World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Draco A. Malfoy [userpic]

There is someone that I can't get out of my head and there is no way in hell it should be that way. Maybe I have been reading too much. This is ridiculous. I shouldn't even be thinking like this EVER. It's just wrong. I'm sure she isn't. If it was possible I would actually consider running back to my time to beat myself senseless for even considering it.

Thank you to everyone who attended Scorpius' birthday party. I hope you have all recovered. At least we can still brew appropriate hang-over potions.

Something strange happened last night. I wish I could remember.

I know I Godboxed to a beach in France...but then...

I'm drawing a blank.

That's a sure sign that I need to stay put for a day at least. I've spent too much time partying. I need to get a job.

Oh no, maturity.

Current Mood: confused confused

I miss my Daddy! :(

And I'm 16.

Shut up!

Current Mood: sad sad

3-D glasses. Good with girlfriends, good when indulging, good just to wear around the house. They look awesome with my nargle necklace. Not so good when you're trying to drive. That was kinda fun, actually. Admit it, Laurie. You laughed.

Who's up for a cook-out on the beach?

I guess we should bow to the inevitable, Malfoy.

Oh yes. It's a fan mix. I didn't make it! )

Some people shouldn't own that...what is it? imaging software? Yes. That. Where does this abominable person live?

In case you were wondering what songs they used for...this. )


Current Mood: bitchy bitchy

I've got green food! I knew it couldn't be all that difficult to get stuff to grow in that front garden. It just needed help. A lot of help, some late night crooning and a bit of spellwork. But I've got greens!

Brilliant. Now I've just got to get rid of it. It's beginning to get a bit crowded in there.

Mum, you want some?

Draco A. Malfoy [userpic]

Okay, since I have landed here, I decided to look into it some. There are books that are supposedly about our lives. It has mine, Potter, Severus, Granger. Since when am I a work of fiction? I do admit that Half-Blood Prince did some justice to the story - BUT there are a lot of mistakes in the others and let's not even talk about Deathly Hallows.

Not only are there books but there are legions of muggle fans. What the hell? Don't even get me started on fanfiction. Thanks so much, SEV. The visions in my head are just - NO, don't even want to go there. My son better not see that - EVER. Salazar - I can't even go there. I didn't do any of that. I don't even think about that. It was kind of a turn on. Just - NO!


Why is everyone so bleeding quiet?


I was quiet too.

Pot calling kettle black!


Current Mood: energetic energetic

Fred! George!

That wasn't funny!

Where did you send me now?

Mum is gunna be so angry!

Current Mood: scared scared

Very funny, Jamie, now come and bring me back or I'm telling Dad on you. And he can make you do things, don't think he won't because he will! And Mum won't save you either, and Uncle George will never let you in his shop again, and Teddy won't share your room when he stays over.

All because you were a big, stupid jerk.

Now just, just come and get me, all right? Please?

Draco A. Malfoy [userpic]

I have the worst headache. There was a potion for this in the cabinet at the manor but I am not in the manor. This is a room. It looks like a rather nice hotel, equal to my tastes. I am not in London though and the things here are muggle. WHAT THE HELL?

There is some menu on the table for room service. It says to dial something. I have a 'Blackberry' or whatever that is. It looks like something to send messages. It might just as well explode - stupid muggle artifacts. I don't know if I should touch the think. I don't know why they call it a Blackberry either since it is green.

There is also one of the muggle tellys in this room. I have seen a few of those and it keeps saying that the weather in Los Angeles is warm. This is just all wrong. The menu says Beverly Wiltshire. I am not amused.


Does someone want to explain this?

I have...two children here. Two. At ONCE!

Um... I think the first place I should start is...

Al? Lily? Would you like to meet your "a little too young and lacking the memories of your life" Mum for lunch?

You don't have to, of course, but I would be thrilled if you agreed.


Current Mood: bouncy bouncy

I don't think the pigeons like me all that much.

And, I'm pretty positive pigeons don't cohabit the Auror department.

And I think they want Dad's sandwich. Um.

Cripes, Mum's gonna kill me if she's around here.. There won't be anything left of me. Lils better write me a nice eulogy, because there is no way I'm going to be able to go home and come out of that lecture alive.

Happy Mothers Day!

Oh! And Mrs. Potter? Any time you wanna meet is just fine with me.

I'm sure we'll have loads to talk about.

Current Mood: amused amused

Ron? Harry? I'm thoroughly unhappy with the both of you right now. I know you think I need a break from work but turning my teacup into a Portkey is not the way to get me to take one, or YOU TWO, seriously.

I should have never left you two alone with George last night. Merlin, this is ridiculous. I hate the underground.

Since I felt that the video posted earlier lacked substance... )

These people really are mad.

Is it bad that I laughed?

[Added Later]


Current Mood: cheerful cheerful

What the bloody hell is happening?

This is the first time I've seriously considered skivving off and drinking myself silly.

Someone stop me? Or enable me. Whichever you prefer.

Current Mood: bitchy bitchy
Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Judging by the lack of flail regarding this issue, I think I can safely assume, James Potter, you've failed to actually read the books.

Because I'm feeling generous I thought I'd give away the ending for you ... well part of it:

You're son names his second son after me, Severus T. Snape!


Just thought I'd share, happy reading.

My my, it seems that since I will be staying here for an indeterminate amount of time after all. Because I arrived here in my maid uniform, I believe I will be in need of new clothes to blend in with the rest of society. I will also need to look for clothes for a young lady companion of mine. Would anyone kindly be willing to give some suggestions? I am unused to dressing 'for fun', and the style of this time era is lost to me as well.



I shouldn't have watched that.

(OOC: watch in HQ)

Current Mood: cold cold
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