March 2014




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Mar. 8th, 2014


Who: Christopher and Christina
What: Talking
Where: The Inn
When: Today
Warnings: Mebbe

It's where I drank my first beer It's where I found Jesus Where I wrecked my first car I tore it all to pieces I learned the path to heaven is full of sinners and believers Learned that happiness on earth ain't just for high achievers I've learned I've come to know There's life at both ends Of that red dirt road )

Feb. 6th, 2014


Who: Derek and Christina
What: Derek and Christina find Everett completely deserted
When: Tomorrow, around noon.
Where: First the prison, then away from Everett. Then ghost town!Everett.
Warnings: Probably
Notes: Set for Friday. The vision of Kate that lures him away is only visible to Derek, since it's a trick to pull him away from the prison. It's not Kate, at all. Oh, and. Derek's going to disappear from the prison for the majority of the day, at the very least. Sorry, BH pack :x If you want your muses to notice on Friday that he's gone, feel free <3

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back, it's like a whirlwind inside of my head; It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within, It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin. )

Jan. 18th, 2014


Who: Christina and Dimitri
What: Talking
When: Today
Where: The Inn
Warnings: TBD

Everybody wants to rule the world. )

Nov. 4th, 2013


Who: Jesse and Christina
What: the unwanted reunion
When: starts at 6
Where: Lake and then Christina's place
Warnings: Possibly a pissed off devil's daughter, other TBA

How did I become the enemy? 'Cause I was your angel, Talking a good game. The same one you taught me to play )

Oct. 20th, 2013


Who: Christina and Malachi
What: meeting
When: the day that he called her out on the net
Where: the projects
Warnings: idk

headache means no lyrics )

Oct. 1st, 2013


Who: Christina and open
What: Lucifer's daughter comes to town
When: Today
Where: the woods
Warnings: Probably

I've been thinking of everything I used to want to be. )