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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 14th, 2011

Filtered to Ava.

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I need your help.

June 10th, 2011

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Mom and Dad
So, what I said to Mom during the truth water thing was, well, the truth obviously. I don't intend to give up my apartment or independence, but I also feel like a jerk when I make Mom upset now that I'm getting that she actually wants me around and doesn't just feel obligated hear what Mom's saying in terms of this being kind of the only chance we have to do the family thing. I mean, I had a family, Grandma and Grandpa are the best and I wouldn't trade growing up with them for anything, but you know what I mean if you are geniuses, because I don't even know what I mean. So if you two still have that spare room maybe Daisy and I could stay there part of the week? Like Monday through Wednesday and on earth holidays? With everything that's happened recently sometimes I feel better knowing you guys are around so...no. That is lame. I'm not a baby, I'm seventeen, I don't need... kriff. I mean, it's fine if that's not okay. I like the way things are, I'm fine with that. It's just an idea in case it ever sounds like a good idea.

Also Kon says he'd be fine with coming over for dinner sometime, so you guys can name the day. If you interrogate him or mention the clone thing I will have Daisy chew the legs off of all of your furniture. Also Dad is not allowed to be in a room alone with him. Also no glaring. Those are the rules.

So, here's where I start lying to you, great Hey, um, I'm sorry about the truth water thing. You know, what we talked about and how upset I got. You're...okay and everything right? I'm kind of feeling bad about not having been around as much since Jen went back when this was all apparently going on, it was just hard being at her place and knowing she and Rose were gone.

Hey, so, I need to get out to [address of country house where Ava-detoxing will go down] tomorrow afternoon. Do you think you could give me a lift and help me check the place out to make sure it won't be falling down any time in the next couple weeks? Um, I promise I'll explain on the way. You're probably not going to like this

June 8th, 2011

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Right, then. Since we're all stuck being so brutally honest for a bit (did someone slip Veritaserum in all our drinks?), let's go on and put a real spin on it all, shall we?

If you know about my world, you know what the Sorting Hat is. If you don't, then you're sorely deprived of a magical and life-changing experience, because the Sorting Hat is vital to all things Hogwarts and then some. You put on the hat, it tells you which house you belong in, right? From then on, you're categorized in with a group of people that you're to share a living space with and will very likely form life-long bonds and friendships with or something or another. All in all, it's very important and even though the hat isn't here right now, I reckon we all can sort of honestly sort ourselves for the sake of our entertainment, yeah?

Save me. You lot already know I'm a proud Gryffindor, through and through.

All you've got to do is pick one. And since I know some of you aren't all that clear on how the houses work, let alone anything in my world, really, I'll explain each option as I go.

GRYFFINDOR: The house of the brave, the daring, and chivalrous. To be quite clear on the description, basically this house is for the most brilliant and wonderful people that you will ever have the pleasure of meeting in your life.

HUFFLEPUFF: They're all about the hard work, loyalty, and patience. Very popular house, this one.

RAVENCLAW: Clever and intelligent people go here.

SLYTHERIN: They say that Slytherin is all about those who value ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness, but really, if you're rotten, rubbish, and a royal prat, this is the place for you.

So where do you lot go?

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I'm not a nice person. I mean I play the good christian thing but I'm not a good person. I manipulate, I've cheated on my boyfriend and according to the show I do it more. I lied and told said boyfriend he'd gotten me pregnant cause I didn't want to admit it was Puck. I treat people like crap that threaten me and even the ones that don't, they wind up messed up too.

I don't want to screw up my daughter. I don't want to be my Dad


I treat you worst of all. And I know I do and I'm sorry but I'm just so scared you're gonna leave me cause I want it to be just us. Cause I hate thinking about you hooking up with anyone else.

I'm terrified you're only with me for Beth's sake.

June 7th, 2011

Filtered against baddies.

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I don't eat ketchup anymore. Every time I squeeze it out of the bottle, it reminds me of demon blood and then I start to pretend that maybe it is and it's weird.

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Everyone's being so truthful tonight.

It's really kind of alarming.

May 23rd, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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So, did I get so trashed last night that I blacked it out entirely? Because I could have sworn I stayed home and didn't drink, let alone go and pick someone up for the night. But this morning I woke up and there was a chick in my bed.

A chick who is clearly psychotic and has locked herself in my bathroom and is screaming about ripping my face off. And no, it's not Quinn, no matter how much the "psychotic" part might make you think tha

Gotta say, this is a bloody awful day so far.

May 10th, 2011

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If anyone has any idea where that son of a bitch Brady is, you'd better tell me now.

Otherwise, stay out of my goddamn way.

[ooc: Annnnd demonblood!Sam is back. SOMEONE GET HIM A LEASH.]

May 6th, 2011

Filtered to Ava.

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How do you do it?

May 3rd, 2011

Filtered to Ruby

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I need to summon a demon. A specific one - I have a name. Like, a demon-name. How do I go about doing that?

May 1st, 2011


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Looks like you didn't disappoint me. Over nine thousand dead. The guy downstairs is pleased, which means I'm pleased. Plus the little emo Jedi killed Alema before I let boredom get the best of me and caught twenty kinds of crazy space STDs. A nice big round of great timing and plans coming together.

So, ready for that name?

April 21st, 2011

Filtered to Brady

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So, what can you tell me about this whole drinking demon blood thing?

[ooc: Filter is to Brady by me to avoid the confusion of just putting, like 'demon' or 'that demon guy' or something, but Ava does not yet know his name, so just assume it's sent to whatever name/account he contacted her from!]

April 20th, 2011

Filtered against baddies + kidlets!

