World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Well, I definitely miss old Neptune more and more. Miss the people. The timeline.

Maybe it's time to head back.

Lack of alone.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Tops coming off in pools full of people while you're sober.

So not cool.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Anyone actually do anything for the holiday?

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Yay graduated and all that fun shit.

Going back to bed now.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Logan. )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Sev. )

Logan. )

Lily P )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic] we wait.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

And I made the mistake of thinking my life couldn't get crazier.

Older Logan. )

Older Sev. )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Mommy? 'addy?

Hewwwoooo? Whewe awe oo?

Shit. Fuck.

We should have a chat again soon, Lynn.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Ugh. Skipping 'til graduation. Wake me up when I need to get prettier.

Severus. )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Logan. )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Filtered to Veronica, Tess, Logan, Duncan. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]


To anyone who can get Severus Snape to learn to surf, on his own volition, with a smile on his face, I will give a million dollars.

Carry on.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Thank God. Done with finals. Two weeks of nada and then!. . .Graduation.

I need to go sleep. Really need sleep.

Logan Echolls [userpic]

I don't know which is funnier, Sevvy McEvilpants and Sam "Demon King" Winchester at dawn with drawn swords, or picturing some compound in Southern Utah with us as *cough* "brothers brought together by God." I think Duncan would be quick to point out the whole "first come, first served" aspect of this, and just to be clear. Duncan was never... ever... "served."

And just so you know? Pretty sure any honor and/or virginity -- God, I can't even say that word without laughing -- which I may have once possessed was stolen from me by the incomparable and evil Lilly Kane.

Wow, homoerotic undertones for the win.

Logan Echolls [userpic]
For the Incomparable Lilly Kane

Something befitting a person of your taste, I hope. I always kinda sucked at picking jewelry. This reminded me of you. I owe lunch, Lils. Love ya. And back to this whole baby business and for the love of God let's hope Ace decides he wants out today.

Lilly )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Okay, world. I hope you're ready for the return of Miss Kane.

Sev, babe, let's make some plans, here!

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

For pity's sake.

All of you stop fighting. Like, now. I'm OKAY. I'm alive. And frankly, aside from the OMG ICK, that's all I'm worried about.

Veronica, no one hates you.

Duncan, stop being an ass.

Logan. . .do what you gotta do but be careful or so help me God I'll help Tess kick your ass.

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Taking off for a while.

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