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Dec. 5th, 2013


Who: Derek and Open or can be used as a narrative
What: Thoughts while walking around the yard
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Prison yard
Warnings: Derek's thoughts generally require a warning.

I guess I like it when we play (The way you drag me down) I guess I like it when you hate me (The way you drag me down) ‘Cause I can’t face myself in a mirror (I’m left alone with all my pain) And I disgrace myself in the mirror (I’m left alone with my shame) Fuck it, I see you in me; fuck it, I feel you in me )

Nov. 19th, 2013


Who: Peter, Roman and Cora
What: The mellow werewolf goes RAWR
Where: The trailer that Peter and his mom keep outside of the garage
When: Tuesday morning
Warnings: Rage

You take away I feel the same All these promises You promised only pain If you take away And leave me with nothing again 'Cause you can't feel my anger You can't feel my pain You can't feel my torment Driving me insane I can't fight these feelings they will bring you pain You can't take away Make me whole again )

Sep. 15th, 2013


Who: Peter and Cora
What: Meeting
Where: Somewhere on the road
When: While Cora is away from Everett
Warnings: None

And we'll never be royals, it don't run in our blood; that kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Who: Cora and Isaac
What: Isaac hits her where it hurts, and doesn't stop.
When: Tonight
Where: Solitary
Warnings: Emotional and verbal abuse.

You'd look nice in a grave. I smile at the moon; death is on my face. And if you wait too long, Then you'll never see the dawn again )

Sep. 1st, 2013


Who: Isaac, Cora, Destiny
What: Recovering memories, locating the grumpy Alpha
When: Now
Where: On the way to and then at Destiny's place
Warnings: Blood magic, gore, self harm, child abuse, trauma, dark themes, How many ways can I say 'watch out for this one it's a doozie'?

Is this dirt and mud or is it flesh and blood? When I reach my hands in, I don't know where I end. This will all make sense in the morning. )

Jul. 19th, 2013


Who: Erin and Cora.
What: Hanging out.
When: After their chat.
Where: The Rec Room.
Warnings: N/A - should be tame.

She was kind of glad she moved into the prison with the other wolves because she felt comfortable around them. )

Jul. 18th, 2013


time heals all things.

Who: Peter and Cora
Where: The woods.
When: Today, Evening.
What: Family Reunions or this week's episode of the-Hales-refuse-to-stay-dead.
Warnings: Spoilers for season three of Teen Wolf.

in this world there is nothing more than your absence. )

Jul. 6th, 2013


Who: Derek and Cora
What: Filling his sister in on the findings in the woods
When: After he comes back from seeing the bunker that Lydia and Allison found
Where: Prison, solitary
Warnings: High tension, angst, explosive tempers. You know, they're Hales.

This is not the end, this is not the beginning, just a voice like a riot rocking every revision. But you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm, though the words sound steady something empty's within them. We say yeah with fists flying up in the air, like we're holding onto something that's invisible there, 'cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear until we're dead, forget it let it all disappear )

Jun. 25th, 2013


Who: Derek, Lydia, and later on a special appearance by someone from Derek's past
What: Checking up on Lydia, and reunions of sorts
Where: The prison, at one of the towers
When: Tonight
Warnings: Explosive tempers ahoy

The world we knew won't come back, the time we've lost can't get back; the life we had won't be ours again. This world will never be what I expected. )