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Since I'm pretty sure that the cat is more than out of the bag now, I thought I'd tell you all in a more straightforward manner for further clarification on the matter.

I'm addicted to demon blood. It's a bizarre thing to be addicted to, I know, but I'm not exactly normal myself either. No, I'm not a vampire. I'm something else. I'm human I think, but I've got parts of me on the inside that are screwed up. It's hard to explain.

My behavior last night was only a tiny reflection on how bad I could be in the future and how bad I definitely was in the past, back when I was still on it. I know it's weird and I'll understand if most of you don't want anything to do with me because it disgusts you, but there it is. I felt that, given my behavior earlier, you all deserved to hear it straight from my mouth, rather than simply being left with the bits and pieces of conversation you might have picked up on last night. I'm sorry if I offended or worried any of you and, if you tell me to, I promise I'll stay away if me and my addiction bother you. You won't ever have to talk to me again. I'll understand.

Furthermore, I apologize for blatantly posting something so distracting on the boards. Allana was right - we have a serious situation going on outside our doors right now and we really need to be focusing on that.

(Filtered to Ruby)
I was way out of line. I'm sorry.

April 19th, 2011

Filtered against baddies + BB's!

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Pretend there was a super powerful, but completely forbidden energy drink that you had to guzzle to kill a bad guy. This energy drink kinda screws with your head sometimes when you drink it, 'cause it's really strong and delicious and oh god I need it why can't I stuff, but you know that by drinking it you can do some good, so you figure you might well just go ahead and drink it anyway to take a few son of a bitches down.

Then there's Lucifer. He's a bigger target, obviously ten times more likely to be the guy you want to take outta the picture with your energy drink induced powers. Thing is, one drink isn't gonna cut it for someone so damn powerful. So, you think, maybe you'll just steal as many energy drinks as possible, make a night of it, then hunt the Devil down.

Theoretically, as this is purely me sitting here bored and trying not to give myself a concussion from all this headdesking I've been doing as to keep myself from running at the crate that Brady left me, even if the energy drink was technically a Very Bad Thing, would following through on it really be so horrible if you end up saving the world? And if, this time, you know that following through on it won't actually end the world like it did last time? Yes? Yeah, that's what I thought. Just checking.

April 9th, 2011


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Hello, we haven't met but I've heard quite a bit about you from my bosses. I'm a demon I'm sorry to say since I think that will get us off on the wrong foot. Before you ask, no, I'm not writing you to threaten you or try to trick you into selling me your immortal soul. Souls get really boring to collect after awhile, they're just sort of useless incorporeal things, and then you send them to Hell and never see them again so what was the point anyway other than networking and looking good for the boss? So don't worry about any of that.

What I do want to do is make a business arrangement. You've got that lovely demon-controlling power everyone's so scared of you for. I'm asking you not to use it. Something's going to happen soon, big things moving and shaking in Kansas, and I want you to stay out of it. Don't warn anyone, don't try to save anyone, and all around no heroics. If you do that, wait it out, I'll tell you which demon killed your fiance. You will be quite welcome to use your power on him, of course.

Questions? Concerns?

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I make bodyguarding look good.

April 8th, 2011

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[[Force users: expect to feel pretty intense upset-ness from this corner like, um, how you would feel if the first friend you ever made was gone? haha. Also please assume comments between Allana and Ava are filtered, we did that thing where you reply without a filter label to comments on a pre-filtered post and blahblah formatting sorry!]]

Public ETA a few minutes after the Ava filter: Jen got sent back. She's dead.

Have you seen Jen? I can't feel her anywhere but there was no...I mean she didn't feel worried or in pain, she just, she was there and then I sort of checked in on her and she was gone. Is she home? Or, I mean...you've seen her right? She's okay?

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So...I saw an accident. A car accident. Only I'm pretty sure I've made it worse. But she was going to die, there was no way she would have...Oh crap am I gonna need to stake her. I'm gonna need to stake her. Mitchell would. I can't keep...

So what kind of job should a nurse who can't nurse get. Ideas?


Would it be really messed up if I asked could I bite you again? It doesn't pass on when I do.

Filtered against baddies.

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I think it's been long enough since I've posted something like this from my direction. This is mostly for some of the newcomers here, who I haven't really gotten the chance to talk with yet.

My name is Sam Winchester. I'm from this world, so I was never really dragged through a seal or anything to get here. That means that I was here from the very beginning, way before all this apocalypse stuff started happening. I know about demons, I know about monsters, and I know how to fight them, for the most part, because I'm a Hunter. I've been hunting down things like demons my whole life, so if you ever have any trouble getting the hang of defending yourself against them, come to me and I'll help you as best as I can.

If you're interested in hunting and think you've got the stomach for it, I can start taking you out to see if you can handle it. I've been lining up a few hunts, so let me know if you're interested.

But first...

(Filtered to Dean)
Looks like we got some shifters in Texas. You in?

(Filtered to Ava)
Any news on Jennifer's condition?

(Filtered to Ruby)
I talked to the seller about the house. He said we can move in as soon as we put in our down payment.

We need to find a down payment.

(Filtered to Booth)
Anything on Parker's kidnapper yet? I've been checking all over the place, but nothing's come up on my end.

April 2nd, 2011

Filtered to Jen!

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Okay, so, I'm trying to get help with do some kind of research on your whole... thing. See if there's some kind of alternative, or if we just need to get used to you eating people, or what. But that means I need to know, like, everything you know about your demon thing and what happened to you and ...just, everything. I'm gonna get this fixed.

[ooc: OOPS. Filterfail. Thanks, Yami <3]
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