March 2014




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Mar. 14th, 2014


Who: Neal, Rebekah, and Shannon
What: Rebekah takes matters into her own hands
When: Saturday
Where: Rebekah's cabin
Warnings: Aladdin and Jasmine become immortal, so yes.

What happens to a soul when It's trapped inside his emotions And all of these words he's spoken They bind him to the life he's left behind And every new step he takes He knows that he might not make it To all of these dreams that he has yet to find )

Mar. 6th, 2014


Who: Kono, Shannon, later Neal, and then Moz and Alex
What: Finding the Burkes and telling Neal, Moz, and Alex
Where: Prison yard
When: Last night directly after Connor makes his mark and leaves.
Warnings: Mentions of character death, grief, and Neal tears (they deserve their own warning)
Note: The Burkes died in Peter's tower and Neal will be screaming from it when he sees his parents were eated. Anyone outside is free to hear him if they wish.

When it's time to live and let die And you can't get another try Something inside this heart has died, you're in ruins )

Feb. 10th, 2014


Who: Katherine and Shannon
What: They accidentally unleash a dreamwalker on themselves
When: Tonight
Where: The Lighthouse
Warnings: Katherine's subconscious probably needs a warning label

Approach with caution. )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Who: Bonnie, Elena, Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Damon, Cassie, Diana and all of the ghosts
What: Bonnie performs the spell to bring all the ghosts back
Where: The Nemeton
When: Right Now
Warnings: Character death
Notes: I did not write this entire post. It was a collaborative effort among many of the writers in game and I am so extraordinarily pleased with how it turned out. Ghosts may react/thread in comments if you like.

When my time comes forget the wrong that I've done. Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed. And don't resent me and when you're feeling empty keep me in your memory. Leave out all the rest. )

Nov. 30th, 2013


Who: Eve and open
What: Observing
Where: Outside the prison
When: Tonight
Warnings: Probably not, but will update

I just got lost Every river that I tried to cross Every door I ever tried was locked Ohhh and I'm... Just waiting 'til the shine wears off )
Tags: , ,

Nov. 15th, 2013


Who: Peter, Neal, Alex, Elle and Shannon
What: Daddy's not finished talking yet
Where: Quarantine area
When: Friday
Warnings: Nah

Sassy fbi text here )

Nov. 13th, 2013


Who: Neal and Alex, later Kol, Shannon, and Tyler
What: Rage and revenge
When: Early Wednesday morning
Where: Wilderness to start
Warnings: Um yeah

So I'll just stand right here for now I should have won, but how? I break a smart ass grin Who let the loser win? Let's break a smart ass grin Let's let the losers win! )

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Who: Adrian
When: Tonight
Where: His cell then the prisonyard
What: Memories
Warnings: Sadness, talk of death/kinda suicide (NOT HIS. DON'T PANIC.)

Oh, but I do have one burning question Who told you life wasn't worth the fight They were wrong, they lied Now you're gone and we cry 'Cause it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song Your beautiful song Your absolutely beautiful song )

Oct. 7th, 2013


Who: Elizabeth Burke and open
What: Adjusting to prison life
When: Today
Where: Cafeteria
Warnings: Probably not

Nevermind what I knew, nothing seems to matter now Ooh, who I was without you, I cam do without No one knows where it ends, how it may come tumbling down But I'm here with you now I'm with you now )

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Nora, Shannon, Tara, Rebekah
What: Handling their business
When: Friday Night
Where: Dick's place
Warnings: Violence. A lot of violence.

My heart is a weapon of war My voice is my weapon of choice An eye for an eye, A heart for a heart, A soul for a soul. We fight for the dream, We fight to the death, We fight for control. I’m giving you a head start, You’re going to need it, ’Cause I fight like a girl )

Aug. 27th, 2013


Who: Dimitri and Shannon
What: Checking in
When: Tonight
Where: The gym
Warnings: Not sure, but will update. Eta: It's official. Punches are thrown, kids.

Why give up, why give in? It's not enough, it never is. So I will go on until the end. We've become desolate. It's not enough, it never is. But I will go on until the end. )

Aug. 26th, 2013


Who: Caleb and Colleen. Later Shannon and idk who else yet.
What: High on his triumph with Lissa, he's going to handle his little harlot slayer C by himself.
Where: In the wilderness outside of the prison grounds.
When: tonight
Warnings: Death, gore, Caleb being Caleb, extreme angst. Mine and Jenna's tears? Idk.

We've been seeing what you wanted, got us cornered right now Fallen asleep from our vanity, might cost us our lives I hear they're getting closer Their howls are sending chills down my spine And time is running out now They're coming down the hills from behind When we start killing It's all coming down right now )

Aug. 25th, 2013


Who: Shannon (Narrative)
What: Slayer dream
When: now
Warnings: Dark angsty slayer death dreams.

Have you been dreaming? I don't dream at all I have nightmares Memories careenin' Have you come to kill what's left Of my smile Theres no vacancy in paradise I really wished I could have saved you Then who would have saved me from myself Right now, well, I could use a stiff drink To kill the pain thats deep inside my bones I really wished I could have saved you Then who would have saved me from myself I'll never forget you )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Who: Phoebe Halliwell & Shannon
Where: Gym
When: Saturday morning
Rating: TBD; probably low?

Read More )

Jun. 19th, 2013


Who: Shannon (Narrative or Open to Dean)
What: falling in love, Shannon style
When: Thursday night
Where: Dean's cell LOLZ
Warnings: lmfao doubtful, but I'll edit if Dean tags in and it gets out of control ;)

I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears Love you more Than those bitches before Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember I will love you 'til the end of time )

May. 14th, 2013


Who: Shannon, Neal and Colleen npc'd Giles, Glory, Willow and Buffy
What: Coming back to Life
When: as the magic is used to restore Shannon
Warnings: A tiny slayer and a handsome prince are going to stop her from doing something slayerish.

Lost in thought and lost in time While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted Outside the rain fell dark and slow While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime I took a heavenly ride through our silence I knew the moment had arrived For killing the past and coming back to life )

May. 6th, 2013


Who: Glory and Shannon in gdoc. Colleen and Neal coming in on the thread.

What: Glory Going After Her Key

When: Not Long After She Gets Her Info From Gunn

Where: The Prison

Warnings: One Bitchy Hellgod, Brainsuckage

Read more... )

Apr. 21st, 2013


Who: Serena and Nate, mentions of a bunch of people, open to everyone in the prison.
What: Nate & Serena's wedding and reception <3
When: Today
Where: The Prison

I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. )

Mar. 27th, 2013


Who: Adrian, Jill, and Neal later with Rose and Dimitri and even later Shannon
What: Rescuing the mighty guardians and slayer from the big bad snow.
When: Tuesday
Where: All over the wilderness
Warnings: No clue, but not likely.

Adventures of The Rescuers blizzard style )

Mar. 24th, 2013


Who: Shannon and Rebekah
What: Shannon followed Bonnie and ends up getting more than she bargained on
When: Sunday as the snow gets back (her radio transmissions after the net post will show up here)
Where: deep in the wilderness
Warnings: With these two? Possibly

It was a long and dark December From the rooftops I remember There was snow, white snow Clearly I remember From the windows they were watching While we froze down below )

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