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War Is Coming Communications.



November 5th, 2010

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Patrols just aren't the same when there's no obvious bad guys. Sometimes I really just want to be able to see the evil again. Like a Turok-Han. there was no way they were anything other than evil.

Least I can kick loosers out of work.

October 24th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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Now I'm in the mood to watch Pineapple Express, dammit.

Anyone around here own it so I can actually watch a good copy, and not just an internet bootleg?

October 23rd, 2010

Filtered to the Good Guys

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I'm having a thought. Idea. Probably not the most genius of ideas but here it goes.

We're in an Apocalypse. I know, I know, duh Vi. Everyone knows this because the seal brought them here and most of our introductions now to new people includes, "Hi, welcome to Lawrence, Kansas and the Apocalypse!" So here we are, gearing up to fight a big battle and fighting a bunch of little ones along the way. Which we're not doing half bad at, right? We've pretty much smacked down most of what has been thrown at us.

My idea. Point. Thought. Whatever. A lot of us live in this complex, some of us outside of it, but we're all pretty much in the know. The supernatural exists. Lucifer is a threat. Good and Evil deserve their capital letters. So I'm thinking maybe we could set up some kind of database of powers and abilities and skills so maybe in the future, when something comes up, we have that reference. Like volunteers for a mission or, God forbid, someone gets possessed. Kind of nice to know who you're going up against, right? And with people showing up and disappearing, it's kind of hard to keep track sometimes.

I know some of us are still thinking exposure risks. Believe me, back home, announcing that you're a vampire Slayer was not the smart thing to do because people would either think you were insane, a terrorist, or get you into trouble. But we all pretty much know we're a collection of unique skills/abilities/powers/etc, so it really wouldn't be exposing anything? (And for those of you thinking up a comment to that sentence because it doesn't sound the best, stfu.

So what do you guys think? Yes, no, maybe, shut up Vi and go play your Wii until we need you to go kill some evil thing?

October 22nd, 2010

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So, we've had a bit of an influx recently, seems like the time for a getting to know you.

Give me three fun facts about yourself and one 'I have never'

Lets see,

I'm Kennedy O'Sullivan, I'm a Vampire Slayer, I have seen Gone With the Wind more times than most people have seen Star Wars and back home my folks have two summer houses and a bigass mansion.

I have never actually drunk a cup of tea.

October 12th, 2010

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Just so everyone knows? Kennedy is seriously hot. And good at what she does. Lucky me!

October 7th, 2010

Filtered against baddies

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Fighting the bad guys, making sure the world doesn't end. Priority #1.

But one night off can't hurt, right? Like, say, going to Kansas City, Mo, to the Uptown Theater on May 19th to see Cobra Starship. Anybody?

October 5th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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It seems like Buffy has disappeared since I was here last. She was teaching me self defense. Does anyone want to pick up where she left off?

October 1st, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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I love the fact that my boss seems to be scared of me. Seriously. He doesn't get pissed at me when I don't show up for work for a few days, tries not to come near me too much when I am there (there's a look of fear in his eyes when I have to talk to him about something), doesn't say anything when I walk out with a bottle of whatever at the end of my shift, even though I'm nineteen, and pretty much just lets me do whatever I want.

September 30th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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So, cruise ships have wifi now. Isn't that awesome?

Anyway, so I go out of town and still end up saving someone even though it's supposed to be my week off. But, I'm prone to being the hero type. Everyone seems to know that.

Here's how my day has gone.

Get up. Yummy cruise ship waffles. Visit an island. Get myself a super touristy snow globe. Have lunch at a cute little islandy outdoor cafe place. Save Ron from a teensy tiny spider because his screams alone alerted a six block radius to it's presence. Do random other touristy stuff. Get back on the ship. Have ice cream. Post this.

September 27th, 2010

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It looks like a good way to get rid of residual War-induced itchy with a B feelings is to watch violent action movies and let the characters vicariously get rid of it for you. Or maybe that's just my lame excuse for hermiting in my room for a couple of days with junk food.

Although if someone ever recommends Twilight as an action movie, they're full of crap. The vampires sparkle. Sparkle. Ken, you have to see this. I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face.

September 25th, 2010

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So how does this complex thing go? Work in exchange for rent?

September 24th, 2010

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You know, I planned on sleeping the second i got into my place again. I really did. But I can't. nightmares again I haven't seen anyone with black eyes in the complex or out either. Clark looked normal too.

September 20th, 2010

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We're running low on supplies so now the bread I made between the making crosses and holy water has beer in it.

I'm calling 'For science' on it. Its edible, weirdly pizza like. If anyone wants it.

September 12th, 2010

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I can't get back in the complex and I can't get out of the bloody city.

I'm not possessed either, so unless you feel like having your throats ripped out don't come near me with that holy water.

September 11th, 2010

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1.) Lucifer. If you're reading this, go die in a fire.
2.) That goes for you butt kissing minions too.
3.) Apocalypse? You suck.
4.) I have a weird craving for a cookie.
5.) This whole demons possessing innocent people so I can't kill them? Yeah, that sucks too.

Oh. One more thing. I AM NOT A DEMON. Are we clear on that? Good.

September 10th, 2010

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Uh, Chuck? The new batch of holy water you made? I'm thinking it's not all that holy. Because I hit the NOW POSSESSED ANDREA with it and it DIDN'T WORK.

BUT ANDREA IS POSSESSED. And this is bad. This is badbadbadbad.

I can't figure out how they got in the complex!

September 7th, 2010

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Do you guys do patrols? Anything like that?

Its not that I have an obsessive need to organize but...

...okay it's that I have an obsessive need to organize. It's a Slayer thing I think

September 6th, 2010

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I'm hungry. I want something good. Like a pizza. Or a hamburger. With cheese. A cheeseburger. God, that sounds so good.

[ooc: Day one of Sam on his demon blood medication. Er, potion. Whoo, side effects!]

September 2nd, 2010

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I miss my credit cards.

I really do. I never realised how much I rely on them. I wanted a new jacket today and found out I'd have to save and budget and stuff, which I know makes me sound like Princess Kennedy but I never had to think about money. Like ever.

How do you get a job, and make it fit around the ass kicking portions of the day/night? Also what am I even qualified to do? And no smartass answers from the Vi in the back thank you!

September 1st, 2010

Filtered against baddies.

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I'm gonna start some armed combat practice tomorrow. I've been practicing and I've got the whole rock salt + bullets = good times for baddies down. If you want to learn how to get some shooting down or just want to show for practice, sign up here and meet me at [address] tomorrow.
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