March 2014




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Jul. 19th, 2013


Who: Erin and Cora.
What: Hanging out.
When: After their chat.
Where: The Rec Room.
Warnings: N/A - should be tame.

She was kind of glad she moved into the prison with the other wolves because she felt comfortable around them. )


Who: Erin and Issac.
What: Meeting.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: Prision.
Warnings: Shouldn't be. Will change if needed.

A literal run in )

Jul. 5th, 2013


Who: Carol and Erin
What: Roommate bonding.
Where: Their cell in the prison.
When: Friday afternoon.
Rating: PG at most?

Under here. )

Jun. 20th, 2013


Who: Erin and Angeline.
What: Romance gone wrong.
When: Morning of June 20th.
Where: Rec Room.
Warnings: None? Will be updated if there is.

She was just happy to be around people again )

Jun. 7th, 2013


Who: Erin, Caroline, Alcide, Tyler.
What: Erin seeks help.
When: Tonight.
Where: A cabin.
Warnings: Shouldn't be any. Will update if needed.

Being a wolf was not easy and she had a feeling they could really help her.  )

May. 27th, 2013


Who: Ali and Erin
What: Ghost girl decides to check on the werewolf girl
When: now is fine
Where: in the wilderness
Warnings: doubtful

If I didn't have a headache, lyrics would go here )

Apr. 26th, 2013


Who: Erin and Open to Anyone.
What: Naked Erin can't find her clothes.
Where: The woods.
When: Morning of the 26th.
Warnings: Possible swears because it's Erin.

Hopefully she would be able to find her way back to Selene's from where she was ... and find her clothes. )

Apr. 7th, 2013


Who: Alcide and Erin
What: Two werewolves bumping into each other
When: Sunday, on his way to the prison
Where: The wilderness
Warnings: Just language, maybe? Will update when/if necessary.

In my mind worlds collide Something inside me is gone Still I keep going on In my mind oceans divide I don’t know where I belong But still I keep holding on and on )


Who: Erin and Sally.
What: Surprise!
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Selene's house.
Warnings: None.

She really hoped it was just Sally. )

Mar. 23rd, 2013


Who: Erin and Erica.
What: Meeting.
When: During the Storm of the Century
Where: Prison.
Warnings: None likely.

She had found an empty cell to sleep in when it was determined that she wouldn't be leaving and after a horrible night of sleep, Erin set her sights on finding something to entertain herself. )


Who: Erin and Luna.
What: A run in.
When: During the Storm of the Century
Where: Prison.
Warnings: Erin is feeling snarky so who knows.

She knew then that she made the right decision to live out in the projects with Selene )

Mar. 19th, 2013


Who: Erin and Dante.
What: Making an exchange.
Where: Selene's.
When: Now.
Warnings: Probably language.

Weed and the occasional drink of booze was good enough for her. )

Mar. 8th, 2013


Who: Erin and Cassie.
Where: Around town.
When: Saturday afternoon.
What: New friends go exploring.
Warnings: Probably none, will change if needed.

She looked like a Cassie so Erin just assumed that it was the girl she was meeting )

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Who: Erin and Glory.
What: Erin gets manipulated.
When: Saturday Afternoon.
Where: An abandoned house.
Warnings: Probably none.

She would really be able to decorate her room at Selene's after this trip )

Feb. 28th, 2013


Who: Sick Boy & (OPEN)
What: Roaming the streets of Everett
When: Thursday Morning
Where: ...The streets of Everett
Warnings: Mentions of heroin addiction, drug use, overdose -- As I'm hoping to attract some villain-y types so potentially the ratings / warning might come into affect a bit later.

Choose Life )


Who: Erin and Selene.
What: First meeting.
When: Last night.
Where: Selene's house.
Warnings: Wolfness likely.

She didn't need any of them, she could survive on her own, she had been for years thanks to being in foster care. )