tenant in the building. Tenants are asked to respond anonymously to encourage honesty. Thank you for your time!