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Dec. 18th, 2013


Who: Connor and Abby, Tesla a bit later
When: Starting now!
Where: The office and then the lake
Warnings: OH THERE WILL BE but none yet

Get this party started. Making my connection as I enter the room, Everybody's chilling as I set up the groove, Pumpin' up the volume with this brand new beat )

Nov. 25th, 2013


Who: Connor and Abby
What: Reunion
When: After Abby's net post, nov. 19th
Where: The abandoned psych hosp. then the prison
Warnings: GUSHY WUV

Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me, And how long I've waited for your touch, And if you knew how happy you are making me, I never thought that I'd love anyone so much, It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me )

Nov. 11th, 2013


Who: Penny with possibly Faith and Connor? Feel free.
What: Rage
When: Tonightish/now
Where: Supply room
Warnings: Penny has a tennis racket with Connor's name on it. <3

we're gonna rock this house until we knock it down, so turn the volume loud cause it's mayhem til the am. so baby make just like k-fed and let yourself go, let yourself go. say fuck it, before we kick the bucket, life's too short to not go for broke, so everybody, everybody, (go bezerk)  )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Who: Nikola and Connor Temple
What: He meets the fanboy
When: A little past one in the morning Saturday
Where: Everett college
Warnings: Probably none

So Much For His Break )

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Christian and the prison Halloween party
What: Halloween Party!
When: October 31
Where: Prison Cafeteria
Warnings: No clue. Just remember if you want to become what your costume is, it needs at least one item from the magical costume pile. The magic will activate on the 31st, and end at midnight on the 1st. If outsiders want to party crash without an invite, then do so cause some sentry will be in costume and unable to tell. There's also the fact you're in costume and it won't be obvious you don't have an invite. If you have friends in the prison you got an invite. Chaos will now begin.

Guardian Belikov takes guarding the party very seriously )

Ooc: As with all party threads post in and either leave it open to anyone or to a specific person. Have fun and remember, Guardian Belikov is watching you.

ETA: if your costume is a ghost and it's magically enhanced you will be a ghost until the magic wears off. HOWEVER. IF YOU DIE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU'RE WEARING OR IF YOU ARE NAKED, THE MAGIC WEARING OFF WON'T BRING YOU BACK. DEAD IS DEAD, YO.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Who: Connor Temple and OPEN
What: Having a moment after a breakthrough
When: Tonight
Where: Gym
Warnings: Not really

Yeah those who loved before will be brought back together. And so they say baby, for everything a reason. And so they say baby you will be brought...brought back to me )

Sep. 30th, 2013


Who: Connor Temple and Cameron
What: Conn is checking out the machinery in a non pervy way.
When: This morning
Where: Cameron's cell
Warnings: none

AI fun times )

Sep. 16th, 2013


Who: Penelope and open
What: Ankle deep in repairs
Where: The IT Lair
When: Today
Warnings: PG for now, will edit if needed

It was one crisis after another it seemed. )

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Who: Connor Temple and Garcia
What: meeting
When: This morning
Where: IT room
Warnings: none

Can you remember ever having any fun, ’cause when it’s all said and done i always believed we were. But now I’m not so sure )

Aug. 29th, 2013


Who: Connor Temple, Narrative: open to be seen/reacted to if you like
What: Connor arrives in 2013.
When: Tomorrow morning
Where: London 2011, then Everett Wilderness
Warnings: Hope you guys don't mind I went on a bit of a story-telling

And all I could have been, And all I would have been, Was lost in time )