January 7th, 2010

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

to: 1007
from: 601

subject: (empty) )

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

[During this and unknowingly coinciding with this.]

[Locked to 601]

Don't tell him where it is

or about the damn

or why I'm here!

[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[After the anon post]

[Private to R1]

Why the HELL does everyone think you're dead?

[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[During this]

[Locked to 601]

Language, Language, Language. )

[info]snaked in [info]bellumletale


My name is Yun but you can call me Li because it is a little rude to call me Yun until we get to know-- I think it is easier to say for you. I recently moved and live in room 405. Hello!

Since I just arrived I do not have a job. I have also never been to New York before since I am from China. If you are bored or something maybe we can go act like tourists sometime even though we are not tourists! I think that might be fun.

Also if you need help since I have no job I have time. I was thinking about maybe if you know someone who is studying Chinese I could help. Or maybe if someone would like a sparring partner or coach for different gymnastics. Or maybe someone just needs extra help with something!

My door is open. Just knock! Also is the elevator broken? That seems very dangerous. It was nice to meet you!