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Aug. 8th, 2007


Oh my god, I just spent five minutes trying to figure out why the hell I couldn't post here before I realized that I had only friended the comm and hadn't actually joined it.

Sadly, that sets the tone for this post. I'm not a total noob, I swear, but I have two kind of silly questions.

1.) What exactly is Semagic? Is it something I download to my own computer, rather than signing in on an actual website? I have googled, but apparently my google-fu is weak, because I can't figure out exactly how it works. I know it's a method to post to multiple journals, I'm just unclear about how that actually works.

2.) Layouts only effect how your own journal looks, correct? Doing a new layout code thingie won't change the way I view the entire site? Because that would be nice if it did. I'm sorry for the dumb question, but I just used a standard LJ layout and I have no idea what the heck S2 or anything like that means.

I'd be grateful for any responses, because I'm feeling like a massive idiot.


Hate to spam..

Hate to spam, but..

Are there any asylums on here that allow for people to request layouts.. and have been updated in the past, oh.. year? >_> Or is there anyone on here that is good with S2 layouts?

I don't even mind if its on livejournal. I just really need an Alice in Wonderland S2 layout. :)


Aug. 6th, 2007


gifts, another thought

YourLibrarian made me think. Dangerous thing, that is. I know it's early, but a "Holiday Wish List" site like LJ had last year would be nice. I'd love to see something year round.

Like if someone *really* wanted a paid account, and could not afford it, or only part of it, they could request on there. If folks wanted to donate a certificate or whatever, there would be links to the paid info at IJ. Plus, they could request fanfic, icons, pics, books, DVDs, avi's folks may have DLed...etc.

Would anyone think that would be a nice thing?



Here's something I haven't seen anyone addressing yet on any of the fandom diaspora communities, yet I imagine it will affect quite a few people. I have no desire to give LJ/6A any more of my money. However I know many people have given virtual gifts and I know I have also gifted people with paid time, extra userpics, etc. What would be a good alternative to these sorts of micro thank you/special occasion gifts for people who are only on LiveJournal?



Figured with burr's fuck up last night it would be an appropriate time to toss out a welcome to any newcomers who are wandering over. There are a few useful asylums listed in the user info, and it occurs to me that I should probably find an exact copy of the guidelines for adult content and put them up as well, since Squeaky actually... you know, has a ToS. :P

So while I'm here, anyone have a copy to save me having to go dig it out? And if you can think of anything else that would be incredibly useful to have in the user info, tell me that as well. :)

Jun. 20th, 2007


Moving content from livejournal to insanejournal

Does anyone have any tips?

Can I make a backup of my livejournal and then port the entries here?

After Six Apart's baffling "clarifications" today, many more LiveJournal users are developing an interest in InsaneJournal, and the ability to move content easily is crucial for many.

Thank you for your help!

Jun. 12th, 2007



I hope this isn't out of place, but does anyone know of a community on Livejournal where you can promote Insanejournals and communities? I want people over there to know of the alternatives here! I've already discovered some great communities at IJ (and hopefully have created a couple of decent ones, too).

Jun. 10th, 2007


Another Refugee...

I've toddled on over here.
And...I think the same complaint that everyone usually has...
My friends didn't follow me.  >.<
I'm looking forward to making new friends here!

Also, on an unrelated note...
I got all my icons (except for my OTP one) from memegen.  Does anybody know a new comm here where I can ask if anybody knows who I should credit, or know who to credit for any of these?

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