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Dec. 4th, 2013


Who: Jefferson and Hatter
What: Picking up Grace and making amends
When: Morning
Where: Hatter's Shop
Warnings: None!

Regrets collect like old friends. )

Nov. 17th, 2013


Who: Jefferson and Hatter
What: Post Prison Break and before being retrieved, Jefferson pays a little visit to his son.
When: Sunday, post break.
Where: Outside Hatter's shop
Warnings: Anger, but probably not much else!

Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath the clear blue sky? Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? The flames are long gone, but the pain lingers on. Goodbye, blue sky. )

Nov. 15th, 2013


Who: Hatter and Scott
What: A trade and some information
When: Tonight
Where: Out front of his shop
Warnings: none

I've got just the thing you need )

Nov. 14th, 2013


Who: Hatter and Tesla
What: seeing one another in trying times
When: Tonight
Where: Hatter's shop.
Warning: none

If you’ve got troubles, I’ll talk about you, There isn’t much that I’d actually do for you, We act friendly but compete hardcore, too, You’ve got a frenemy )

Nov. 6th, 2013


Who: Hatter and Grace, Faith mentioned with permission (narrative)
What: He comes to drop off herbs and gets a kid...what?
When: This afternoon
Where: The prison and then his place
Warnings: none really

And I may change my mind from never landing, And I may change my tune of ever descending, And I may change the ending of never arriving again, To see where I am, And after all why not...When they're only trying to take her wings )

Oct. 30th, 2013


Who: Christian and the prison Halloween party
What: Halloween Party!
When: October 31
Where: Prison Cafeteria
Warnings: No clue. Just remember if you want to become what your costume is, it needs at least one item from the magical costume pile. The magic will activate on the 31st, and end at midnight on the 1st. If outsiders want to party crash without an invite, then do so cause some sentry will be in costume and unable to tell. There's also the fact you're in costume and it won't be obvious you don't have an invite. If you have friends in the prison you got an invite. Chaos will now begin.

Guardian Belikov takes guarding the party very seriously )

Ooc: As with all party threads post in and either leave it open to anyone or to a specific person. Have fun and remember, Guardian Belikov is watching you.

ETA: if your costume is a ghost and it's magically enhanced you will be a ghost until the magic wears off. HOWEVER. IF YOU DIE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU'RE WEARING OR IF YOU ARE NAKED, THE MAGIC WEARING OFF WON'T BRING YOU BACK. DEAD IS DEAD, YO.

Oct. 13th, 2013


Who: Hatter and Jefferson
What: Hatty's enchanted fist seems to be malfunctioning...
When: Early tomorrow morning
Where: The woods inbetween his shop and the prison
Warnings: zombies!

It ain't easy growin up in World War III, Never knowin what love could be, you'll see, I don't want love to destroy me like it has done my family, Can we work it out? Can we be a family? )

Oct. 10th, 2013


Who: Jefferson and Hatter
What: ...two Hatters collide?
When: Morning
Where: Hatter's Tea Shop
Warnings: none

When logic and proportion have fallen softly dead, and the White Knight is talking backwards and the Red Queen's off with her head, remember what the dormouse said: 'Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head' )

Oct. 1st, 2013


Who: Azazeal and Hatter
What: Meeting the neighbors
When: Tonight
Where: The Inn
Warnings: Probably not

British fallen angel + man with all kinda of tea = perfect match )

Sep. 20th, 2013


Who: Penny, Julia and Hatter
What: Picking up tea for Shelly Belly
When: Backdated to ... what last week? :/
Where: Prison, then to Hatter's establishment
Warnings: Nah

the world can seem cool and grey, but you and i are here today and we won't fade into darkness, no we won't fade into darkness )

Sep. 10th, 2013


Who: Shelley and Hatter
What: Reunion, chatting, potential offers
When: Tonight
Where: Tea house
Warnings: nope!

I tried to live alone, But lonely is so lonely, alone. So human as I am, I had to give up my defenses )