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Apr. 23rd, 2013


Who: Tyler and NPC Caroline used with permission
What: Tank day narrative
When: Backdated to Tank Day
Warnings: The usual violence

a pissed off hybrid fighting a monster zombie )

Apr. 20th, 2013


Who: Christian and Rose and Lissa (both npc'd by writer's permission)
What: Pissing the Tank off with his fire
When: the day of Taaaaaaaaank
Where: Wilderness
Warnings: injuries and violence

I'd post lyrics but the dhampirs and moroi probably took his ipod away cause he got hurt oops )


Who: Tony/Victor
What: Facing the tank/Narrative
Where: Wilderness
Status: complete
Rating: Nothing too bad.

Lyrics here )


Who: Peter
What: Tank day narrative
When: Backdated to Tank day
Warnings: Not too bad

The guys in Washington would not be impressed. Or maybe they would. )


Who: Steve with brief mentions of Tony and Thor
What: Tank fight
Where: The woods
When: Tank Day
Warnings: Zombie violence

I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure )


Who: Caroline with mentions of Tyler with permission
What: Tank day narrative
When: Backdated to Tank day
Warnings: Not too bad

I can't do lyrics, sorry )


Who: Viktoria and Allison (NPC'd with player's permission)
What: Taaank!!!
Where: The woods
When: Tank Day

Sassy brunette girls are bitches you should watch out for )


Who: Laura Kinney
What: Facing the tank/Narrative
Where: Wilderness/back dated to when the Tank was here.
Status: complete
Rating: Nothing too bad.

They didn't train her how to fight something like this. )


Who: Toby
What: Facing the tank/Narrative
Where: Just before it reached Everett
Status: complete
Rating: Nothing too bad.

Witty lyrics of your choice here. )

Apr. 19th, 2013


Who: Parker, open to Sam Winchester
What: Parker's rig goes haywire at the worst possible time
Where: Rooftop during the Tank! Battle
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13 for now, mostly due to injuries from flying glass and tangled up rig.

Oh shiny tomato! )

Apr. 18th, 2013


Who: Melissa and Cassie (Always open to other circle witches and Bonnie!)
What: Fighting the monster zombie: the Tank :P
Where: Woods
When: Backdated to yesterday
Rating: High for violence.

would she die a good witch or a bad witch? )


Who: Robin, Julia and eventually Dean (with a guest appearance by Castiel)
What: Surprise encounters
Where: The woods
When: Tank Day
Warnings: Violence and language

Now the dark begins to rise Save your breath, it's far from over Leave the lost and dead behind Now's your chance to run for cover I don't want to change the world I just wanna leave it colder Light the fuse and burn it up Take the path that leads to nowhere All is lost again But I'm not giving in )

Apr. 17th, 2013


Who: Zoey & Ellis <3
What: Epic rematch Zoey & Ellis vs. Tank
Where: Katherine's whorehouse and the area surrounding
When: Tank Day
Warnings: A whole lot of ass kicking

Like the moon, we borrow our light. I am nothing but a shadow in the night. So if you let me, I will catch fire. )


Who: Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America (NPC'd with player's permission)
What: 3 Avengers vs The Tank
Where: The woods
When: Tank Day
Warnings: Zombie violence?

We are scanning the scene in the city tonight We are looking for you to start up a fight There is an evil feeling in our brains But it is nothing new you know it drives us insane Running, On our way Hiding, You will pay Dying, One thousand deaths Searching, Seek and Destroy )


Who: Allison and Viktoria (NPC'd with player's permission)
What: Taaank!!!
Where: The woods
When: Tank Day

I feel numb most of the time. The lower I get the higher I'll climb and I will wonder why I got dark only to shine. )


Who: Kaitlyn and Gabriel
What: Taaank!!!
Where: Just outside the inn and then through downtown Everett
When: Now

Run or shoot? )