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Oct. 15th, 2012


Who: Sidney Prescott, Open
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Violence/Sidney Getting Grazed/Ghostface Flashback

First Ghostface, then zombies now a shootout? )

Oct. 14th, 2012


Who: Emily and Colleen
What: Buffypocalypse
When: Buffypocalypse
Warnings: Not really considering these two are hiding like ninnies

two scared girls this way )


Who: Gwen Cooper, Open (otherwise people are free to notice the aid)
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Violence among other things

This was the Daleks all over again. )


Who: Natasha Romanoff and Open (or works as a narrative)
Where: Main prison yard
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: TBD?

And when they light up our town // I just think what a waste of gunpowder and sky )


Who: Dimitri, Rose, and Dawn
What: Defending his post and being stubborn
When: Buffypocalypse
Where: Watchtower 3 then the infirmary
Warnings: Shooting, etc.

A warning to the people, The good and the evil, This is war. To the soldier, the civilian, The martyr, the victim, This is war. )


Who: Luna Lovegood, Open within the Yard
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Magical Violence among other things

This means war but with magic. )


Who: Officer Billy Pierce and Captain Jack Harkness
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: violence I'm sure

Anyone for a chocotaco? )


Who: Clint Barton!
What: Clint's sniping at Buffy!
When: Buffyocalypse
Where: Overlooking position of the prison where Clint has clear shots at Buffy
Status: Narrative/Complete
Rating: Medium at most

Servatis a periculum [save us from danger]/Servatis a maleficum [save us from evil] )


Who: Damon and anyone else out in the yard kicking ass and trying to stop the blonde psycho (Could also serve as a stand alone if need be)
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: violence I'm sure

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse )


Who: Violet Baudelaire, Open
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Violence/Violet Getting Injuried/Olaf Flashback

Not again.... )


Who: Parker, eventually Dean
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Violence/Parker Getting Grazed

Oh shiny tomato! )


Who: Faith and Pete with brief Angelus
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: Faith gets really pissed off so probably some language

And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had )


Who: Allison, Liz and later Scott and Meredith
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: violence/near death experience

Are we enough to end the sun? Like my vision? Ending in our self-destruction, shattering our selfish prison. )


Who: Serena, Nate and later Jo
What: Buffyocalypse
When: Buffyocalypse
Warnings: violence/near death experience

Spam and Bullets. It's whats for dinner. )